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This is fucking hilarious
He’s like a little kid that thinks he’s helping
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has this thing released yet or did they botch actually airing it
nfl is rigged so none of this matters
>shad looking toward him wondering what the fuck his retard son is doing
>Heh sportsball fans he snorts, I’m so much smarter than those plebeians
>watches two midgets flip for 20 minutes
I really dont think anyones watching NXT, bucko
Tina clearly hasn't been kept up on the kayfabe of things
Tony Khan hasn’t made a single dollar of profit in his life. He depends on daddy’s billions to stay relevant.
Took less than 10 replies to get to the "daddy" stuff
Are daddy issues at the root of all e-drones seethe against TK?
>n...n....no u
You are like hysterical effeminate woman
His dad is literally in the webm posted bootlicker, because without him Tony is nothing and would be washing cars or trying to sell you insurance right now.
Stop simping over nepotism babies.
Tony isn’t going to wank your dog.
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I dont know how many people will remember this but he is really starting to remind me of the Sherif and his dimwit son from Smokey and The bandit
Im starting to think when Tony's dad looks at AEW he just stares at Tony and says
>remind me when we get home to punch your mama right in the mouth
Anon, Tony has never worked a day in his life and his dad bought him a wrestling fed. Since then, it's been a huge money pitfall that's only been propped up by Shahid Khan's outside funding.
think we touched a nerve here kek. so were your dads just absent or abusive?
Correct, apparently pointing out that Tony Khan's only relevance is because of his dad's bank account has touched a nerve with you.
He's slowly morphing into a wrestling character
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>but he is really starting to remind me of
So, are you upset that daddy touched or that he wouldn't?
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>when you pass the unplugged controller to lil bro so he thinks he's playing while you're fucking his ass
We're talking about nepotism. You're talking about rape.

Kevin Nash, is that you?
Haha that happened to me alot as a kid... My brother was such a kidder
daddy diddled ya instead of buying you a wrestling fed like Tony and now you hate him for it, most interesting
We're talking about your obsession with a normal father-son relationship and why it makes you seethe, actually
Nah I loved when my dad diddled me.
>a father buying his son a wrestling fed is normal
kek bootlickers are so out of touch
why do you keep talking about being raped? is there something you want to share with us anon? it's okay, this is a safe place
Who did he "buy" AEW from?
holy shit youre retarded lmao

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