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Whatever happened to this guy?
I heard his dad wrote cotton eye joe
But where did he come from?
Outed as slightly right of center in a Reddit AMA
Don’t worry, still waiting for the call at home, still 14 months left on his 150k downside guarantee contract.

Now excuse me as I go cut my dick off before I have to rope myself
His dad was a slave?
he thought it was a good idea to side with trannies
it cost him his career
He retired from prowrestling and became a video game character for Nintendo.
anti-vaxxer so people just sort of stopped caring
Did a reddit AMA back at the height of corona. Someone asked him how many vax boosters he had and he responded by saying zero because he didn't trust an intested new form of treatment that had been pushed out in less than a year simply because Trump handwaved all the testing requirement and waived any legal responsibility for the drug manufacturers in the case of side effects. Reddit lost their shit, demanded he be blacklisted from the industry, and so his career is now over.
Didn't it come out he was some flavor of hardcore right-winger and AEW fans took a big issue with that?
Well, hardcore right-winger in reddit world, which literally just means you believe in the private ownership of property (he expressed slight vaxx skepticism when they were first released)
Meme wrestler turned out to be dickhead. People stopped laughing at the meme. Meme wrestler stopped being over. A tale as old as time
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>private ownership of property
do nazis really???!?!
Something that hasn't been mentioned is that he was working with people who thought that his unvaccinated status should've been disclosed since they were going to be in close physical contact. He responded by firing them.
got vaxxed, huh? you little bootlicking faggot lol.
Yet another meme wrestler that Tony saw do some funny spots on Instagram and decided to put him on TV. He's in the same garbage bin as Warhorse.
Hopefully orange faggot ends up there soon
Refused to take trump's vax
The irony of this is unfathomable
He was a dirty fucking racist with a racist gimmick
hes ditching the pizza pie in the sky gimmick and now coming in as a doctor giving out mandatory vaccines
so he's based?
Nobody cares about italians. One of NXT's biggest talents is a guy doing a stereotypical mobster gimmick with a whole stable doing shitty accents.
I'm unsure about that and his current location.
Has an AMA on squaredcircle ever gone well?
B8 thread the jerk are our allies newfag
I've honestly been very active here and there (although not lately) and I really do wonder if I'm mostly talking to the same people.
WWE fans just concern trolled about it like they always do, bitter bitter smarks the lot of them
Yeah, they can't just allow people to enjoy things because, in their minds, that implies the thing they enjoy might not be so good
They can only enjoy things that others enjoy so others not enjoying it is bad
>he expressed slight vaxx skepticism when they were first released
Nah, he managed to get over. Danhausen's definitely on his way there though.
Never been on jerk except pre-2016 so you aint talking to me
Orange Cassidy is the modern Hulk Hogan and a future Hall of Famer :)
Funniest part is that no one in Tony Gabagool's faction is actually Italian. Tony is French/Anglo, Stacks is French, Riz is Irish, and Luca is Croation/Serbian/Austrian.
Ronda Rousey got people back on her side. For now, at least.
Which HOF? The Indie hall of Fame in GCW?
He has been training, I just saw some vids of him throwing dough at bottles and knocking over other garbage with it from a bunch of different angles.
they got him
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>Whatever happened to this guy?
after Jericho sucks away all your heat and there's nothing left to take, he tosses you in the dumpster next to Kylie Rae's raped corpse

Where did he go?
Back to where he came from.
He did an AMA on leddit like an idiot retard right after his appearance. Got asked some questions about his booking dates that made them conclude that he's not vaxxed (couldn't cross the leaf border or something, I forget).
None of it got substantiated for real but they decided he was a subhuman right then and there. I agree but for different reasons (skinny comedy gimmick midget).
>after Jericho sucks away all your heat and there's nothing left to take, he tosses you in the dumpster next to Kylie Rae's raped corpse
is that what happened to Pineapple Pete?
He's going to end up in prison after losing the presidential race yet again :)
This is completely wrong. He just ignored every single Vax question and that's what pissed reddit off
>what happened to Pineapple Pete?
Illegal immigrant deported back to Haiti
I shot don't know who he is

This feels strange is this how normies feel here
He dared to interact with reddit
No he chimped out about racism after being given the biggest position of his career and on weekly television, so now he's slumming it in Z tier indies.
Ryback's was great. he didn't know how to reply so he was just posting the answers in the main thread without context https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/bgl8od/the_big_guy_ryback_ama/
You wouldn't know it from all the rape threads here, but memes aren't meant to last.
dude was anti-vax and reddit tanked his stock. kinda funny if you ask me.
Reddit/AEW fans found out he was anti vax when covid dominated the public square conversation. If he debuted a year or two later, he would have been safe.
he was outed as a trump dickriding faggot lol
busted trafficking children in his pizzeria. Mama mia.
Kek kamala is going to let illegals rape your family
>Whatever happened to this guy?
Serious answer: After becoming "famous" for doing pizza dough spots in some shithole bingo hall in the indies, Tony saw him on Twitter and decided to book him, everything is fine so far. With his newfound fame, he decided to do a reddit AMA, where he answered a bunch of random questions, until some reddit tranny brought up the vaccine, and he decided to no sell the question. Other hecking wholesome redditors see him no selling the vaccine question, they start spamming questions related to vaccines and his opinion on them, without getting any answer. They decided this guy is anti vaxxer and he should be blacklisted from wrestling, and we haven't heard about him pretty much ever since.
Biden has been president for 4 years now and that never happened
it has happened to other families though
How about the illegal hatian that raped a 15 year old girl in MA that got released on $500 bond a month ago?
It would've been unfathomably based if Tony could've at least go for the right kind of meme wrestlers. If Niggertaker and that Michael Jackson wrestler showed up on Dynamite, I'd actually watch the show
Del Rio no showing the AMA he set up popped me big.
'fraid so.

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