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Previous: >>15791527

NXT characters so far:
Giulia: came to biggest company in the world to challenge NXT championship
Roxanne Perez: current NXT champion, seethe about Giulia all the time
Chelsea Green: hates Giulia's entrance routine, was knocked out by Giulia
Ava: Rock's daughter
Funaki: a translator
CM Punk: face of the company, loves the product, helping out his fellow colleagues whenever he can

Next show (Tuesday 8 PM EST): press conference with Giulia
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Too bootiful for wrestling
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perfectly sized booblia
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you can tell she's gonna be the big joshi star paul has been desperate for based on her english skills alone
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USA Network had her for 3 weeks and fell in love
Hopefully she gets to demonstrate those by answering shoot questions on the press conference.
Giulia TUMMY
Giulia PITS
Giulia BACK
Giulia BUTT
Giulia TITS
Giulia FEET
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Giulia arms.
Gotta be honest. Knew nothing about Giulia prior to her showing up on NXT really other than she evidently works stiff and is /pw/‘s sweetheart but I’m actually incredibly excited to keep up with her.

This girl’s got some serious confidence and charisma. A lot of new Japanese talent either come off as timid or the loud, rambunctious happy to be here type. Giulia genuinely moves and comes off with “I own this fucking ring” energy and it’s awesome. She’s like very deliberate about the way she moves and works the crowd. She immediately comes off as having some serious intangibles and a badass. Aura I guess. Consider me on the hype train.
Giulia is both Soft n' Squishy and Solid n' Tight, you can't explain that.
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She keeps getting away with it!
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love love love giulia
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She's got bad taste in men.
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this is super cute
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Her best look
Is she actually with him? Because if so it's pretty fucked up that he had no clue about her going to NXT
He was clearly fucking around
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Glorious BUMPER
how long until giulia gets busted for roids
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I do it for Giulia
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I am so terribly lonely
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She's talking to me
>me now
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Best Giulia look (I say this about every Giulia look)
I'm in love bros
Always right on point, anon.
They broke up. She mention in an interviewer that her long term bf cheated on her
>62 replies in two days
countdown is on, your posts are numbered
Giulia learned using a spoon the hard way.
no donna? no bella mafia? where are the guilia lore references?
Post more
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Post Giulia butthole
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She will do this to Roxanne
yeah because hhh was well known for following the wellness policy
She looks soo good on pixie like short hair
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didn't meant to reply
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Giulia juice
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giulia teamed with lola and jaida at a house show
Will we see it?
Nice zits roid freak
not unless you find footage somewhere
She's insecure about her lack of ass.
its not roids, its just her skin
fucking shit
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>its not roids
its not roids
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the match
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Stardom is like 2 promotions ago brah
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Still the best thing out there to watch.
Thekla's schizo adventure among Giulia's friends is my favorite.
i hate that gear that covers her ass. terrible fix it shawn
Giulia is not for ass, forget it.
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What's her finisher?
Ghoulia is on steroids.
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She needs too wear this gear again
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Some variant of northern lights bomb.
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Or some variant of glorious driver.
Or she does running power bomb or something.
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new friends
Thanks anon/s
This is meh.
This is better.
It's hardly an understatement to say that she is beautiful and perfect and that I love very much
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imagine the group sex after the show.
hahaha that would be really sexy
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When posted this picture, i didn't knew Giulia called them new friends, i just assumed.
Must be to my BIC immediately
Researching Giulia's naked body (scientifically)
Thinking about licking those armpits
thinking about her hairy dark brown butthole
Thinking about licking that too now
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Absolutely flawless
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They're taking questions for the press conference segment on NXT Tuesday.
She's literally but also really perfect
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I love her so much
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Pretty eyes without the contacts
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Three smoochable players
The classic iconic Giulia look
I need to blow air into her and let her release it out onto my face
The perfect aesthetic
I kinda want to see what Giulia's pussy looks like
Thinking about gently nibbling Giulia's chin while holding her in a soft and caring caress
I sent complain to baked.live. Hope they start streaming NXT house shows.
Incredible ring presence
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They’re all trannies it’s not worth it.
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Back then there were only two Gius
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Absolutely flawless
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>worked in a cabaret before wrestling
Her pussy must be in worse condition than Mickie James arby's kek
Original Trio DDM was the peak of wrestling
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I love Giulia oh so very much
I have more giulia's than I care for
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Giu is the only JoSHIT who’s threads/generals I don’t hide
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show her some respect you piece of shit
Giulia makes that same face when I put it in
she makes that face when she smiles for a prolonged time
in fact, many people do
its not disgust
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Himechan never miss
>her backstory is that everyone loves her
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fat giu
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Pasta-stuffed Princess
And who would not
What a demented faggot
Giulia is dumb
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Sareee won.
I really wouldn't mind rubbing Giulia's feet in fact I would probably enjoy it if I'm honest
Even holding hands would mean the world to me
162 cm (5 ft 4) 55 kg (121 lb) of pure talent and raw sex appeal
Giulia is cringe and has already flopped
Your post is wrong and you're retarded
Not on my watch
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She needs too go back too this weight. Super sexy
Thank you for your honesty
Press conference starts.
They should tell us exactly what time Giulia is going to show up
Its starting
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I'm just watching for Funaki
Wrong language.
subbed and dubbed
Bit rough
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>"Hold that title close..."
I NEED her to milk my prostate
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Hard to watch, especially the part where they waiting for Vaquer to interfere.
God she's cute
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Anything for our Giuls
How can a woman exude so much powerful sexual energy
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Love Love Love
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the queen of peedub
My wife Himeka
I'm appreciate that Giulia's instagram account manager not pretending to be Giulia and referring to her in third person.
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Giantess fetish activated
You must be looking at the wrong account
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i would have protected Giulia from bullies growing up
They would have rouxed the day they messed with her if I was a round
She made a couple of first person posts in in her usual minimalistic manner, therefore i think those are her own, but the rest are from WWE PR.
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No those are just reposts of official NXT posts. She’s tagged in them and it’s linked to her account now so she reposts them
You are talking about when the official NXT account posts something and has “collaborators” with whoever is involved in the segment, like Roxanne. Both of them can repost that. It’s still them doing it, not a manager or anything.
Thank you Giulia
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This was her best look
What a woman of the world.
Her skin must smell like almond milk and honey
Giulia should've brought her sidekick Mai to america
Giulia is too smart to play all her cards at once
Giulia will tease Utami match after her main even in Wrestlemania.
My knee is a bit itchy which distracted me from thinking about Giulia for a second
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giulia finna be fat
It will go too her ass. Chublia is peak sex
So stylish
Utami fucking sucks and she's fat. We don't want her.

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