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>If ya take a jab at me, I'm gonna fucking take out my Uzi and spray the room over and over.
"THE GREAT" Brian Last. Ya just gotta...
unadulterated mid 00's internet tough guy bullshit
That's Craig Proper.
I wish Twitter would break and likes become public again for a day. I bet this sicko has gone on a mask-off spree cheerleading Israel's genocide even more than he already did.
Its just the jewish style.
Meanwhile he lives in a secluded gated community terrified of visitors. Him freaking out over that random guy showing up at Corey's house was exactly what you'd expect from Mr Internet tough guy.
Corey is fucked in the head.
What the fuck is an uzi
What’s so proper about him?
an israeli submachine gun. not joking, he mentioned it specifically because it was invented in israel
How did people not get that Craig meant it metaphorically and not that he was planning to take out an actual uzi and start firing it
It’s embarrassing regardless
Yes! The uzi is refering to his BJC.
that's aight gaped Brian Last cause I'm going to pull out my whip and beat your ass right out of your own daddy-bought mcmansion
Is he still trying to get the keyboard gimmick over?
fraid so
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/pw/ JesusBROTHERS, never accept the wheelin dealin jews, never trust the jivin jungle jabronis, tell those mexicans their entire country is four ingredients, BROTHER!
Anyone ever hear his story about having his foot ripped off in a workplace accident?
has brian last ever started an online fight that he didn't immediately back down from
No, sadly Brian Last is kind of shit, but just not as shit as Conrad
Brian the "Grate" [jew] Last is a fat J.E.W. fron Long Island New York. His claim to fame is being a fat jew and Cornette's sidekick-- willing to put up with all the cringe that Jim Cornette [cuck] spews in his vicinity

Dont get it twisted- AEW is embarassing and cringe
Have Cornette and Last ever gotten to any legitimate arguments? I wonder if their friendship has ever been put to the test.

Have a rare Corny
He looks like Chris Pratt.
why are the only two options for wrestling podcast co-hosts both fat ass scam artists
his love of pearl jam
what's so brian about him
They each have a para social relationship as they're both hermits who have no friends besides each other so they get along. Whenever Corny gets uppity and thinks about not doing the show, Brian reminds Corny that he's "under contract" to do however many shows per week or whatever

He certainly made Cornette sign some bullshit contract that was advantageous to him.
They were real life friends before that.
That's not what a parasocial relationship is and you made up everything else you said. Please tell people irl that you fantasize about a wrestling manager from the 80's, and see what they say.
Brian lives in terror of some other podcast mark guy getting ahold of his meal ticket and cutting him out. He gets real nasty if he thinks someone is getting too friendly with his Jimmy.
when cornman does pass does this fat fuck fade away or does he do anything else meaningful?
Get off of 4chan and go upload the clips, Brian
>Corny when he isn't allowed to fire to Israel with Brian
Brian last probably thinks he's going to inherit all of Jim's wrestling memorabilia
Last is there to make sure Cornette never criticizes Israel, pushes the jab, calls Trump a poopy head, he is basically his handler. And he gets paid for this too, extremely jewish
Last also claims to have been in the music industry and a punk rocker, I dunno but it could be true I guess....maybe..
Cornette looks like absolute shit after all those vaccines let's be honest. He wanders off too during shit now. Just starts singing at random. He's got that vax brain now.
I remember a month or 3 before covid hit they were both sick as shit, I think they already got it and got over it before they vaxxed up and also pushed the vaxx soooo whoopsy daisy
>"Mister Last, your doctor's here with your new booster"
>ooh right this way
He's got a price on his head.
No normal man, even Tay-Sachs guys, have this level of fear for their environment.
Last must've done some shit or know some shit that can get him arrested for questioning on someone else's crimes.

An Israeli potato peeler, globally recognised as the single worst submachinegun of all time.
They probably have, back in the 90s when Brian was just a mark who went to Smokey Mountain shows.
Where they have a serious overlap and harmony however is pro wrestling history. Cornette knows his Golden Age and 70s material, while Last has a huge collection of 80s and 90s memorabilia and history that Cornette was too busy to learn at the time due to working in the business himself, so they complement each other there.
haha hopefully Jim has a recorded promo ready for that day and gives him jack
Most rational, proportional jewish retaliation...
Does him view him as a genuine friend or just a mark?
Who the fuck even is this guy
That's not Brian Last
What’s so Last about him?
His name
>Jim fell for the "lost" advert money like a good goy

Kek, he's sucking Jim dry like the parasite he is. And he will toss Jim away the second he finds a more succulent host
A shitty inaccurate gun
It's funny how cornette has spent years going off about religion being a scam and religious people being the ultimate marks. He will mock Muslims an Christians but never ever Jews

Brian will seethe about wrestling companies doing shows on Jewish holidays and Jim just stays silent
You mean he's gonna threaten his maid or his gardener to call ICE if they don't bring him snacks while he seethes at some literal who's on Twitter?
Just before likes became private he'd liked a bunch of shit saying anti Israel protectors should be imprisoned and calling for the cops to be more violent with them

I imagine his likes now are about glassing any enemy of Israel
Why are their uploads so slow now? The last episodes came out like two days ago and they're not even at the Berlin PPV yet
I'm as antisemitic as the next guy here but you guys really need to just seperate the "art" from the "artist" in this case.
Forget about this shit for once and just listen to wrestling stuff
It's hard when they spent 20 minutes of every show talking politics and non wrestling
Brian is trying to force everybody to watch the full episodes at THE MOTHERSHIP where they can force you to listen to adverts and shill his other podcast
I only listen to the clips on YouTube
Brian said a while back that YouTube is full of "thieves" who watch their videos with ad blockers so they don't get as much revenue from it
So it's not enough to do ten minute plugs for a box of garbage? Sometimes I'll start up a clip, it's 20 minutes but then the actual wrestling talk is 10 minutes and the rest is Jim Cornette talking about a ball shaver
Get youtube revanced on your phone, it automatically skips sponsorship shilling
Oy vey stop being antisemitic
Look at how many dimes he always draws.
I don't use Youtube on my phone, suppose I could get something anyway but I'm lazy. I just have the podcasts running as background noise anyway so I don't mind too much when it's a full episode playing, it's just funny how israelite those clips are with the plugs
hopefully Adolf Rudolph Abbott or Benito De Santis send some Haitians and chinks and jeets directly to Cornette's castle, with the promise they will be welcome by the person who hates Trump the most
Fuck this cowardly Internet tough guy

Sick of this fat fuck mouthing off
Apathy I guess.
They're trying to draw the youtube money but those are censored clips, so I wait for spotify's version but those are uploaded 1,5 week after recording
Last is the GOAT cohost even though he's jewish. Politics aside, he's legitimately perfect for Jim. Does the the best anyone could ever do of picking his brain.
I'm curious why Jim became friends with some random mark, though.
Im boycotting Corny's show until the lazy jew gets fired.
Then I told anon you can just spam a boring picture take by an amateur
Wow thanks for the reminder that Israel and its supporters & enablers are nazis, nazi

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