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Yeah, I'm thinking based.
Is that his KWABOTY championship belt?
He's continuing his four year reign as KWABOTY. Getting a bit dry.
Not my tribal chief
american politics is such a silly place
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>Belt is going to belong to Vacant soon
Who made that belt? I want to be sure to boycott them.
Please get my permission before posting pictures of my wife on this website.
Sorry won't happen again
>never built the wall
>Mexico never paid for the illegal wall parts he ordered
>didn't solve immigration
>nearly started a war with Iran
>never brought back coal
>never brought back steel
>never brought back infrastructure
>didn't ban travel to China when Covid started, turned 3 cases into hundreds of thousands
>never repealed Obamacare
>Approved the XL pipeline knowing damn well it was going to get repealed
>Imposed intrusive tariffs, leading to revenge tariffs that are ruining the US economy
>did nothing while China forcefully took over Hong Kong and killed student protestors in 2020
>appointed his family and friends into his administration though not qualified
>took more vacations and played more golf than any president in history
>Didn't investigate the 2016 election interference though his staff asked him too
>Soft on Putin
>Made hateful comments about veterans privately and publically
>Didn't open trade with Cuba or North Korea
>Dodged the draft
>Let Syria fall
>Considered nuking a hurricane
>Didn't drain the swamp or lock her up
>Gutted the VA and made healthcare for veterans impossible
>Soft on North Korea, claims that he had Kim dismantle his nukes but that's not true
>Told people to inject bleach during COVID
>Started the lockdowns and nearly destroyed the economy
>Rushed an unproven vaccine
>Wore a mask
>Started Jan 6th riots
>Ignores this and instead tweets about Babbitt
>Didn't wipe out MS-13 in Texas or Arizona
>Didn't wipe out ISIL
>Despite all of this, still tranfered power to Biden and vacated the white house like a bitch

What does the R stand for?
You seem worked!
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Why is she sending me pics of her feet, I didn't even subscribe to her OF
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not on my watch
One of his messages is to “fight” so that is the significance of the belt. It is not very odd.
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I literally posted that and you saved it from the thread I made last December when I decided to dump a couple hundred of her OF pics as a Christmas present to the board OR you saved it when I posted it in the joshi feet general thread a couple weeks ago 'fraid so my wife would never send you ANYTHING
and as usual Punk was right
How did they make a belt that's better than every modern wrestling belt? I haven't seen a belt this sick since Big Gold.
He's telling the truth, his wife said that I'm the only sidepiece she had.
JCW champion, and I'm not talking about Juggalos
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Tyrus has the connections.
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cope and seethe troon, Big Dimes Donny is going over and you can't stop it
>>did nothing while China forcefully took over Hong Kong and killed student protestors in 2020
Is this meant to be a bad thing? What the fuck is a US president going to do about Hong Kong, it'd be a France trying to do the US what to do in Long Island.
He ain't gonna win
Damn I gotta watch some Gutfeld tonight
This dimeless motherfucker again?
Dude is such an anti-draw that he lost in 2020. His apologists want to pretend he lost the debate because Kamala and the moderators ganged up on him, but the reality is that Kamala kept baiting him and he had to take the bait every fucking time and kept spouting off about stupid shit like his rally sizes when he should have been talking about immigration.
Kamala didn't beat Trump, Trump beat Trump. The guy is an embarrassment and a loser.
He's going over clean as a whistle even with a crooked ref, and that's a shoot brother.
>he lost because of massive ballot fraud and everybody knows it
The only person lamer than Trump is Tyrus so it fits.
Based Big Don making all the confused trannies seething at his mere existence
ya gotta love the Trumpmeister, ya just gotta
I hate Taylor Swift too
Maybe on Planet Retard
She needed Walz this time desu
>apparent assassination attempt on trump a couple days ago
>got no heat
why doesn't this work work anymore bros?
Too many run-in angles. The audience has been trained to watch the entrance ramp.
Society hates the right so much to the point it doesn't care if right wing people are murdered, it even cheers for it. The fact the right still hasn't got it and actually tries to please muh common man is depressing to watch. A far cry from when the right actively tried to oppress the idiotic normies, who don't even fear it anymore.
Fraid so
Quite the opposite. The left have turned into unhinged psychopaths that even normies are turned off by them. Not only is the left cutting their dicks off and magically calling themselves females, they’re now also doing assassination attempts. Every turbo leftoid needs to be put on a terrorist watch list with Keith Olbermann being at the top of the list
I ask this with the utmost respect so please don't take it the wrong way, but what the fuck are you on dude
Put down the meth pipe dude, for the love of god
this dude got swiss cheese brain lmaoooo
>all the retards ITT arguing
All politicians are all on the same side you faggots. They have accomplished their goals of having you nerds choosing sides.
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right wingers have conditioned the masses to not care about shootings so why would people even pretend to care about one that didn't happen
Awww he had to make himself a participation trophy because he can't win a real election. What a special little snowflake
Are you still mourning Colombine?
You missed
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Fraid So
Donald R. Trump
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Wow I can't believe an ancient has-been clinging desperately to his faded relevance is a Trump supporter
At leaat he gave NASA the funding Obama for whatever reason decided to strip them of. He did at least one good thing.
yeah look at all the good things that came from that, oh wait nothing did
So you’re telling me all you need to do is lie about your political views on Twitter and you get to fuck all of NXT’s roster?
Kekking at all the worked leftist trannies itt. You retards are so easy to trigger
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>soft on Putin

Meanwhile putin invades Donbass and sleepy Joe doesnt lift a finger
based joe
idk who this is supporting
I think it’s supposed to be supporting Kamala because she was cool as ice and baited trump into self immolating but it just look like they’re both too extreme
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The MAGAMANIA runs wild on me, brother
Him not finishing the wall and not pardoning his J6 followers is what made him lose of his credibility.
based punk
I just watched this entire thing. Trump really does come off as just a normal dude. Really funny stuff all around, really nice of Tyrus to give him that belt. Hope he wins, I am so fucking sick of Bidenflation.
maga retards forget that the vaccine is the trump vaccine.
duh retard, we even call it wokefishing
you mean the vaccine you begged Trump for when cnn and msnbc had rolling 24/7 covid death counters going for 4 months straight?

you mean the vaccine that biden forced you to take with his mandate until Trump’s SCOTUS shot it down?
kek what an ice cold candidate

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