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He’s right you know
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Blacks will come and Nash will swallow
For rape victims, no tomorrow
Make it fast, his time of sorrow
In this alley, they had him followed
>wwe is (thing i don't like), aew is (thing i like)
didn't we just have some other schmo from aew doing some bullshit music comparison like this?
Is Slayer performing in half empty arenas?
and as much as he wants to take shots and use pop music, wwe is metallica and aew is anthrax
'fraid that was CM Punk calling himself Taylor Swift for men on an episode of Monday Night Raw
He's right, but in a way he doesn't understand and can never comprehend
Is Taylor Swift?
lol even worse
if I was an Uber driver or other low IQ "human", I'd appreciate unnecessary analogies, but I'm not
Many are saying this
A band does like 12-24 shows every 2-3 years usually

AEW runs what, at least 60 venues a year or so counting PPVs?

It's an entirely different business.
AEW doesn't have a huge following tho
yeah because they killed it lmao
AEW is the Diddy of wrestling.
>E-piggiEs are on the same level as the retarded "Swifties"
PiggiEs are gonna OINK about this one
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why'd wwe do it?
Kek dronies still trying to shake the World Weinstein Entertainment allegations and still failing
Can't even stand on its own merits.
there is absolutely nothing at all metal about wwe
I mean, it's true. AEW is literally killing pro wrestling.
WWE is for girls and for faggots? of course
It's all they can do. Just like WWE is Mcdonalds and aew is a Michelin star restaurant. WWE is MCU and aew is The Godfather when in reality it should be WWE is Mcdonalds and aew is burger king and WWE is the MCU and aew is DCEU.
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Somebody rang?
Where's the lie, bros?
people actually know who Slayer are, not so much for gAyEW I'm afraid
What a weird cope
WWE runs more places and has no trouble filling them. Funny, innit?
Slayer is a metal legend, ECW was the Slayer of wrestling. AEW is more akin to some edgy literally who garbage band like Infant Annihilator.
WWE is coldplay, AEW is Weird Al
WWE is Drake, AEW is lil Dicky
WWE is taylor swift, AEW is Riki Lindhome
WWE runs one of the best live gate businesses in the world. It's really impressive when you think about it.
But having said that, AEW does pretty well too.

It's kind of like why MLB has the highest attendance of any other major sport -- a hell of a lot of games are played every year in a hell of a lot of stadiums. Almost none of them are individually well attended anymore aside from big games and marquee cities. But they still do the best live-gate attendance in the world, any sport.
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>AEW does pretty well too
They do far, far worse than WWE but yeah, they do pretty well if you think about the live attendance business as a whole.
Based Jaxbro
Not really. Other companies could run just as many low drawing events as AEW does if they also had a limitless budget and no inclination to actually make money
I disagree. I think they do well enough.

I do agree that they would've never been able to get to this point without the trust fund though.
WWE be like peepee and AEW be like female peepee. Peepee goes inside female peepee
kek their wrestlers are as retarded as their fans.
Slayer can sell out a show, so no, AEW is not like Slayer.
KK would never support the tranny product
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Slayer fans dont look like this
wwe fans do though
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It's the same fucking person
The only thing getting slayed are their fans penis’
Ironic because now James has a straight edge X tattoo.
Good for a few years at the start and then shit after? Yeah AEW is Slayer
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AEW are The Killers of pro wrestling.
That's insulting to Slayer
And Taylor desu
they’ve only been around a fraction of the time slayer was around
>people actually know who Slayer are
you give ppl way too much credit. now that their shirts are sold in walmart, sure, ppl know they’re some sort of band. but, ive met fat fuck posers wearing their shirt who couldnt name a single song
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>Taylor Swift
>highest grossing and drawing star in business

>retired band that only preforms random shows
>riddled with inner turmoil between band mates who hate each other

So AEW is a washed up wrestling promotion full of people who hate each other?

>Infant Annihilator can sell 50k+ at Wembley
That makes sense
That means you never lived in Florida. Congrats
>slayer fans cut themselves to show how hardcore they are
>AEW fans cut their dicks off to show how hardcore they are
Also 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0
Based charls
>WWE is like the hot popular thing, and AEW is the relic from a bygone age that should've quit when they lost a key member but took the brand too far
naw AEW are some shit arthouse act that draws dimes from hipsters and nerds but has limited mainstream appeal. Like I dunno Bon Iver or Surfjan Stevens maybe
>Panda Energy TNA
I'm not sure what's funnier, that you think AEW is "arthouse" or those bands are
But slayer play full stadiums. Aew is the shit elvis impersonator singing at the local gay bar
>relic from a bygone age that should've quit when they lost a key member but took the brand too far

That's literally WWE
Ya seem to know an awful lot about what goes on in gay bars
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>that doesn't mean Slayer doesn't have a huge following
AEW is Spinal Tap when they were playing second fiddle to a puppet show
e-drones once again with the hottest of references to 4+ decades ago
i dont remember slayer having a audience of neckbeards and trannies or having member who are Trannies or Faggots
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>discord tranny obsessed with niggers
You fags expose yourself every day lol
>having member who

It's even funnier than that cause Slayer recently caught shit for being "nazis" and I'm sure their tranny fanbase will not acknowledge that, but pretend they love the band
Slayer is older than Darby Allin. Imagine people in the 60s acting like Al Jolson was the pinnacle of music.
No. They are headlining two large festivals this month
Isn’t this Iyo’s fuck buddy?
WWE is Coke zero. Name of the original but will never be like the classic (WWF).
AEW is RC Cola. Tries to compete with Coke but only serves in vending machines.
they do tho
it doesn't mean that slayer doesn't have a huge following, but you're just talking about slayer here and not gayew kek
>when in reality it should be WWE is Mcdonalds and aew is burger king and WWE is the MCU and aew is DCEU.
go back to /mu/ tranny
>AEW does pretty well too.
heh lol
but slayer can actually sell out a venue
>AEW is Slayer
AEW is Tenacious D. a parody comedy act that only kids and teens enjoy
Kek do posers think Slayer is underground or something?
They could probably sell out the same arenas Swift does
We aren't in the 90s/early 00s anymore.
BK is too successful
More like Jack in the Box or something
that makes sense, jack in the box because they're mostly present on the western side of usa
but the eastcoast usa has the hardee's boys
Holy fucking cringe
The gayest part of this is trying to tell people how you want to be seen. ECW didn't tell us they were the Nirvana of wrestling, we told them because they actually disrupted the status quo.

AEW can keep saying it's badass metal, best ever, but it'll always be seen as an indy daycare and a WWE retirement home until it proves itself otherwise.
if you're the one telling people that you're the x of y or something like that
then first off
that's you trying to tell people what to think of you rather than it coming organically from them, which is akin to brainwashing in a way
second, it just comes off as desperate attempts to convince people you're something they don't readily see and most likely you're just covering up for the gaps that are missing for the comparison to hold any water, therefore, you really ain't it bruh
Slayer is so fucking gay. All metal is fucking gay.
Metallica = Hulk Hogan
Megadeth = Shawn Michaels
Slayer = Marty Jannetty
Anthrax = Al Snow

Washed-up lulcows from 30+ years ago?
Nah you are
>quoth slayer “who’s that pussy?”
As a fan of metal music I think Darby is motherfucking high as giraffe pussy for even suggesting this comparison.
Well, AEW IS slop for tasteless posers, so he's at least right on that account.

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