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The future e drones face:
>AEW renewed 4+ years
>Fox replacing smackdown with shockwave
>Tony khan smug posting on twitter (already beginning)
>WBD letting aew put content on Max, while TBS and TNT keep aew as their flagship show for tv

You can cope by saying “BUT NONE OF ITS OFFICIAL!!!!!”, but literally every news outlet is saying it is approaching sooner than later.

Enjoy the last straws you can grasp onto. Enjoy saying no milly while you can. Enjoy saying its not confirmed while you can.

Because soon, youll have nothing. And then, unfortunately I fear, youll turn violent.
>but literally every news outlet is saying it is approaching sooner than later.
For about 6 months now.
They painted themselves into a corner that is going to become their own personal hell. They convinced themselves that everyone else was as concerned with ratings and Meltzer stars as they were and it's going to be their undoing.
the future for AEW fans is actually HIV and AIDS
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No fake logos for your pic, OP?
thats how certain it is.

its like when meteorologists predict a hurricane. or political analysts provide poll updates. or when a sports play by play commentator says in 3 weeks what game is coming up.
its certain.
>4+ years
It's actually 3 with an opt out year.
fun fact, when bitchtits' reddit got doxxed last year it was discovered he at least posted over there as if he had AIDS (not sure if he was larping or not), pretty sure he's not an AEW fan though kek
Nice cope, no 700K and Hampage was cancelled kek
And you thought everybody saying the same thing for 6 months (more like two years) meant it wasn't gonna happen?
why would reputable sources repeating the same thing MORE often be a sign of something not coming?

do drones really think this way?
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it's always everyone else's fault that aew is failing and its fans are a laughing stock
they don't think, they repeat the same cope to each other over and over on discord and twitter and reddit until it becomes fact in their minds
its like if a doctor tells an e drone he has terminal cancer in 3 months

e drone wouldnbe like
the doctor has to spell out "CANCER" on a friendship bracelet and wave it in front of their face before they will believe it
I'll believe it when I see it, bob.
lmfao. dronies would be like
>9 doctors said i have cancer? i havent died so they know NOTHI—ACK!!!!
Also, his doctor is an autistic nerd with no fucking clue what he’s talking about. In that case, sure.
>AEW renewed 4+ years
When is that happening btw? I keep hearing something about two more weeks?
more like aewtists going to the pharmacist and trying to get a prescription off of a offhand comment his doctor made
you need a note nigger otherwise it hasn't happened
The future e drones face if this schizoid’s larp comes true:

Fox ratings plummet along with add revenue. Channel fails. Cuck brothers and TonyCon schedule a submersible tour of the titanic to escape the humiliation. Poof.

Nothing you say or do will make him snap out of the pathetic cycle that is his life. He feeds on attention, the only way to "win" is to starve him of it. Don't mention him, don't reply to his threads and don't engage in back and forth with him.

Starving him of attention hurts him far worse than anything you could say to him. No amount of memes is going to shut him up. Even this is giving him too much attention but some of you needed to read this.
Well said
Promo’s good.
based tomatobro
it really do be like that, yo.
who is rovert?
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Unfortunately the truth for you is you will never get laid
some kind of evil tulpa i think. he lives in that guys walls.
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Two more weeks
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Is it actually "Rovert"? Who knows honestly but the fact remains that there is one specific poster here that is spamming all the pig threads. He is the same guy that used to spam the laughing guy picture.

He uses the same posting style in all of his threads, even his off gimmick ones like the Yuka threads. He has been spamming the board for close to half a decade at this point. There is no denying this is one person anymore. Maybe it's not Rovert which is why I called him NXTranny, but you can't deny it's one guy. There is too much evidence.
Do you think OP will stand by the predictions he has made?
No, because his legs don't work
Anon, you'd do well to lower your expectations. Literally all they have is "every news outlet" words but neither of those companies has made even a hint they are interested and the end of aew deal is awfully close the end of this year
The way tv works you want to advertise your show as soon as possible so people knows when to tune in, yet the only real announcement so far is rampage got fucking cancelled for being shit, just as dark got cancelled (and retconned) for being shit previously and I'd be very worried about collision which does numbers well into rampage's range and below
If everyone claps thinkerbell will live!!!
Tony pays for that shit retard, he always has paid for good press, remember that retarded interview he gave with an orthopedic neck to nfl and they fucking laughed at him?
>literally every news outlet is saying it is approaching

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