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I'm nearing 40 now. I work doordash, and pick up odd McDonald jobs to support my wrestling career. I was excited when AEW started because it meant more companies. But unfortunately have been unlucky. Closest to big break I've gotten was around 2015 for jobbing on Smackdown but I was unfortunately passed over. I'm looking at others like LA Knight and still hoping because they are around the same age as me they just getting their careers started. What do ya'll think
if you even have to ask you never had a chance
better luck next life
at your age, I think you should look into something that would be more achievable.
its joever faggot
I don't think age is really a factor. I never roided, I'm a natty. I never took too crazy of bumps in my career. Honestly I feel like I have a 25 year old body right now and given the opportunity I could easily be in the main event scene of a company for a solid decade. Working full schedule too.
Based QT Marshal.
Nigga just forget trying to turn wrestling in to a career but keep it up as a hobby if it makes you happy
Batista didnt start wrestling till he was in his 30s
damian priest didnt get picked up by the fed until he was 40
STINK was lime 60 when he first stepped into a wwe ring
thanks I didn't even think about Damian Priest. I should keep it at true.
sounds like you don't want to give up regardless of what we think. without knowing who you are and what you've been doing it's hard to give advice that isn't just empty platitudes you've probably heard a million times, but if what you've been doing hasn't gotten you noticed yet, maybe try something radically different from what everyone else is doing.
if you’re having fun and learning than it’s worth it. if you’re expecting financial success and security from a wrestling career it’s not impossible but it’s not likely to happen

t. 43 year old ex-floorbumper
Post one of your matches and /pw/ bros will tell ya if you got what it takes.
>I was excited when AEW started because it meant more companies
lmao what?
it meant less companies since they gobbled up a bunch of top indie guys
anyway I still do wish you the best of luck, brother, in whatever you choose to do
I meant another big company because I was sure back then I could make it on the roster
depends how big you are
if youre a flippy manlet taking bumps all day you should stop because youl get CTE
I wonder what it took for them to crack into the big leagues at that age, as they say, "it ain't who you know, ..." how's your gag reflex?
You're on 4chan so you should know, use social media to get yourself over. Look at guys like Danhausen and War Horse, no talent but they used memes and reddit to get themselves over. Give yourself a gimmick that turns heads and gets people talking, then promote promote promote.
youll get there, milord
stay white brother
I feel like a lot of the typical career trajectory stuff might have taken a hit with covid and how shit the economy is. So I don’t think aging out is as brutal as it was before since a lot of people don’t have the time to pursue these things outside of work.

That being said, there’s a point where you need to focus on making money. There’s no real way to win as an American artist without connections.
Go to Tiny Khan and apply as a yes man stooge, you'll make bank. Not the most dignified job, but money is money.
Never give up.
Literally move to a big city and work your side gigs like now, but take acting classes instead of doing any wrestling. As many as you can. And take a comedy improv class. If you were already good at the character aspect, you'd be over.
Thanks for all the motivation anon. I'm going to make it. I just also remembered DDP started wrestling at 35 and he was arguably one of the bigger star at WCW. I gotta keep grinding again. Who knows guys, maybe it's me next you guys will be arguing belongs on the mount rushmore of wrestling
Nah fuck you post body or shut the fuck up your probably one of those death match fat shitters who wrestles in a espooky tshirt
Fake news. No indie wrestler in the last 10 years has gotten enough gigs to justify not getting a 40 hour a week shoot job.

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