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Last week:
>628,000 (0.19)
This week:
>677,000 (0.21)
Last year:
>824,000 (0.24)
oh dear
>HIGHEST P2+ SINCE JUN. 18, 2024

>HIGHEST P18-49 SINCE JUL. 9, 2024
look at that YOY number
poor bitchtits kek
oh no
Seething AEWtist includeing YOY number
>Punk only worth 49k viewers
No wonder Collision never hit a milly
Its getting close. Next week drop then we'll see what CW does
CM Punk is not a draw
>Gutfeld 2.861 milly
Both Raw and NXT skyrocketed this week. PEDOwheels is for sure going to kill himself tonight. Which sucks because I wanted to make fun of him when Dynamite plummets tomorrow
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so this this the drawing power of cm punk?
i bet you fucking stink.
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I was expecting over 700 with Punk
Could beat Dynamite this week but it seems to be the trend that Dynamite and NXT go hand in hand with skyrockets/plummets.
All of Roxanne's promo segments are rough viewing and last nights was no exception.
I have no idea why they keep sending her out there with a mic to talk for ten minutes, she's someone who was a big wwe fan in 2016 and it shows in her work
>Answers to PEDOwheels
Fraid not GROOMERwheels. On the other hand I know you stink especially your breath after eating your dad's jizz LMFAOO
He cooled off. This always happens to him.
This is the NXT card that will beat every AEW show in the ratings this week

