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Rampage has been cancelled
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it got renamed actually
slopdown got cancelled and Vince is KWABOTY, 'fraid so
>Rampage would not be continued
Just as I thought, cancelled
Rampage -> Shockwave
talk about an UPGRADE
Imagine thinking SmackDown started on or stayed on Friday it entire life.
Smack down has not been on every Friday since 1999 that is just a straight up lie.
>I thought
doubt it, slop-for-brains
Smackdown is on this Friday pal :)
It's been on every week since 1999

Rampage however, is cancelled
>it was real in my mind
top kek aew tranniee live in a different world
most of the E-drone Defense Force are zoomers who started watching wrestling <10 years ago
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Smackdown has been on air since 1999. Never been cancelled.

Rampage has been cancelled.
so they got a new slot after getting cancelled? is it on a broadcast channel like fox?
It actually wasn’t on from April 99 to August 99. It also has like almost a decade of not being on Friday.
Rampage has been cancelled.
Smackdown has never missed an episode.
Nice try faggots
good morning saars
slopdown got cancelled and Vince is KWABOTY, seethe harder sloptits
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Cancelled? Nope, it's called going for the big money deal. Something AEW can never do.
The numbers don't lie.
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Rampage has legitimately been cancelled and Smackdown remains on TV
Genuinely asking as somebody who watches everything what’s the next annoying argument going to be that floods this board when literally every show gets renewed? What happens next when WWE and AEW both are perfectly fine?
What started out as a harmless joke (slopdown got cancelled) seems to have snowballed into something that legitimately and permanently damaged the feelings and self esteem of lots of posters here. This might be something worth getting studied.
bitchtits losing it again
>When AEW is perfectly fine
never happening I'm afraid. That fed will always be run by faggoty Khan and be watched by trannies
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Rampage has been cancelled
>Shotgun Saturday Night
>Saturday Morning Slam
>205 Live
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it's being replaced by a fox show i heard
porktits seething and mass replying again, ya hate to see it
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Rampage got cancelled, it's true
It's a huge reason why this board is dead. Drove off all the non schizos
You think that a single person stopped coming to this board because they saw "slopdown got cancelled"?
>WBD cancelling AEW programming as part of the renewal negotiations
Is this a good sign?
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>smackdown got 'cancelled' because it moved networks
>rampage wasn't cancelled because it stopped airing altogether
>t-tranpage wasn’t cancelled it was strategically discontinued!!!
lmao how low will these trannizoids stoop
they're adding a new fox show so it had to go
Aew Rampage > Cancelled altogether
Aew Dynamite >Cancelled from TNT
Dark, Elevation > Cancelled from YouTube
>every Friday since 1999
it was on Thursday for quite a number of years though
I think at least a single person stopped coming to this board because this shitty console wars meme has been spammed for months straight and destroyed most discussion on the board.
let's see one discussion here that was going honestly and earnestly until someone said "slopdown got cancelled" don't worry I'll wait
based hair splitter
why did they have a third show? didn't no one watch it and the fans would leave the stadium when it was being taped because it was just like randoms like hologram having heatless bangarinos?
>t-t-they were sometimes on Thursdays!
Seethe harder

Nigga, like 10 years on Thursdays is not "sometimes" you stupid fuck
Doesn't matter what day it's on. What matters is that it's never been cancelled and has been on air since 1999.
Unlike Rampage, which is cancelled.
makes me smile, makes me happy
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based lachlan cancelled it from airing on smackdown on fox. check the x account.
wasn't it literally called Tuesday Night SmackDown a few years ago?
it's been cancelled multiple times from multiple networks that's why it keeps changing nights and stations
'fraid so
kek it do be cancelled slop
(now called SlopSow)
I prefer SlopDiddily
Anybody play D&D? What's that magic spell where whatever attack you do to a wizard is inflicted upon you? Like slice the wizard in the gut with a sword, but it's your intestines that spill out instead.

That's the curse on AEWfags right now.
>hampage was cancelled

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