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the final bosses of cringelords
Not even slightly, these dweebs aren't stars.
Professional wrestling has only 2 stars, and that's Dwayne Johnson and Logan Paul. That's literally it. No one else.
It's funny how neither one of these guys is a real star that can draw, yet their respective stans will only acknowledge that the other guy isn't a draw
It's like Bret Hart & Shawn Michaels all over again
WWE desperately needs another Cena/Austin/Hogan-type to carry the company
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Based Logangster
why are all those people wearing dresses
>wwe does bigger business with them than hogan, cena or austin
whats it like on planet retard
>dimeless rock vs dimeless cena
holy yawnola
Only Roman Draws in This Pic
record profits, tranny
Saudi show
Real men wear skirts, bitch.
we dont sign our posts here mass replying bitch Nigga
>muh profits
Has nothing to do with the fact that they aren't real stars and can't consistently fill arenas to capacity like how Hogan, Rock and Austin did
Kek based Roman and a lucky fan
record pajeets
Logan Paul has had his best matches in Saudi Arabia
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You're their biggest draw, brother.
something about that blood money soaked dick just brings out the best in him
>they weren't doing propaganda when austin and hogan were on top
whats it like on planet bottom surgery?
Dogshit quality product, dronie
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Logan Paul is way better than CM Punk
I knew some dumbass would do this, which is exactly why I said CONSISTENTLY fill arenas. Meaning inclusive of Raws, Smackdowns and house shows
Motherfucker that was not only Wrestlemania, but the 40th Wrestlemania. Of course that was gonna be packed
raw and smackdown have had over 10k for 90% of their episodes this year which is more than the attitude era
Indians aren't people.
>that they aren't real stars
Based on what, exactly?
This one got PEDOwheels melting down. Just slurp up your dad's jizz everything is gonna be ok LMFAOO
What makes these saudi shows fun is that the audience still thinks wrestling is real
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>Answers to PEDOwheels
>Makes a collage of all the words that make him seethe
>Tries to avoid how many times he spams Bitchtits
Like I said GROOMERwheels now that the jannies don't give a shit about protecting you anymore you've been exposed for being really bad at this. Maybe while you're eating your dad's jizz ask him for some comebacks LMFAOO
>>answers to
>dad's jizz
You missed mentioning Alvarez exposing him, and wrestling figs, Bitchtits ya retard
kek he do be a fat zero-life havin' ass retard
>Replies to himself
>Answer to PEDOwheels in seconds
>Exposing him
GROOMERwheels is so afraid now that he doesn't have the jannies protecting him he pretend it's not him. LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO but yes you're right PEDOwheels Alvarez did expose you for working at a grocery store 20 years ago until you got fired just like WBD fired Rampage ROFLLLLL
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It's like a guaranteed win every time you play. Lmfao
Bad Bunny hoping he gets Drake at Mania
>Still replying to himself
>Once again answers to PEDOwheels
>Has now made 2 pictures of all the words that makes him seethe
This is GROOMERwheels when he doesn't have the jannies banning everyone. Literally just a crippled fat bitch crying about everything and admitting he swallows his dad's cum LMFAOOO make another picture im sure the jannies will ban me this time ROFLLLLL
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>Once again answers to PEDOwheels
>Updating the screenshot every time with seethe
Don't forget that PEDOwheels is really mad right now because he got banned as seen here >>15872740 so now he is lashing out because the jannies aren't protecting him anymore. Also don't forget that he hasn't denied any of it because he is in fact a PEDO who eats his dad's cum LMFAOOOO
Totally Sane thread/board btw
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>Stoll answering to PEDOwheels
GROOMERwheels is so stupid he missed circling LMFAOOO no wonder Rampage got cancelled and no wonder the only thing he can do right is slurp up his dad's cum ROFLLL
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I don't know who you are anon but you're my favorite person on this board
Everyone knows wwe is the draw. They just need to console war it up
the hero peedub needs
fucking hell lmao
this board is cringe and based at the same time
>Still answering to PEDOwheels
>Corrects typo instead of denying being a PEDO
GROOMERwheels is not only talking to himself he is saying that he is his own favorite poster. Don't forget that this is the best PEDOwheels can do when the jannies aren't banning everyone. Btw yes he does swallow his dad's cum LMFAOOO
I forgot to include this one. This is really still PEDOwheels talking to himself
Hey so isn't WWE 39 weeks in a row currently of sold out shows?
You wanna acknowledge that fact, retard?
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Literally not even close, I don't even think WWE claims that either. Have you not seen the tarp pictures every week?
i mean it's clear tonight for example they lied about their ticket sales but i doubt any non e-drones here are gay or austistic enough to send fifty emails to someone demanding to see turnstile counts
>Still answering to PEDOwheels
>Maybe if I keep updating my lil fag chart he will stop calling me a PEDO!
Hey GROOMERwheels so if I keep switching it up you have to seethe each time and update your gay little chart? Okay well don't forget that Alvarez exposed you for being fired from a grocery store 20 years ago LMFAOO
absolutely fucking based
Bitchtits BTFO
PEDOwheels is already warn out from updating his gay little chart (watch this will make him so mad his next response will be the gay bingo chart) LMFAOO
They claim it every start of the broadcast.
Clear how?
The first and only billion dollar draw in professional wrestling and the man who everyone came back to see beat him. So much money that both Rock and Austin came back to get the rub.
Hogan and Macho were better.
Austin and Rock were better.
Cena and Orton were better.
Are cripples usually this mentally ill?
Well they are outright lying, like how they lie about attendances for decades now. The arenas have entire sections empty or tarped off every single week.
>Cena and Orton were better.
Ehhhhh I don't know about that one kek
Let's go Cena and Edge instead
this thread is dimes
Proof or you're a dirty smark
At least 90% of the world population has heard of Austin, Rock and Hogan. Plus those guys were the main reasons why viewership and attendance were up in their respective eras. They were legit pop culture icons
In this 'the brand is the draw!' era, most normies don't even know who the fuck Cody Rhodes is, and they may have only heard of Reigns once from being "that Aquaman-looking wrestler who has cancer"
Cody and Reigns aren't real megastars
They're not all over TV shows and movies
They don't have hundreds of dying children specifically requesting to meet them before they croak
Don't nobody outside of diehard wrestling fans give a fuck about them niggas. Period.
You guys can bring up "record profits" and recent attendance records all you want. That shit has little (if anything) to do nowadays with the star power of the top wrestlers in the company, because 'the brand' is now the draw, not them
This is such a gay and lazy take. I don't blame you because all the other lazy gay retards say the same thing and you're just copying them, but still.

