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> This podcast is recorded 4 days after his debut with AEW
> he starts off saying he hit a wall in wwe as a “helluva hand”
> his entire role was to make other people look good and he got tired of it
> he was always fighting from underneath in wwe and he hated that. Bobby, drew or Brock would mog him and he could never be on the same level. He wanted to start off all matches on equal footing with the opponent
> one time he went to give drew a suplex and he was chewed out backstage by staff because someone his size should not do that
> complains and whines more about wrestling psychology and being a midget , Jericho tells him that’s the wwe style and it’s a big body territory. Ricochet cries some more
> one time he worked a match and Vince told him “that’s too spectacular. Even John cena cant do that . To which ricochet just took it on the chin agreed and moved on. He was too afraid to challenge Vince
> told Johnny ace he wanted to quit the company and go back to working the indies for less money. Johnny says “how about we give you the IC title?” And he folds and stays with the company .

He sounds like a complete geek. He whines a lot and doesn’t understand basic wrestling psychology like 90 percent of Smarks . Good riddance to this faggot
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Stay mad e-drone. YOu are cooked.
Imagine being this fat fuck listening to this and crying while jotting down notes
kek woodditards uppity today they must be fearing the raping
>He was too afraid to challenge Vince
>Johnny says “how about we give you the IC title?” And he folds and stays with the company .
Does he bring up the fact that he still can’t cut a promo to save his fucking life? AKA, the one thing that will actually move you UP the card in WWE?
I thought he already won
Why did this upset the 2 aew fans left kek
was triple h really in charge of black and gold cause the people he pushed arent being treated the same in raw and smackdown
>listening to a 40 minute podcast with Ricochet
>rushing to /pw/ for some cheap (you)s
>calling anyone else a geek
He sounds like a whiny ahhh bitch I ain’t finna lie
that's the only thing I took from this too.
>hit a wall
Hit his ceiling more like. Ricochet is fun to watch in the ring with others who have different styles but he can't promo for shit. He needs to accept that he can't be a main eventer.
Sounds like you got worked by based Ricochet!
One of these faggots is definitely yukatranny. He’s always crying . Usually is the first poster in threads defending the tranny fed .

As the podcast went on and on even Jericho got tired of him crying victim. He fell for the mark tactic of getting a title to shut up.
Hunter was smart to size up Twinks with other twinks. Vince caught wind of it and told him to knock it off .
You’re legitimately crying just like ricochet kek
>that’s too spectacular. Even John cena cant do that
that's probably the one time in his life he should've listened to vincetty and instead of realizing how true this is and how it ruins the business for literally everyone else he just complains about it yikes
Did he really think Jericho would sympathize with him? He worked in WWE for 20 years, he knows what goes on there, we never saw Jericho trying to suplex Carder because he understood he shouldn't do that, what the fuck?
>Hires Ricochet
>Complains he's being Ricochet
>Only do things Cena can do
Jericho pretty much told him thoughout the podcast that’s how it’s done and his expectations weren’t going to fly , even with Vince gone. Some reason ricochet couldn’t understand that.

> Ricochet : “ I can squat 400 pounds!”
> Jericho : “they don’t care about that”
> Ricochet :(
Jesus Christ you missed the point. You should work for AEW
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this is fine but suplexing Drew exposes the business
How did he not know what he was likely signing up for? Even a top "workrate" guy of the time like Owen Hart spent years as an early to midcard guy and had to use comedy for attention. You're not coming in and being booked like Prince Puma.
A fake belt made him stay and that makes him a huge mark in my opinion.
>Only do things Cena can do
The one thing Cena can do that Ricochet can't is drawing the big bucks.
didn't this geek have a 15 minute match against a guy in a bull mask
>Even John cena cant do that
top kek i wonder what this spectacular move was considering I don't think cena could do what Ricochet did every math like SSPs and 630s lol
>hire a spectacular high flyer
Vince wouldn't pat Shane on the back until he nearly killed himself, you've got a long way to go anon
>one time he worked a match and Vince told him “that’s too spectacular. Even John cena cant do that . To which ricochet just took it on the chin agreed and moved on. He was too afraid to challenge Vince

