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/pw/ - Professional Wrestling

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>at the bakery
>random grandma with her grandson behind me waiting on line
>can hear her them talking about getting napoleons and cannolis
>my turn to order
>I ask for all the remaining napoleons and cannolis
>pay and leave without acknowledging the grandma
>girl at school calls me a homo cuz I have long hair (this is 1998)
>”I’d rather be a homo than date you”
>everybody laughs at her and I get a pop
>15 year high school reunion comes along in 2016
>she’s there with her husband
>I walk up
>remember me, bitch? Does my long hair still make me look like a homo?
>{hush falls over the crowd
>and I still wouldn’t date you, bitch
>chug my punch, throw down the cup, and walk out
>still riding the high 8 years later
i fart on people in public
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I was sitting in class and my female teacher walked in without makeup! YUCK! So I got up and I shouted "THE WALL" because she looked ugly and everybody looked at me funny. That's because they are cringe normies who don't go on /pw/ so I explained that it was an epic wrestling meme. Some loser football player told me to sit down so I said "WORKED" but nobody laughed because they don't understand like the idiots they are. The teacher said I was being disrespectful so I said "Kek what a bitch" THE LOOK ON HER FACE! She gave me detention so I said she was seething. By this time the football player got up and started yelling at me so I punched him then he started beating the shit out of me while everyone cheered. Yep, that's what a good heel does, I draw all the dimes brother - HH (another meme haha yeah)
My friend insulted me once and I said, “at least my Mom didn’t leave me as a kid.” Called a fat girl in High School a whale once. Neither of them deserved it.
Oh yeah I put a quarter in while someone was playing Marvel vs Capcom 2 and interrupted them as they were fighting the final boss and beat them and then quit the game.
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>fruity little non-binary fag at my job
>doesn't know that I'm secretly a nazi
>convinced him to take out a student loan to go to college for computer science
I don't get it.
Every day I mog manlets and steal their women.
he's gonna get a useless degree and be countless thousands of dollars in debt with no benefit to himself
You can learn that shit online
No, you don't.
I hope this is a copy pasta
Fraid so, ya worked jabroni
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started a rumor back in highschool that the chinese kid i was friends with wanted to fight the indian kid and it spread around the school enough to where the indian kid confronted the chinese kid. got a pop out of me and the boys
>Oh yeah I put a quarter in while someone was playing Marvel vs Capcom 2 and interrupted them as they were fighting the final boss and beat them and then quit the game.
what the fuck is wrong with you

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