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E Drones are losing their minds
kek always enjoy watching manlets lose their shit
>E Drone
>watching aew
kek they all are
Ratings say otherwise.
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>E Drones are losing their minds
Nah that's you
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>OP the pig faggot posts something from his twitter
>random bullshit account with a bunch of other no names following/being followed

pipe down, pigtits. there are better ways to cope with hampage being cancelled and neither swineamite NOR porklision being renewed.
Chadlet board, Lanktard
>spamming this image for the 200th time proves that I'm the sane one
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He's a clown shoe but he's not wrong.
You people seem to care more about Rampage than we do kek
See you in the Shockwave gamethread
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womp womp
didn't ask; didn't read, pigtits.
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There's still no deal. Small wonder that WBD isn't rushing to renew this dying promotion. Womp womp.
we dont sign our posts here

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You like that? Here, I'll spam this too KEK
Nah, I'm afraid no meds can help you. Your mental illness is terminal and suicide is your best option
I think I'll just believe the major outlets reporting the new deal friendo
All your grifter safety blanket podcasters believe it. Maybe you should grow up.
I literally have no idea if JDfromNY is a drone or tranny and I don't really care. He's obviously a fucking mental case. Pretty much the definition of all wrestling twitter and most of the schizo faggots on this site. Imagine getting legit angry over fake wrestling. Hope dude finds a tall building and jumps, along with all the other schizos.
He's an E Drone but he hates Vince
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>I think I'll just believe the major outlets reporting the new deal friendo
Oh no you're illiterate. Well you see, I hate to tell you this, but those "major outlets" aren't reporting that there's a deal. They're merely parroting rumors that a deal is "imminent" just like it's been "imminent" for the past two years. For example that SBJ tweet you posted is claiming that WBD is "close to finalizing a renewal", which means there's STILL no deal and a renewy is STILL "coming soon!". You'd understand that if you could read. Sadly you can't, however. That inevitably means you won't be able to understand this post either. Grim.
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They also conflict with each other
>dave says a deal is done
>sbj says a deal is close to being finished
Something is up, and it looks not so great for Tony, no matter what he has Jericho and the Bucks feeding the outlets
Doesn't he sperg out like this about WWE too? Isn't it his gimmick?
>t. Virgin faggot that should throw himself under a bus but is too fat to go outside
where did dave say that?
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He said that a week ago, which kicked off all of the autism in this thread.
>muh stories
when did the modern wrestling fan lose the ability to parse stories being told in the ring between bells? why do they need storylines and angles spelled out for them in the most basic terms through promos and segments? did social media just collectively lower everyone's iq?
done deal here just means they've agreed to it
needs to go through the legal ringer first before everything is signed and finalized
this is normal for a contract worth hundreds of millions. it's not like when you go sign up for a pay day loan to pay for wwe tickets.
Wasn't he very pro-AEW like 2 years ago? He suddenly realized AEW lacks stories and gets hysterically mad because of it?
marks do be like that tho
idc what they're seething at podcaster meltdowns are always funny
"make it make seeeeeeeense"
Is this about the Ospreay/Ricochet match? Literally what story needs to be told outside the ring? Ricochet is coming from WWE where he had a less than stellar run and wants to prove himself against the guy widely considered to be the most athletic professional wrestler in the world. You can only tell that story by having the fucking match. What does this autist want? A love triangle angle between them and some random woman on the roster?
they need a reason to feud over, random throwaway matches with no heat are shit
Give us SOMETHING. Have Ospreay spill a taco on Ricochet in catering. Maybe reveal that they both loved a girl in Japan. Have Ricochet spill chili on Ospreay. The possibilities are endless but Tony Khan refuses to use them.
So what do you, have Ricochet debut as a heel and attack Ospreay and have him say he's tired of all the praise Ospreay is getting because HE'S the actual best athletic wrestler in the world? Who the fuck wants to see heel Ricochet? You think he could cut a heel promo to save his fucking life?
They've had backstage segments against each other already and they're fighting for a belt. What do you want? Feuding over a gay bracelet or something?
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Kek, what the fuck is wrong with the dronies? They're mentally ill
Y-yes? That’s exactly what I want. A story is a basic thing all fiction needs. It involves a character, an item (known as Schrodinngers Gun) they ultimately battle over, and what’s known as the hero’s journey. There is no hero here, no gun. This is one of MANY faults in AEW, they do not know basic stories. Look at WWE; we have the bracelet, Roman’s necklace, Howdy’s Crimson Gem of Th’ngam, Liv’s title belt, etc.
He just hates Vince
AEW has had better storylines than WWE since post-Wrestlemania. Swerve/Hangman, May/Storm, Danielson putting his career on the line for the title, and Osprey/MJF were all better stories than whatever Coconut Community Theater or Twitter feuds WWE is running with these days.
And he's a Triple H dick rider to the nth degree. His favorite wrestler is Gargano.
Let me guess, now that heckin Papa Haitcherino is the booker and CM GOD is back in WWE, WWE suddenly good and AEW suddenly baaad?
You don't always need a macguffin for a story. In fact, that's lazy storytelling sometimes. The bracelet made the Punk/Drew feud worse. This is wrestling. A big part of storytelling is in the ring. Having Danielson refuse to quit wrestling when his family is watching him bleed is better storytelling than a 30 minute talking circles mic segment from Cody and The Bloodline. Arguing AEW doesn't have any storytelling because they don't walk you through every story eat like a child misses the point of wrestling. Otherwise just go watch soap operas.
I once worked this paper skinned bitch into a 10 minutes long sperg out where he perma-banned me and I'm perma-banned ever since. What did I do?
I pointed out that he flip-flopped on his opinion.
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state of this nigga
>Ethan R. asslin
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Based JD
>kek always enjoy watching manlets lose their shit
I mean.....

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