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Why are Izzy fags like this?
isnt she in college now?
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>Democrat, Big Time St. Louis Cardinals, St. Louis Blues Fan, @WWE , Bayley, Liv Morgan, Izzy Moreno, @KSHE95 listener Moody Blues. Rush, KISS, Metallica.
She's of age now, the pedophile shaming gimmick is over. Also she's fucking her BJJ instructor.
No she's not.
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He looks exactly like you'd expect.
I have to assume he's just retarded.
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Age of consent in 30 states is 16, that's more than half of the USA. She is 17, which is the age of consent in seven states. That means she is legal in 37 of 50 states, leaving only 13 requiring her to be 18 years of age, which will happen in eight more months. She's more legal than she isn't, therefore I decree her officially legal.
what was the real answer
what's the deal with the pedophiles who think they're being ironic on 4chan
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First time on 4chan? Lurk moar, faggot
doubt thats real, or the women they surveyed people that identify as women on discord
cute, but if 17 in pic she finna hit the wall extremely hard.
her mom is pretty cute, I'm guessing she will grow into her looks more.
30 year old Izzy will be peak.
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When was this? 5 years ago?
Her chin looks like a can opener
how old is she?
Doesn't matter if she's legal it's a bit weird a dude that looks like >>15864006 is publicly obsessed with her.
I can understand how any adult man in good faith could even be a fan. You saw her as a child in the crowd. She's still a child now. People like that are everything everyone accused hugger Bayley fans of being just without a shred of the plausible deniability
That should be a big ol "can't" kek. Fuck
>a dude that looks like
as grotesque as he is, he could look like [handsome actor] and his public obsession would still be weird
lol @ all the nogs in the quote tweets
He's not wrong. She is the best looking, but she's not in, WWE
Based he looks like He Posts here that exactly how I Imagine the Waifufags
old enough
>Age of consent in 30 states is 16, that's more than half of the USA.
>only 13 requiring her to be 18 years of age
Huh. What the fuck?
Why are democrats like this?
Each state has a different age of consent. It's not unusual for local governments to have different standards than the federal on this. Everyone likes to meme about the age of consent in, say, Mexico or Japan, but it's almost always higher in any given region within the country.
It should be noted that the US is pretty much on-par or higher than most countries though. You typically only see an age of consent at 17 or 18 in heavily religious countries, if not outright theocracies.
I get that, I was just so surprised that the difference was this big, and makes me wonder how the age of consent got to be nationally perceived as 18 when effectively that's only applied for 26% of the country.
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Gotta Love Izzy!
>makes me wonder how the age of consent got to be nationally perceived as 18

Porn industry.
christians just like how they made seeing a titty more taboo than seeing someone die in media
Seek help or a bullet to the head.
Because 18 is when you're considered an "adult."
Also, it is nationwide that you have to be 18 to do pornography. So you could live in a state where it's legal to fuck a 16yo, but if she sends you any nudes, that's a crime. So the connotation tends to bleed through.
based age of consent chad
Leave Izzy alone, shes a good girl
Porn ruining everything as usual
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>isnt she in college now?
for kisses
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It's kinda crazy she turned down NXT and AEW so she could go to college and do mudshows on the wknds.
1. He is mentally retarded
2. He is just hyping up his favorite player and playing out the gimmick of Izzy fan, hoping to get a notice like everyone else. They use any excuse to try and rep their favorites for attention. Combine being a twitter fag and being retarded and you get this.
3. Twitter fags quoting him for his arrest are mentally retarded also.
Damn she ugly
I find it a little suspect as well. As in it's online college courses. But then why move to TX for college as she said? Why graduate High School a year early and leave all your friends and family behind?
Online college is not real college.
>Rush fan
ok this nigga finna based let him through
You got proof?
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Leave the Baby Yeet izzybro alone, he's not hurting anybody by posting the same image over and over in every Izzy general.

Here you go buddy - a new Izzy + Grogu for you. Now you can alternate pictures!
I really want to make a comment on this photo but I'm not going to.
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I understand. Can you comment on this video instead?
>Online college is not real college.
The thing(s) I want to comment on aren't in that video.
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>the gimmick of Izzy fan
Gimmick? /pw/ has been an izzyboard since /asp/. If it were just some massive shitpost, a meme, then why are we organizing a "Meet & Greet" dinner with Izzy (Chicago)?

You should come! It's gonna be a fancy affair.
sexual repression in this manner is not healthy.
it isnt desu
^this guy needs to be on a watchlist
Basically, the average /pw/ poster
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I've been a fan of Izzys since the pool house stream days.
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she hasn't done a lot of live streaming since then, has she?
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Izzy is an outright goddess and she is going to be my bride the day she turns 18
Izzy is built exclusively for rough anal.
huh? what kind of ring work is this?
Nash 92 style
Same with Becky when she was that age
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I thought you were already married, Izzychad?
This has gotta be the same guy that spams her here, right?

kek what a monstrous weirdo
tell us more about her BJ Instructor
Only on her pateron AFAIK.
Unhand my lady you damn Nigger!!!
He's a tough guy who beats up little girls
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>Lists himself as a Liv fan
>Says Izzy is the most attractive woman
Actually retarded. And Liv isn't even the most attractive but between the two she mogs izzy

Picrel, the correct answer to the tweet btw

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