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Who was better?
cena, brock, batista, angle, orton
the japanese guy
At what?
Flair was the original Omega/Ospreay tier Meltzerbab
Misawa is a Meltzerbab too but he never understood what made King's Road good
Rock is supremely underrated
Bret is the best here
Rock > Bret > Flair > Misawa
Why do you always add a random china guy to these threads?
by drawing power:
flair = rock > misawa > bret
Not really a huge Bret fan but for me it was Bret; he just had a moveset he had perfected and it worked. Who else did a Russian leg sweep as good as he did? Elbow drops? Worked punches? Japs never drew dimes btw, not sure why you posted that mongoloid next to Bret.
Zesty choice.
Shawn is better than Shitman
Muta is better than Whosawa
Hogan is better than Flairetty
Austin is better than Dwayne
not the shitter who literally died in the ring because he never learned how to work
Muta had an argument for being better than Misawa until his knees exploded. But he was something special in the early days.

Ironically his own moves killed him. Not just the velocity of his moonsault but also that springing flip he did every time he entered the ring.
Austin, Rock, Hogan.
now get those dimeless shitters out of my face.
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Misawa > Bret > Flair > Rock

>Drawing power
Rock > Flair = Misawa > Bret

Rock = Misawa = Bret = Flair
they're all immortals in the business to anyone with a clue
Rock drew the most money, he is the only correct answer.
>Bank Account
Rock > Flair > Hart > Sisawa
I know that's what I'm thinking about when I'm trying to find a good TV show to watch
>how rich are the actors?
You're a weirdo who can't come to terms with being a wrestling fan
Sorry I'm not taking your thread super serious on a dead message board.
Why do people rate Misawa? Cause he KWABBED himself?
Because we're wrestling fans and he was really good at wrestling. Also he was the long running babyface ace of a company that had a really long hot streak with him at the top.
No one does, it's just one guy samefagging.
Combine all 4 and you almost get 1 Terry Funk.
I rate all of these guys highly but it's true, Funk is my GOAT
Rock>Flair>Bret (although he is def the best in ring worker)>Misawa

In that order
They all worked together except Rock and Misawa.
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Rock > Flair > Inoki > If you put the letter S in front of Hitman, you have my exact opinion of Brap Shart.
Huge pop!!
>Japs never drew dimes btw, not sure why you posted that mongoloid next to Bret.
Most of the 90s Nooj outdrew American shows. They only caught up in the late 90s
this is the only correct opinion
God, wrestling was the fucking best
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Misawa is so out of place here it's hilarious. If it's someone as big as Bret, Flair and Rock then it should be Inoki or Mutoh.
All 4 guys have particular strengths but measuring who was best from head to toe as a total package it’s Rock. Like if you tried to tally up an “overall rating” of these 4 I can’t pick the other 3 over him. I don’t have to think twice about it either.
It burns me up that Mutoh as Great Muta never got at least one world title run in WCW when he was extremely right for it at one point. I feel like that’s one notch in his legacy’s belt I wish they’d given him. Great Muta was fantastic before his body started to break down on him.
>Great Muta was fantastic before his body started to break down on him.
Sadly that was pretty early on in his career. He had like 7 good years before his knees started exploding.
For once, I really wish I had the webm saved of Pete Dunne in wargames.
Cost has drawn more dimes than all 4 of them combined
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kek it just so happens that I have it
lmao thanks, brother
what a fucking tragic spot
Lmao even worse than Shane
I have no idea who the Jap is but Rock>Bret>Flair sounds right
Reminds me of a random fucking Nitro clip I caught out nowhere. It was when Rey Mysterio was in the Filthy Animals, and they were making references on-air to him having shitty knees back then in '99. I wonder what Muta's career could've been if he was younger and his knees held together long enough for modern procedures and stem cells.
You can just tell that modern wrestlers have never been in real fights in their lives.

Sure, Lawler and Funk are hamming it up, they're exaggerating but just look at how Terry Funk holds his hands. He keeps his left up, he tries to measure his shots and move more like a boxer. It makes so much more sense than whatever the fuck is going on in that NXT one.
A lot of it also falls on the Undisputed Manlets who are supposed to be feeding for Dunne. Some of them are bailing before they've made it even look like there's any contact.
Yeah literally every single person in that webm is to blame
Mutoh ranks himself below Misawa.
Brett for the passion for the business
The Rock for being incredibly over the top charismatic. Like never seen before levels
Not that anon but many GOATs do that, Muto isn't the first one. Burt Reynolds ranked himself below Robert Redford, but everyone knows Reynolds is the face of the 70s. Diogo Jota ranked himself below Bruno Fernandes, but his resume is better. Hidetaka Miyazaki ranked himself below Fumito Ueda, but Miyazaki's games are 100x more popular and sold more despite being inspired by Ueda's games. Eminem ranks himself below every hip hop artist the twitter fags put below him despite being the most influential one. Shaquille O'Neal ranks himself bellow David Robinson, but everyone knows Shaq was an absolute monster. That just how it goes with them.
knee-explosion muto is still fun for a good chunk of the 2000s, it's when you get to like 2012 where shit gets sad
Yeah, never said he wasn't still great without his knees. He pivoted and adapted to his injuries better than almost anyone in history. I think only Terry Funk adapted to his changing body better over the years than Mutoh did.

Well Kobashi did a pretty good job too, I guess, considering most of Kobashi's prime was with Mutoh knees
Bret is as overrated as Misawa. It should be
Nah if you make it about drawing and nothing else then Flair has no reason to be there either and you've just got an entirely different kind of list
This isn't a GOAT list or top draws. I don't think, at least. If it were then it'd be
>El Santo
Last one could be different, but Rock nor Flair aren't there either.
Who is chinky chang wang?
Liquid Inoki
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>Rock was the best
>Bret was second but wasn't the mega draw which Rock was
>Misawa and Flair tied at the bottom
Bob Backlund
>In ring wise

>Drawing wise

Promo wise
>Flair = Rock

Entertaining wise
>Flair = Rock
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/thread tenfold
for me it’s
Jerry Lynn
Flair might honestly have the lowest bank account
I can’t recall any.
Rock drew more money than the rest combined
Bret is one of the most boring wrestlers ever. I have never seen a match of his where he wasn't carried by superior, more charismatic wrestlers like Owen, Shawn, Mr Perfect which i liked when he wasnt in the ring with them
Maybe Austin but you are wrong about the rest
flair >= misawa > hart > dwayne johnson

i'm assuming this refers to in-ring exclusively.
Unironically this
I feel like depending on which half of the Attitude Era you’re talking about Rock and Austin are pretty interchangeable. Rock, Austin Hogan will forever be the holy trinity of wrestling. It doesn’t get much better.
Rock. He was a bigger draw
You can just admit you don't understand pro wrestling. That's okay anon.
>90s Nooj outdrew American shows

In Japan. Which is irrelevant. Only USA matters. Japs have no standards. They literally sell used panties in vending machines.
Is Misawa the first overrated sperg to be considered a great thanks to Dave Memester sucking him off? Misawa was a good wrestler, but he's not even top 5 Japanese wrestler all-time, let alone worldwide. And no I'm not saying that because of modern overrated Dave boys either.

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