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Why was he wanting out of the WWF so bad? Because they wanted him to lose the title in Montreal? That’s not even his hometown. That’s like Shawn Michaels bitching about losing the title in California. Why was he such a retarded self mark?
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>fart the shitman shart
What angered him the most is the Quebecois crowd bursted into cheers when Michaels won.
>Quebecois crowd bursted into cheers when Michaels won
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Vince and Shawn’s plan was to make Bret bitter (which they succeeded at flawlessly) and make him go to WCW only to come back with a vengeance later to have an enormous feud with Shawn. Everyone knows Bret was a huge self-mark so it would’ve been great to make him do a worked shoot angle with Shawn. What they didn’t account for though is Bret getting injured and having to retire early before the feud could even start. The Montreal Screwjob was a work but they couldn’t finish the story, so Vince and Shawn just kept quiet about it since telling Bret what their plans were would’ve just made him even angrier. Bret unironically screwed Bret
He was going to put over Shawn and offered to shake hands but Shawn was a dick so he refused to put him over
Kek was it really just a sperg out from the shartman? Was he trying to no sell the pin?
That doesn’t make sense because Shawn was injured
Vince would’ve led the angle while Shawn “found his smile”. Bret was angry at both, not just Shawn. Also, Vince had already started doing his Mr. McMahon gimmick around that time so he could’ve easily filled in for Shawn
Impossible, all Canadians are geniuses.
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>Why was he wanting out of the WWF so bad?
Bret never wanted to leave in the first place. He knew WCW would book him horribly and he wanted to be a loyal company man to the WWF and retire there. The only reason this all transpired is because Vince wanted to go public and didn't wanna honor Bret's longterm contract anymore and then told him to go sign with WCW while he still was champion.
>Because they wanted him to lose the title in Montreal?
Another misconstrued lie. Bret initially wanted to drop the belt to Shawn, but then Shawn had to be Shawn and punk Bret in front of the locker room, so Bret took it personally and refused to put Shawn over. Bret was also willing to drop the belt in Montreal to anyone else - Taker, Mankind, Shamrock, Vader - but Vince was adamant that he'd drop it to Shawn. And like said beforehand, Bret didn't want to drop it to Shawn.
>Why was he such a retarded self mark?
What's wrong with being a self-mark? In fact, most top guys are self-marks. Flair was a self-mark, Hogan was a self-mark, Shawn was a self-mark, Austin was a self-mark, Haitch was a self-mark. Sometimes you got to know to respect your gimmick and character.
This entire feud between Bret and Shawn was just 2 self-marks working themselves into a shoot.

What Bret did isn't unique and I don't fault him. Every chance where he wants to play ball, Vince or Shawn fuck him over. Vince trying to finess him in the initial contract negotiations, Shawn faking his injury to not drop the belt, Vince reneging the contract and Shawn punking him in front of the boys.
Bret had every right to say "fuck em" and selfmark.
On top of all this, Bret had creative control in his contract and had a legal RIGHT to shoot down ideas he didn’t agree with. Reminder, wrestlers are independent contractors so you can’t argue in good faith Bret was an employee. Through ANY angle Bret was 100% in the right.
based knower
Bretchads and BTFOing Shawncels

name a better combo
Bret and bitterness
Shawn Michaels and posing for gay magazines
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>Shet The Shitman Shart
he was a huge self mark
it was unironically real to him. he thought he shoot earned the belt despite vince giving it to him and him tanking the entire company as the main man
this nigga should have been a midcarder for life. unreal he got the title, i know it was a dark period with no talent but there were better choices even then
It has always been reported that Shawn was one of the worst drawing WWF champions between 1994 and 1997, even worse than Diesel.
You can blame the NWO all you want, but no one wants to watch a male stripper fag around.
And unlike Shawn, Bret was at least a megadraw internationally for the WWF.

