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>no 300-secs cooldown
>all obese mutts should be active with their cheetos and tendies and mountaindews in basements in the evening
>most threads have 1-2 replies
>mogged by scjerk with new shinny memes and videos every quarter of an hour
>>most threads have 1-2 replies
samefagging here to correct myself:
>most threads have 0 replies after 30-60 minutes
maybe the spam drove everyone away?
>>most threads have 1-2 replies
that's what happens when a board is 90% spam
You're telling me that endlessly regurgitating the same pro wwe and anti aew posts and countless rape threads wasn't the draw for the board like they thought? Maybe /pw/ was the real no milly all along
also this board is filled with adhd riddled autists. even when a thread gets active and gets replies, someone inevitably takes a post from the active thread, and makes a new thread with it, thereby killing both threads. this board is incapable of continuing a discussion in a single thread, some retard always has to make a new thread.
More twitter screen shots and frog threads should turn things around
I like the way you think. If all else fails there's this one guy, trevor/rovert, that this board is going to love hearing about in every single last goddamn thread
There's an occasional old school general that still has some of the old asp charm, but nu pw is fucking garbage. I only lurk for joshi photobook drops and to kill time at work
pro wrestling just isn't interesting enough to be discussed 24/7. All we need is the gamethreads when a live show is airing and a /wwe/ general on /sp/, having an entire board to ourselves is overkill and encourages mental illness, waifu faggotry and attention seeking
Still not gay enough to really draw the posters back. I got it. What if we make off topic political/music/TV threads but we use wrestling words in the OP?
All of pw is just a gimmick to get Rovert over as the main character of the IWC. Not as a "lolcow" but a mover, shaker, bed quaker, soul taker, bitchtits baker, LA Laker sunuvagun, /wooo/!
Surely all of this should have the board back and healthy in no time
The schizos drove people away
You killed the board. You should’ve been the one to keep /pw/ alive but you failed us
Remind me to start watching aew
Pretty sure the female wrestler threads (joshi and non-joshi) are a draw though, fact is most straight guys like seeing women in bikinis and if they see one on the front page it stokes their curiosity.
I mean, that's just science.
>pro wwe and anti aew posts drove the people away
>mogged by scjerk
are you shoot retarded or just working?
Just the way The Council wants it. This board is a reflection of our will. We are the tastemakers of this board, nothing gets over here without our say so.
I am on here all the time and I have no idea who is making the Nash and Bryan threads, no idea why people are pretending to argue with Rovert, why people are pretending to be Rovert, who bitch tits is and who is supposed to be the face and who's the heel. I see you guys posting about a discord, about Wolfie, about all this shit. Joshifags arguing with each other about the same ugly girls for years straight. I scroll past it and don't even read it, but it's pathetic. Why would anyone new want to post here when it's filled with 3 or 4 incredibly pathetic adults ruining the boards. Mods don't do their jobs, or one of the touched individuals is in moderation.
So, straight talk.
What would you like to see here?
>you can only talk about wrestling
these are the only good threads tho
less unfunny spam and joshifags staying in their generals.
Honestly I'd like to see /pw/ dead, pro wrestling doesn't need a board for itself.
Interracial gay rape?
It would probably be for the best
this place is fun to talk about wrestling because you don't have to be a reddit faggot. /asp/ had it's fair share of schizo bullshit but it was contained and at times funny. /asp/ had memes and jokes.

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