WWE is the draw - and Cody, Roman, Orton, Jey Uso and others draw you to the brand. It's not a one-way street. What you're saying is like saying Nikola Jokic isn't "a draw" because X amount of Americans couldn't tell you what he does for a living. Yet close to the same amount of people couldn't tell you the name of Denver's NBA team. You're not saying anything doing this fag ass "X people haven't heard of Y" act. It's meaningless because if Jokic-caliber talents weren't on the Nuggets, their record would go to shit, attendance would drop, and the team would become a laughingstock.

The measure of a star isn't how many random retards on the street or on TikTok know who the person is. The measure of a star is if they are at the top of their industry, if the people who partake in said industry know who that person is and holds them in high regard, if they noticeably and objectively move tickets and sell merchandise, and so on. All these other faggot measures are a waste of everyone's time.

Back when NBA games were doing 30 million viewers per night, because there were only a handful of channels on TV, did guys get adjusted for inflation record paychecks? Were they all making an inflation adjusted 50 million per year? No, retard. Because the measure of a star, and their value to the enterprise, isn't determined by the raw number of eyeballs on that person.

Please stop posting faggy nonsense like this, it's not based, it's just surface-level garbage.
Average attendance is higher now than during the Hogan or Austin era and they do way more shows as well.
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OP here, sorry, I posted the wrong picture.
If you lived through the AE you'd know that every normie out there had a 3:16 or NWO shirt. They were so conspicuous that I actually became fatigued from seeing them all the time. If you went out, you'd probably see 3-5 people wearing these shirts. I never see huge amounts of people wearing wrestling merchandise of any kind anymore. Yes, record profits and massive TV deals, but TV ratings are down 66% from 25 years ago. I am not shitting on WWE, but it's hard to deny that it is not what it once was. It is niche entertainment now.
Edge never drew a fly, fraid so
theyre in the wiki doe
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>Muh record profits
Considering how many revenues/markets are open to them now compared to back then, it would be odd if they weren't. WWE as a brand and a company is profitable but completely niche. It's as this anon said - >>15874600
If you lived through the AE it was a totally different sort of beast. Watercooler conversations were occupied by sincere discussions about Austin vs. McMahon or the NWO. The likes of Austin, Rock, and other WWF/WCW stars were legit sought out by 3rd party companies, movies, and TV shows - not for some corporate brand synergy, but because they were able to generate interest in their name and image - look at Stone Cold Metal for an example. To this day, I will see the odd Austin 3:16 shirt out in the wild, but the only time I've seen modern WWE or AEW shirts is at wrestling events and sometimes at the odd convention.
It was a fad at one time due to the right circumstances and hotshotting it to shit. Cody's run is now nearing the same length of time that WWE was red hot until they started cooling down in the AE, and WWE is still going strong and breaking records. WWE has millions of viewers on Peacock and Hulu, and social media adds to that as well. They will probably have even more on Netflix. More people go to see shows now than ever. Almost all entertainment and fandoms, subcultures etc. are now compartmentalized due to modern media being so vast. Only a fee things are actually known to the majority of people, let alone have them spend money on it.
More people knew of Hogan, more people spend money to go see Cody. The business didn't get smaller, it go bigger, but the landscape changed
What the fuck? Didn't tell sell out more shows this year than any other year and it's only September. The AEW cult is completely fucking broken and refusing to accept reality, I see...
>I was in at least my 20's when the AE was going on.
So you're what... 50 or 60 and here talking to the cord and trev?
Many such cases
Good morning siring someone isn't a "slaughter" and making a bingo out of all the insults you've been called is the definition of "worked"