Diesel/HBK comparison:
>(1.00) RR 95 - (0.70) RR 97 (bigger draw = Diesel)
>(1.40) WM 95 - (1.20) WM 96 (bigger draw = Diesel)
>(0.83) IYH May 95 - (0.45) IYH May 96 (bigger draw = Diesel)
>(0.65) KOTR 95 - (0.60) KOTR 96 (bigger draw = Diesel)
>(0.70) IYH July 95 - (0.37) IYH July 96 (bigger draw = Diesel)
>(0.90) SS 95 - (0.58) SS 96 (bigger draw = Diesel)
>(0.70) IYH Sept 95 - (0.48) IYH Sept 96 (bigger draw = Diesel)
He didnt want to lose in his french-majority and hub of the entire independantist movement hometown of Montreal. Please understand.
>Why was he wanting out of the WWF so bad?
because WCW offered him a lot more money?
i feel like bret's level of being a self mark is above and beyond the level of the usual cases of such.

the other guys you mentioned were able to grow up and still do business while being their own advocates but bret still clings to what feels like one-sided blood feuds from almost 30 years ago like it's all he's got left in life.
Shawn didn’t shake Bret’s hand because him and Davey were constantly trying to derail his push. They were just like Hogan except they weren’t draws and didn’t have the same clout. Bret was not some innocent figure in this
He didn't want out. Pay attention when you watch the flick next time
>because him and Davey were constantly trying to derail his push
Actual reputable source?!?! And using Davey is ridiculous as Shawn has gone over Davey so many times.
>beat Davey for his first IC title
>eliminated Davey last to win his first Rumble in 1995
>beat Davey in their 1996 feud for the World Title
>beat Davey and Owen for the tag titles with Austin as his partner
>beat Davey in his home country for the European title
Shawn has gone over the Hart family many fucking times. Bret, Owen and Davey have all done the job to Shawn on important occassions.
>didn't care about low pay as long as he had the strap
>wanted more pay if he lost the strap
>Vince couldn't afford to give more, but he also didn't want a Madusa/Alundra Blayze double-cross
You have me cracking up at the worthlessness of Vince's heartthrob. Damn he really did just book based on whatever made him horny at the time. Imagine almost tanking your company over Kevin Nash and fucking HBK
>Vince couldn't afford to give more
I'm stopping you here at this lie.
>Vince couldn't afford to give more
Vince had buyer's remorse with the contract. Reminder that Vince wanted to re-hire Warrior in late 1997 on a 5-year-deal with a very lucrative contract.
750k for 5 years is kinda shit.
I notice a lot of smarks get mad at Bret for giving his take on the business and the situations he's encountered.
>actual reputable source
It’s the same as yours. It’s Bret’s word versus Shawn’s word. Don’t be a fucking faggot
he listed match results showing that they had put over shawn repeatedly

your sources are not the same, his are things that actually happened and only yours are one guy's word and a bunch of rumors
it was a fagmag btw
The work was after WM12 when bret left for a yr. When bret came back, the work with Shawn became a shoot. If Montreal was a work, vince would not have let the most red hot star in wrestling go to wcw. Brets wcw run was not good, so people forget what it was like in that moment.
Bret would have needed to evolve his character to survive the attitude era if he stayed in wwe.
He had quite literally already done that which you'd know if you had watched during those years

his anti-american stuff was honestly a big part of the Attitude Era's beginnings, you moron. He was calling people fags left and right.
Do u think they could have kept doing that for 5 more yrs deep into the AA? That corny shit. C'mon tran!
Bret went over Shawn plenty of times. They didn’t put Bulldog over because they were building Shawn as a heel and trying to get heat. You are all being marks
Vince probably had buyers remorse over bret and Shawn. As soon as SCSA & Rock came, vince finally had the biggest stars since hogan.
The Montreal match was the original main event for WM13.
Funnily enough Bret refused to put Austin over and Austin refused to lose, so that’s how that kino ending came to be
I used to side with Bret, but as I get older I realize everyone in the story was at least some level of cunt
>90's Shawn. Enough said
>Bret tried his best to work with everyone but was a bit of a self mark and he was leaving anyway who gives a shit
>Vince should've never offered Bret his ludicrous contract in the first place
>Russo for lying about coming up with it
>Cornette for possibly also lying and even if he wasn't waiting like 20 years for attention
Basically everyone was acting like retarded children
Bret was just coming back, angry over Shawn dodging him, & wanted to be the top guy. SCSA was hot, couldn't lose momentum, & wanted to be the top guy. How vince could make these mega egos work together is crazy.
Bret dissed your favorite wrestler. Start a Shawn thread if u want his heart break dick.
>wet shart
Bret was such a draw as anti American that vince was losing money & needed to terminate brets contract?
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Bret is so high on himself even CM Puke might be jealous

All of you are wrong. Bret used meltzer to create a fake bidding war between vince and bischoff in an effort to make the 'hogan. top guy' money he felt his workrate deserved.

