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>only 2 dynaslop gamethreads
guess that's why rampage was cancelled, there's a severe lack of interest in AEW
erm it's pronounced Trannymite!
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Oh no
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They saw this thread and skipped #3
Slopdown was cancelled.
and their fag marks labeled them wrong lol
Please don't laugh at AEW
kek it do be like that
Let me tell you something: I LOVE to laugh at AEW like you would not believe
Nah that was Hampage
Ah man and I only just heard that one it’s a good one too. Hampage haha lol
holy grimola
Didn't work the first 17700 times you typed it, but keep trying
Rampage got Slopdowned
Don't you have a thread where you talk to yourself for hours to bump.
Careful OP. PEDOwheels is currently crying to the overweight jannies to get you banned for this one.
Oh hey it's you
Indeed so. Based Lachlan didn't want to overpay for crap.
lol how are they so unpopular that the only popular threads are making fun of them and aren’t game threads wtf
excuse me sir may i direct you to >>15856677
No lies detected.
The AEW gamethreads are already a ghost town but can you imagine how much worse they would be if PEDOwheels wasn't having convos with himself?
I was watching the tna 24/7 feed I found on the couch and I ate three whole ice creams but I didn’t know there was any wrestling on wednesday ._~
It was full of deranged coomers.
I saw that too, I never go in them but looked tonight and it was gooner speak and sex posts the entire thread what the FUCK. This is supposed to be what snooty hipsters call true wrestling but here they are congregated, and it’s just 4 guys in dresses talking about wanting to fuck the players
It's literally just Hogwheels, Liam, and like 2 AEW fans who got banned from squaredcircle. You can tell because everything is just so fun! FUN FUN FUN!
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>only 2 dynaslop gamethreads
That's pretty fucking pathetic desu. I saw the card though, I'm shocked anyone even made a gamethread.
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I unironically forgot it was on.
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where did it all go wrong?
there was Wrestling on Wednesday i forgot it i Watched Something Else
half the threads are edrones laughing at it too
No one watches the show anymore. It is as bad as WWE.
I have to blame, and I don't know if it's them or not, but whoever it is Rovert-posting around the fucking clock. Slopdown, get a GED, droniEs, posting images from his meticulously organized folder (OSPREAY OSPREAY.png, show stats.jpg, jpm rights.jpg, orioles.jpg, cool tony 4.jpg etc) -- the same gay shit all hours of the day. And by all hours, I mean every single hour of the day. 1am, 7am, 12pm, 5pm, pick a time and there's either Rovert on here or someone Rovert-posting, thinking it's funny. It is pretty funny but that's not the point.

The point is that if you're an AEW fan and come on here to discuss AEW, you're immediately going to be called Rovert, Hogwheels, Porkroller, and 1001 other insults, and you're going to wonder wtf is everyone's problem and leave. If you do happen to stick around, all it will take is criticizing AEW even the tiniest amount, and once again, Rovert or the Rovert-posters will call you every name in the book because that's how he/they operate - everyone who steps out of line even the slightest bit MUST be insulted.

Is it the greatest psyop of all time? Legentil activity to turn public opinion against AEW? I couldn't tell ya for certain because the same sicko-psycho activity happens over all social media. It takes a lot of effort to make the average 4chan demographic turn AGAINST what is objectively the underdog company.