No, I was a kid then, but I remember joining my dad in the office occasionally and hearing people talking about it. Again, it's a different beast. Let me ask you this: If Roman and Rhodes suddenly upped and left to join AEW, do you believe AEW would sell out all arenas and start getting a million-plus viewers? Likewise, if Omega and Okada hopped over to WWE and started getting millions of viewers, would you consider them mega-draws?
I can taste your tears from here.
Maybe not sell out arenas but there are a lot of factors in that and Tony fucks up pretty much all of them.The ratings would definitely go up and all their merch would sell out immediately and that's how being a draw works in 2024. The same likely would not happen with Okada and Omega coming to WWE. Ratings would stay the same and they'd probably get good merch sales but it wouldn't be anything crazy
This was genuinely so fucking cringe, Cody doesn't even feel like a world champion at this point
If AEW was starting right now and WWE was completely the same as it is now, and Roman or Cody hopped and showed up at the first show, it would do a monster number. If the show was amazing then they would retain many viewers. Even Punk coming off UFC was a huge boost to AEW. They can't retain numbers because in today's world, the people who want to watch what AEW is offering, or sit through 3 hours of RAW is pretty much decided. There isn't a huge influx of tv watchers, hence WWE gaining over a million viewers for Big Show talking to Johnny Ace when the WWE was not nearly as hot as it is now. They will watch it on social media or whatever, but viewership is in chunks now, besides big events or sports which has remained somewhat a tradition. MLB has what people call the best player of all time, who had what they said was the best game of all time, and he was hitting homers into empty seats from a plate with empty seats behind it. The landscape has changed.
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>record profits
>Smackdown literally cancelled from FOX, WWE had to pitch it to USA for less money and more content.
>AEW gets 170 milly a year for all their content (at best, this is the best case speculation right now, no deal has actually been announced)
>WWE gets 1 Billy a year for a single show
There are levels to this shit. Let it go, Trev
Smarks really ruin wrestling with their hate of babyfaces
>Tony fucks up pretty much all of them.
I don't disagree, but the reality is that TK, much like yourself, thinks there is a star who will turn everything around. That isn't the case, not anymore. This isn't the 80s or 90s where companies were made or broken by their stars - there is no one on the level of Austin, Rock, Hogan, Macho, or even Bret Hart (who was massive big outside of America).
>The landscape has changed.
Yes, it has, and in that landscape, there are no more actual stars. It's all about the brand.
>Bret Hart (who was massive big outside of America).
Meme. Bret was never big anywhere. The company tanked under him.
But it isn't. He carried that company and would lay down the foundation for the AE, protecting Austin and Rock, and helping create (albeit unwillingly) the Vince McMahon villain (though it was more art imitating life). He was also a big draw in places like Europe, Canada, the UK, Japan, and India. He is also the only guy to star in an episode of The Simpsons when that actually meant something.
>He carried that company and would lay down the foundation for the AE, protecting Austin and Rock, and helping create (albeit unwillingly) the Vince McMahon villain (though it was more art imitating life)
Hey Bret
Cody increased attendance by 20 percent upon arriving. All his shows did way more attendance than other shows. Roman increases attendance. Both draw ratings. Cody has sold the most merch of all time. The brand is strong, yes, but the brand is built on the stars. During the Cena era, where this talking point was made famous, Cena was selling more merch than the rest of the roster combined. WWE before Bloodline and Cody was way different than it is now. It's not all about the brand.
Is that how you cope after finding out your mom and sis were dicked down by Indians
All three inches of dicking, thankfully not big enough to penetrate
Everyone talking about The Rock, Austin, Hogan, Bret - they’re not doing shit right now. Their time is done. They carried through their generation. Now it’s Cody and Roman carrying the wrestling industry.