It worked.

Vince later realized how bret played him and asked him to go to wcw. Bret, ever up his own ass, agreed but gave conditions.

Vince agreed, then saw what calibur of cunt bret was going to be and said F DAT, FU.

100% of bret's misfortune is 100% on bret being a greedy piece of shit that completely misunderstood what hogan actually politicked for his entire career.
There were only two companies. They both new when bret was becoming a free agent. They didn't need meltzer to create a bidding war. Only meltzer thinks that he did this.
you mean the thing that even bret himself hated doing?
Bret was greedy bc he signed a contract that reflected his value on the free market? He is bad bc when the other party wanted to break that contract he had certain demands? When u finish cleaning toilets please start reading financial & legal news. Help yourself.
Do you read the posts you are replying to?
Bret was right.
OP is a zoomer faggot with no interest in the history of the business despite living in the age of the internet and with mostly unfettered access to all relevant information to his question

kill yourself OP
Vince had buyers remorse on that retarded (for both parties) 20 year deal and told him to go rake in some of that money Turner was printing out. Bret going to WCW would raise everyone’s pay scale, the guy’s who had favored nations contracts and wouldn’t waive the clause and the next round of signings. It would speed along WCW’s collapse because Bischoff couldn’t possibly hide all the theft and mismanagement for much longer with the merger happening.

On his way out the door he gave Bret the greatest worked angle in the history of wrestling and it would have guaranteed nuclear heat when he came back. Montreal was 100 percent a work that became a shoot when Owen pulled his final rib in St. Louis. Had it not been for that and Goldberg kicking his brains out (but really Shitman KWABed himself doing his gay ring post figure 4) he would have come back to angles that wrote themselves and 8 figures in his bank account thanks to Turner.
Vince paid Tyson 3 million dollars just a few months later.
Why the fuck don't wrestling companies treat titles like movie props only letting them out for filming and not letting whoever is champion carry them around all the time?
>Why was he such a retarded self mark?
Insecurity. He knew he wasn't up to snuff with the megadraws that came before him so he coped by telling everyone he was a better fake fighter than other fake fighters.
>Why was he such a retarded self mark?
You just answered yourself with a question. He was a self mark. He took himself and the business way too seriously. Its a shame because on one hand his attitude certainly did get him success and over but it was also his undoing as well.
>but there were better choices even then
Such as who?
The best there is
The best there was
The best there ever will be
Mike Tyson is a more mainstream celebrity than Bret Hart
Now that Warrior was mentioned ITT, wasn't a big factor in his signing with WCW because they accepted that he wanted the exact same pay Hogan was getting?
Bret knew by at least December of 1996, that he was ultimately going to be replaced by Austin as the top guy and he himself wasn't really moving tickets or making a splash in the US like Austin was doing post wm13

Vince tried to get him to drop the title to Undertaker the week before the PPV when they were at a house show in Detroit. Bret refused though cause he was advertised to defend the title on house shows the days before the PPV and he felt his fans would be upset if they showed up and he wasn't still champion. This has been confirmed from numerous sources including Bret himself. He goes into it in detail in his book.
Bro Bret was a superstar the fuck? You weren't even alive during the new gen era.
Pretty much, and you gotta remember Hogan was making I think like $2-3 million a year from his WCW contract, guys like Savage, Nash, and I think Goldberg had Favored Nations clauses in their contracts too
Razor Ramone told a story before his death in shoot interviews about going to Bret's house and the whole place was just this shrine to Bret himself - pictures of Bret and Bret merch everywhere.
OPig was excellently executed
Who cares if he hated it, if anything it made it better because it was dimes when he was sperging out about. The mania match against Austin happened during this period

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