Whoever these people are behind this activity, their (hopefully) stated goal of lowering AEW support has been achieved. If that wasn't their goal, then well....that sucks.
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how is rovert online 24/7, does he not sleep? maybe youre right desu
this is why tony is kwaboty
for me, its swineomite
The first match was a heatless 20 minute tag match with orange Cassidy and Jericho. Orange Cassidy is horrific. He was fine was a comedy manager but he’s terrible wrestling.
And when I say “first match” I meant, the show opened with that match. There was no opening show segment or promo, it went straight into a shitty match. I turned the show off after 15 minutes of playing it in the background. But I was catching glimpses of orange Cassidy doing super safe slow motion spots and it was complete fucking garbage. And Jericho is fat as fuck wearing underwear on tv for some reason. Even when he was in shape in his 20s he wore long tights
Still no 2 milly pigtits?
So did WBD
But enough about an entire month of aew programing
Is this true?
How many game threads did Fox Smackdown get this past Friday?
I would believe it's a psyop orchestrated by Paul if Tony wasn't literally encouraging this behaviour with his company war bullshit, by calling WWE the Weinstein of wrestling, by accusing them of contract tampering and ratings manipulation, etc. He has managed to appeal to the sickos, only it turns out, this is what sickos look like in real life.
I'm afraid so
Kek what a dying pissant sloppy shop company
Rampage was canceled in the sweltering Summer of '24 by several WBD executives
true, but look up drainmaker and sodutw on twitter, these legit cultist maniacs do exist irl
so did /pw/
why are e-drones seething?
>wanting AEW to fail, so all the trannies come back to the fed
lowest iq board
news about the dealy got them feeling some type of way
wwe is failing more and i wont care cause theres other wrestling shows
WWE is more popular now than it has ever been due to Cody Rhodes and CM Punk. Definitely not failing.
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Hogwheels is literally Hogwheels talking to himself in gamethreads and saying Slopdown was cancelled even though it was Rampage. Everyone else just LOVES laughing at AEW! AEW is fucking gay lmao
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you wont be able to see the netflix ratings and smackdown is already plummeting
They didn’t even just leave which is the most poetic part. They were told to leave.
i appreciate you
you can be my tag partner any time
>i go for the handshake but you're already starting a high five and it becomes a weird sideways five shake
what else?
god damn do i hate dee dee
rovert brother its over for you, you lost the /pw/ narrative
even NXT gets 5+ threads, more than all of the aew shows combined and it cant even draw a milly
there were actually 4, porktits. I know you're not good at math, but just try counting them on your fat sausage fingers.
slopdown got cancelled because all its viewers are fat, poor, ugly retards like you
it's literally just pedotits having a meltdown and talking to himself again
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where is number 3 at?
hes arrived to ruin aews good will like this anon said
Oh no no no
Please be fake...
check under one of your fat rolls
he's definitely the most pathetic faggot I've ever seen on this site, and I've been here a while
once wwe dies you have nothing else to watch
exactly, there are 100s of storyless feds full of dimeless midgets flipping about for jewstars, and only one wwe, the only wrestling federation anyone without autism cares about, which is why it will always be there while every indie fed dies around it, same as its always been.
fake news
they should only get 1 really, the only reason they ever get more than 1 is cause wwe fans go in there to shitpost and drive the reply count up
>same as it's always been
>for the ten years that i've been watching as a zoomer fag
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Is that gay little indie really that dead
afraid so
Yes and its a good thing
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you tell me
lose weight bitchtits
>People watching actually pay attention to the show instead of spamming the board for 3 hours in boredom
Haha yeah anon. You really got em on that
sloptitsbros... our narrative...
at the end of the day we know its dead on here, the threads are all people laughing at it and coomers.

but the real sad thing is the ratings. 700k is not even laughable its just sad.
nah your life is
The only guy that likes it on here is shoot 50 and in a wheelchair.
lose weight pedotits
you're thinking of bitchtits, he definitely does NOT like AEW
Yeesh, you really upset him with this one. He got so mad he hopped IPs to reply twice kek
looks like cordwheels found the thread!
get a life fatso
Unique IPs: 6
>bitchtits only arguement today is to lie about gamethreads
is 2 gamethreads for aew even worth reporting on? they ususally only get 2 or 3 nowadays. nobody in the gamethreads is even watching just shitposting
worked you every single time slopper
bitchtits is washed. his threads only draw when he gets bodied badly enough that others feel the need to do a run in. doesn't even fill his own ratings threads anymore, couldn't get a (you) to save his life. some say there may be a few dimes to be had in one final ojama feud but that'd only work if ojama is still capable of a prime ojama carry job, which truthfully he may be finally over the hill too.
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aew ratings threads legitimately have more organic activity than aew gamethreads at this point
kek its true
trvth nvke
Thats crazy. shame we dont have IP shown anymore cos id bet the dynamite ratings threads would have more IPs than the actual dynamite threads
shame you can't lose weight or your virginity
feeling a cheeky sub 700k rating today lads
tony will legit shoot himself
Is that why Rampage was cancelled?
Hampage and collision dont even get threads anymore, even rovert doesnt watch them.
this board is dead compared to what it was its just weirdos posting twitter screencaps and crying about ratings because they have nothing better to do. throw in all the retarded ezoomers and its the worst board on the site.
80% of the board are the same handful of psychopaths arguing with each other all day and accusing each other of being some random Irish guy
we need someone to sign up for janny duty next time its up and release us from the necrobumping and nash spam crap
and delete the coomer generals.
they can stay if only because they take up space from the bitchtits/rovert bullshit and the stupid nash/bryan spam
i dont come here nearly as often because its just the same retards spamming about ratings and posting screencaps from twitter and reddit to talk about probably cause they were banned from reddit for being insufferable cunts
bro how does tna have more game threads than dynamite ahahah
It's a better show
But enough about you trev
lmao bump

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