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I don’t have cable so I don’t watch it, but I do have Max and would consider it when it is available. Watch PPVs and matches should I watch that would make me a fan?
Do you have any wrestlers in AEW you’re interested in? That’ll help narrow it down
>Sell me on AEW
Selling free company, Chud
80% is trash. I only watch if Ospreay, Bryan, or Shida is on
Kyle Fletcher
Will Osray
The Japanese guys
The Yung Bux
bottom of the barrel GRIM tier taste.
Consider picking up another hobby cause you clearly do not understand pro wrestling.
Dont watch it. Its slop
Fletcher is a good midcarder and a much better tag wrestler, Ospreay is one of this company's few saving graces, Takeshita rules, Okada used to be amazing but he's just coasting now, the Bucks are dog shit

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