Right now you’re living through the next generation of legends.
>Cody, you're are in my path
holy FUCK does the Tribal Chief lurk here too?
> Thinks everyone got a micro penis just like him
>Ends up outing his mayo monkey small cock
>Doesn't deny his mother and sister were slopping down on some big Indian meats
>Become kwaboty while trying to think a reply

Cumskins like you should hang themselves instead of embarassing yourselves and your whole race kek
This segment was so fucking overproduced. It was like WWE produced by Mark Wahlberg or Michael Bay. Very sleek, very Hollywood. Hated it. Wrestling isn’t cinema, it’s theatre. Imagine paying $200 for some seats to watch a promo on a screen.
A lot of wrestling fans have watched since childhood, others watched when young or a teenager, lost interest, came back years later.
Malcom in the Middle intro
Cody and Roman won't ever be movie stars.
Only cos I'm upstairs shoot plowing your shoot mom and btw those aren't tears hahaha
Fuck Hollywood and fuck modern movies
Cena was never Austin or Hogan tier, he was the same shit as Roman or HHH, smashed over forced star that presided over a shrinking audience
I love the term mayo monkey because that implies blacks are regular monkeys
Says who Tranny? You?
>Rock will never be a movie star look at the shit he’s fallen into doing like Tooth Fairy
>Batista will never make it in hollywood, he’s no Rock
>Cena is a wrestler’s wrestler he’s got no range, he’ll never be a movie stat
>Cody and Roman will never be movie stars
I am an inselaffen enjoyer because it acknowledges that all bongs regardless of color are the monkeys of europe
You and your entire family tree of smelly, disgusting, retarded, street shitting Jeets (includes but not limited to, Kumar your filthy shitskin father, Sanjay your subhuman ape of a grandfather) have only dicked down fat, ranchid, hairy, mustache having, subhuman Jeetas by the means of spontaneous gang rape (victims include but not limited to: Puja, your filthy beard having, skidmark leaving, disgusting mother, Gurbaj, your smelly, cow dung burger making, mosquito cake creating, frail, prolapsed whore of a grandmother)
You and your entire “people” are the laughing stock of the entire world. The one thing, Whites, Niggas, Arabs and Jews agree on, Jeet subhuman levels of everything. From social interactions to Sexual Market value (male and famale, although it’s hard to tell the difference sometimes) and from Hygiene to your overspiced, filthy, apartment complex devaluing, sorry excuse of a “cusine”.
To call your country the earth’s toilet would be massively underselling it. India is the middle ages’ sewers of planet Earth. Putrid, disease ridden, conglomeration of humanity’s waste product.
Cena made WWE more money than both and is now making Hollywood more money than both. I am sorry he didn't say enough epic cusswords for you or only wrestle for a few years during le epic Attitude Era
its funny when indians try to be racist against other people. dude youre literally the lowest on the totem pole, even blacks think you're below them lol
>Gets literally buck broken after seeing some truth

