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>another week, another black talent emasculated and buried on live TV to push a Nazi gimmick
Tony KKKhan
wtf aew was based the whole time?!?!
>reee help us dimeless black stable
>oh no niggers are being jobbed out
If Hitler won WW2 we'd all look like Claudio.
>Coonuwa at it again
Alfred Derangement Syndrome has ruined these troons. The angle is tone deaf as fuck and if anyone actually cared about AEW they’d be rightfully ripped apart in the mainstream for this shit
WWE hasn't booked a single black person on their last two PLEs and this race baiter says nothing about it.
I'm always up for some personal debasement if I get a cheese board out of the deal
Why do turbo leftoids put blacks on a pedestal? Is being a cuck a requirement to have blue hair?
Cody Rhodes was just defending his title, anon. What are you talking about?
That's fucking based tho. We need Klansman Page to bring out the Confederacy flag.
A black man was lynched in North Carolina this week and Tony is using them as props to beat up and humiliate.
I think this is the root of it. Tony is retarded if he can’t see why running this angle right now is killing his goodwill.
Would you complain if white guys were buried in african prowrestling federations?
Because they don't think by themselves, they just blindly agree with people on tv who self proclaimed themselves the intellectual elite.
The closest I ever get to considering watching gayew is when apes on twitter seethe about nogs being jobbed out
Tony is so fucking stupid
Does this stupid fucker think about anything that isn't race?
Day of the Rope has begun??
Africa still exists. If niggers aren't happy in white countries they can move to any black country, we won't miss them. Staying in a white country and complaining is stupid.
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66 KB
absolutely based as fuck
Jean Musqe Lee
Probably a criminal, as always, but for he's been killed he's a saint who dindunotin'.
>turns on danielson
>immediately start doing cool heel stuff
why are these shitters too retarded to know they should be booed not cheered
For me, it's Jon Moxley
Isn't this quote from senator Jesse Ventura, not Hitler, and was to defend peace and blame wars on politics who failed at diplomacy?
>AEW is for white people
>WWE hates black people
>NJPW treats black people as undercard cannon fodder
>TNA only pushes their homegrown black guys
Where's the average black wrestler supposed to go.??!
It was extremely funny to watch these mouthbreathers claw for an angle when Swerve was a dominant champion. They finally arrived at “Swerve is racist against black people so it doesn’t count”
Ventura is a pussy cuck that sucks Muslim cock and turned on Israel
Nowadays, yes, but it was many years ago, before he lost his mind.
>>Where's the average black wrestler supposed to go.??!
evil fucking company
A race war angle would unironically be based in this day and age. Deligods we just keep winning

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