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desu good improv by andrade, i'm assuming that was supposed to be la knight's climb suplex
>isn’t trusted by Paul to be a full-fledged main eventer in you’re path
great improv by andrade, though I wonder if he knocked knight for shoot with that elbow earlier and that's why he was seething after the match + kicked out late + slipped twice
Knight was dizzy from Andrade's potato.
We call them putasos
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LMAO this nigga was SEETHING
I don’t think this motherfucker even knows where he is. He looks dazed kek did Andrade stiff him?
Lip reader here, he called him things I can't type without getting banned
Nope his eye just spontaneously started bleeding like that
yeah, this is based. He's totally out of it, and Andrade went to work.
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Andrade and Logan BTFOing knight is not something I expected
didn't he do something like this with cena after their match?
Bean nigger?
No, LA Shite is just a bad wrestler.
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Just letting you all know that there was no botch and this was entirely planned. Andrade and LA Knight are good friends and were seen joking with each other backstage after the match.
idk he just had an entertaining match
He did. The other posters have no idea. He didn’t want to handshake Cena. Andrade did a shoot handshake because he’s an uppity Spic.
Pretty based
Jesus Christ, this isn't even the first time he botched that spot. Just stop doing it.
oh no no no
Was it that elbow strike that busted him open?
Honestly this was based and something you could build a worked shoot angle off of. Andrade may have made himself interesting to Paul based off this one interaction.
Out of what?
So how many times he botched it?
This interaction alone I thought they were gonna start shooting on each other. If they don’t build on this, then WWE is still just as incompetent than ever.

Also LA knight needs top kill his top rope high jump spot. Dude sticks it like 50% of the time.
>top kill his top rope high jump

Edrone finna malfunction
What do you call this manouever, edrones?
Worked botch
Andrade went into business for himself here

And it’s based as fuck
Probably the best WWE match on free tv in months if not years
can never tell with this nigga andrade I love him
Andrade forcing that handshake really bumped his stock for me
You can't get banned for typing any word here
Nta but this is like the third time doing this corner spot.i like la, so if this spot doesnt work then just adjust it or dump it.
Idk, maybe it depends on board rules?
Andrade's 3-16 moment
yeah andrade is kino
You will never get laid
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Say the word then. Pussys
He had a bad botch against Sheamus
He's never had an entertaining match.
hearing la knight was concussed , ref did the x hand sign
Oh so he did spot 20 times and botched thrice?
hearing you're concussed
>Oh so he did spot 20 times and botched thrice?
Not a good success rate in wrestling
Were those on tv? I dont think i even said botch but i did say i liked him. So fuck off yeah!
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>Knight botches
>Still mega over
>Other wrestlers never botch yet are dimeless
Ya seething dummy? YEAH!
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>just got hit by a shoot handshake
Knight got tagged by something. Bro was out of it. Plus he had to catch and deadlift Andrade for a slam before that top rope elbow drop. Cause Andrade was going too fast. Good match. The sloppiness and stiffness added to the intensity.
Jesus, how many times has LA botched this exact spot on camera?
>he had to catch and deadlift Andrade for a slam before that top rope elbow drop
that fucking ruled, best of his elbow drops yet, too
kek no wonder slopdown got cancelled
>gets potato'd and possibly concussed
>Andrade goes into business for himself
A shoot brainbuster will be waiting for Andrade
did he always have that zoomer hair style?
If this happened in AEW, he would’ve held his hand and gave him a kiss while helping his opponent up
God he's clowning himself. That elbow ironically was really good, he should try that instead.
unprofessional shitter, Paul can't control his guys
why is andrade like this kek he starts shit literally wherever he goes, he's like everything people say punk is but for a shoot
i knew it's gonna be his shitty superplex before clicking because it's like his only move
Why do smarks hate wrestlers having attitude and masculinity?
this is wrestling! this is
wrestling! yeah!~
punk is twenty times the man andratty is. punk is more on par with charlotte.
How does one recover from getting a shoot handshake?
Sloppy shop
Both the Punkmeister and the Idolomeister handle their business and aren't afraid to shoot on ya. Ya just gotta love them.
AEW turns prowrestlers feral. Fags want Ambrose back in WWE. They won't get Ambrose back because Ambrose is dead. He's AEWbrose now. A lazy drunk fat bald bastard with a wife who looks like mashed potatoes stuffed into a garbage bag.
Lemme botch to ya!
But it looks good in the video game
pic unrelated
Real life isn't like that, little Timmy.
He should stop doing this move completely
is that a heckin 4chan pass? holy based
So, looking terrible on purpose? With no story reason?
So what was supposed to happen here? What does knight usually do?
At least they adjusted right?
Unironically an excellent improv. It was the very opposite of a typical AEW webm

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