Lmao by the time you wrote this anon your white mom and sis came around 5-6 times on some Indian meat while you seethe in your basement
Now try writing all this again but without shitting and pissing your pants kwab
A pajeeta is going to be the new ruler of muttland while all ceos are almost Indians Jews and Jeets buck broke the whole world but you retardbrains can't comprehend this
Whites are the most cucked race in the world
While nigs are the dumbest
It's better to be a fuckin chink instead of these deadweights lol
thats so funny you brought her up
your example of kamala is that she's so embarrassed about being indian that she says she's black now instead

you just reinforced my point lmfao
You have no point here smoothbrain Her name is Kamala and she knows what she's doing whites are getting bred out and nigs will end up killing each other or getting enslaved again Jews and Jeets are the only reality here
You better start worshipping your new overlords maggot
My point is that indians are so ashamed about their ethnicity to the point that you guys are now pretending to be black

Man, that's legit funny af
You mad, Rakesh?
Jeets trying to act tough is always so funny. My guy every other race on earth from the richest Jew to your middle class white to ghetto niggers to kids in Africa working the mines, wake up and thank all the gods they at least weren't born Indian.
Rock bottom of humanity
I agree 100000% percent although the circumstances are obviously different because Bret and Shawn had to deal with Vincent’s retarded booking while Ramen and Cawdy don’t
back to page one
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You're such a lying fucking prick. I was a teenager in the attitude era and NONE of my friends who didn't watch wrestling gave a shit about it - then, now, forever.

Was hardly ever brought up, never randomly quoted, nobody would rather sit around watching wrestling over playing basketball or vide games, none of it. And nobody wore that shit to school either or you'd get bullied then just like kids get bullied now for wearing wrestling gear.

Stop fucking lying to these zoomers just because many don't know any better.
loved this
someone should make a wikipedia page about the bitchtits-hogwheels war
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You're the lying cunt here; wrestling was literally part of the mainstream entertainment and pop culture. Why do you think there were things like Simpsons Wrestling? Steve Austin in the Celebrity Deathmatch. The Rock in Star Trek. Lita in Dark Angel. Stone Cold Metal (was the first wrestling CD to ever chart on the Billboard 200 albums chart, and all because they stuck Austin's face on it) The Rock hosting SNL. Why did Shriek have that entire wrestling segment in it? You can cry all you want, but you clearly weren't around at that time, or somewhere people weren't watching it, such as... oh, I dunno, Alaska? Keep in mind all of this happened back when that shit actually mattered.
When you're pushed as the undisputed star for the company while burying the entire roster, you're bound to make more money. Literally everything in the company tanked during Cena.
>I was a teenager in the attitude era
That would mean you are 40 years old lmao
>Moving goalposts into the land of rhetoric
Why did attendance stay up until Cena left, and why did Cena and Cody sell more merch than Big Dog Roman
I don’t even understand this post, so you’re saying you’re planning to kill yourself after 29?
It's funny and sad because this site is the only place to freely talk about shit but it's dead and filled with people who just spam all day so being someone in their 40's or 50's having to see or even engage with trev and the cord is so absurd
I'm saying it's sad to be on 4chan in your 40s. Surely you have better things to do with your weekend?

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