>Lyra Valkyria and Tatum Paxley vs Rosemary and Wendy Choo
>Hammerstone vs Tony D'Angelo
>Eddy Thorpe vs Ashante Adonis
>Cedric Alexander and Jevon Evans vs Myles Borne and Tavion Heights
>Brooks Jensen vs Dion Lennox
>Lola Vice vs Jacy Jayne
because its developmental and thats the only part of her game that needs work
a reminder that this discord faggot troon wasnt even in the gamethread watching the show and he does this just to console war and shit up the board
And this time he can't get the heat back up by stirring up drama and getting fired, then bitching about the evil bad fed owner that didn't let him drag his company kicking and screaming to the land of milk and honey.
>thats the only part of her game that needs work
he's right though. she's not perfect at everything else but she's good enough in ring, with her physical charisma and in backstage segments. her only real struggle point is her live promo
Normally I wouldn't be surprised if he managed to get his heat back, but modern WWE is so soft and childish I think it's a tall order for him to thrive there.
oh great the punk schizos are in here
man this nigga must have gotten molested a lot in his younger days LOL
bitchtits is a discord troon
>Last year:
>>824,000 (0.24)
What was the show last year? Was that the one with Cena and Undertaker?
>Answers to PEDOwheels
>Admits he swallows his dad's jizz
PEDOwheels the same night you admitted to eating your dad's cum you also let it slip that your uncle molested you. Don't even try backtracking now. Btw NXT won LMFAOO
i think it was when becky beat tiffany
CM Punk lost
Dynamite would need to lose 40k viewers to lose. Is there any competition tonight? I know they were against the VMA last week.
careful yall this nigga in a death spiral
us genuine nxtchads don't claim this guy
He's not wrong. She's dreadful on the mic but she can go. She's cute too. Being a heel doesn't work for her at all.
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you just admitted you don't watch the shows so whatever you say from now on is considered discord headcanon and you are a tranny
Big time Becks is a bigger draw than CM Punk
her promo last night was fucking BRUTAL. CM Punk didn't help either. I don't know why they tried again with her, she shits up everything and has been exposed by every woman they've brought up since. Remember that Jaida Parker interview where Jaida was giving a really great natural promo.... then Roxanne shows up and it's just embarassing. Her and Cora have been suprassed so hard it's not even funny
I thought he was on the show last night
>Admits his uncle molested him
PEDOwheels you saying nigga won't change anything. You're still the crippled mick, you still eat your dad's jizz, and Tranpage still got canceled LMFAOO
i think she's almost there. it feels like she just lacks confidence on the mic which is weird because she is really confident at literally everything else. it just needs to click with her and she will be the full package mexican alexa bliss
bring back the sashaschizo gimmick
>CM Punk all over the show
>only gains 49k viewers
>she's good enough in ring
top kek she has the some of the least believable offense going, soft as fuck, every single woman mogs her. Watching her in the ring with the other women is like watching Tyler Bate or Gargano or whatever other manlets people here hate
>I have no idea why they keep sending her out there with a mic
Because she wants to be AJ Lee so bad lmfao
Erm she's a prodigy tho, it's true cuz booker t tells me all the time :)
>she's almost there.
LOL what evidence do you have? Post one promo of hers that makes you think "she's almost there" because for the past few years it's but nothing but cringe, face or heel. I know she makes ya willy tingle bro but if we're forced to pretend that women's wrestling is serious then we need to criticise them fairly
i disagree. i think her stuff looks pretty good. she's not doing anything someone her size shouldn't be doing. she picks limbs and wears people down, doesn't dominate them in the ring, doesn't do high flying flips or power moves. its all just really natural stuff in my opinion
what i mean is that her promos are very bad but its because she lacks any sort of confidence on the mic and once she finds that she will improve quickly. its weird that you hate her so much, is it just because she hangs out with punk?
She has zero charisma. There is no easy fix for that and often times no fix. And the potential fix is time and life experience so it's not changing any time soon, if ever.
Good night Dynashite
Could this week get any worse for Rovert?
Another win for the E-Chads.
I thought Punk was a big draw, what happened?
Nope. Why do you think Rampage got cancelled? He made his debut there.
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It was just renamed actually
>Show is renamed
>AEW get's a x4 increase from WBD
>And another 40milly from Fox
yeah I'm thinking bitchtits lost i'm afraid
If that helps you cope with Rampage being cancelled, more power to ya
PEDOwheels is still crying that Tranpage got cancelled. Like I said my only hope is that tonight he doesn't blow his brains out with a shotgun because I am REALLYYYY looking forward to bullying him off the board for a day when the Dynamite ratings are posted.
nah it was renamed
I know we only care about rockets/plummets here, but I'd like to point out we're missing the elephant in the room here that NXT was #1 on cable last night.
the first time bitchtits lost was the day he was born and his parents saw how fucked up he looked and made the unconscious choice to not love him
the second time he lost was several years ago when CHADvert called him a faggot on twitter and laughed at him and sent him into the deranged spiral you still see today
>punk can't get nxt past 700k
That cw number is going to be brutal after week 1
Rankings are irrelevant, only hard numbers matter
It's better to be number 5 with a milly than it is to be number 1 with no milly
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>AEWtists are shook because NXT is cutting close to what Dynamite does every week
>NXT is cutting close
It gets close, then the gap gets bigger, then it gets close again, and so on
Punk can't touch Big Time Bex
This is like the 30th time nxtrannies try to proclaim nxt is taking over and yet they remain bottom feeders.
How's Collision doing?
>Smackdown gets foisted over to USA a month early, effectively being canceled by Fox
>USA announces it's cutting Raw's third hour for the remainder of its time on their network starting in October
>Smackdown's premiere on USA fails to get 2 milly
>Raw attendance plummets and the hard cam side is left glaringly empty
>CM Punk is promoted for NXT and has multiple apperances throughout the show only to gain 49k viewers
>Fox puts out a celebratory social media post about how great the college football numbers did in Smackdown's previous spot calling it the best numbers that timeslot has seen in months
Also this week for WWE
Why is PEDOwheels trying to slide this? He's not afraid of Dynamite losing is he?
>muh CM Punk
there were no big matches promoted and they ran a contract signing in the opening and main event. Still skyrocket
Fox is paying well over $5M per college football game, they paid under $4M per Smackdown episode. I would certainly hope college football is doing higher ratings.
Kek what a star CM Punk is
You're not sliding this GIGAskyrocket PEDOwheels.
damn not even to 100 posts and it's already just bitchtits talking to himself
You can tell PEDOwheels is really mad that he couldn't slide this thread. But it won't even come close to when NXT on The CW rapes Trannymite. Speaking of rape don't forget that his own father rapes him LMFAOO
bitchtits is creatively bankrupt
i was told phil was a draw
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>Aew trannies realize they can't laugh too hard at the rating because it's better than some of the recent Dynamites
Look how quickly I get PEDOwheels to respond. It brings me so much joy knowing it's 4am in Ireland and I still got him bubblin
bitchtits seriously, take a few weeks off, maybe get back in the gym, call up ojama see if he will come work an angle with you. do something, it's always painful to see a vet who doesn't know when it's time to change things up.
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he still can't process smackdown getting cancelled and it's been a year
it's over for him
>Answers to PEDOwheels
>Starts replying to himself
PEDOwheels is losing sleep over me bullying him. He actually wants me to leave because he can't mentally handle it anymore LMFAOOOOOOOOOO GRIMMMMMMM
really is sad to see posters get to the end of their career but you may be right
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They strill can't process that HAMPAGE was cancelled.


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