What a fucking pussy, Vince likes it when you challenge him.
the point is that john cena is extremely high power level and even he doesn't suplex people like drew mcintyre
>Vince caught wind of it and told him to knock it off .
if vince was still in charge he woulda loved current nxt trips was just fantasy booking pwg shitters
This is is the exact same shit he said to AJ Styles, btw. Some learn to love the slop, some get wise and quit. Ricochet is just kind of a dumbass
>the point is that john cena is extremely high power level and even he doesn't suplex people like drew mcintyre
You're conflating two different anecdotes you illiterate pig
>could have embraced the Rey Mysterio role to draw a dime
>chose to be a mark
Kek what a retard
my bad I didn't realize it was related to the Drew point
Cena never did any kind of high fly moves to the point of him going on the top rope is extremely rare. I think he did some kind of leg drop from the second rope and a hammer punch (while landing on his feet) from the top rope, and that's about it as far as I remember. I think what Vince is referring to here are feats of strength which Cena is very famous for.
>could have embraced the Rey Mysterio role to draw a dime
He could not in fact have changed his ethnicity to hispanic
> anon used an example of something that looked horrible to prove the point that a smaller man shouldn’t be lifting up a bigger man twice his size
Congratulations both things look horrible , smarks can’t stand logic .
It wasn't, read it again. DTA nigga
>both things look horrible
Not to Vince
This. Its a test and he failed
Vince is well known for liking whacky shit and his random mood swings, he would fire someone for daring to do a move he didn't approve of, and push another because he did the same exact thing, but he thought it was funny this time.
No, AJ Styles did the same thing. But Vince liked him because they're rightwing crackers with abusive dads
Ricochet got a match with Brock in Saudi mania
He should be thankful he even got that
Maybe if he didnt draw away viewers with every word he spoke he would've done better
>Vince is a mentally ill old faggot that booked the worst WWE television ever from 2015-2019 and shouldn't be defended for it
AJ is actually great though, no one ever disputes that, Ricochet is good, but he is also the reason that modern wrestling is fucking retarded, and every brain damaged 5 foot midget does flips, he is singlehandedly responsible (by proxy) for 90% of all wrestling related injuries since he had that fucking match with Ospreay in NJPW.
>, he is singlehandedly responsible (by proxy) for 90% of all wrestling related injuries since he had that fucking match with Ospreay in NJPW.
90% of wrestling injuries aren't from flips
this is also retarded because Misterio and Super Crazy and Tajiri were doing more dangerous shit than Ricochet ever tried
> Ricochet : “ I can squat 400 pounds!”
Cena can squat 700 pounds, but you know what Cena does when he gets someone like Big Show, or Visera, or the Great Khali, or even Lord Tensei up for the AA? He fucking sells it or collapses completely,
Because it's a fucking fake and it's a visual business and the visual of a 5'9, 170 pound guy suplexing 6'6, 260 pound guy is absurd.
> love the slop
It’s literally a fundamental of something that’s been done in this business for deacdes . It’s called psychology unfortunately geeks like you love video games psychology. I’m begging you to stop taking HRT faggot
this nigga got worked by the IC title? He was IC champ??
Source where he loved it?

My point is dumbass that they stuff like this and it ends up horrible . Fiend hell in a cell 2019 comes to mind. Then Vince ends up hating it. In your console war ridden brain you seem to believe that this one moment is the one thing you can hang your hat on when you’re missing the point .
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>Even John cena cant do that
>It's good that AJ decided to dog it in every match for the last 10 years
yum yum yum good slop
What about the dozens of stories of people that fight back and get shit on even more afterwards?
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was curious, wild how little those two interacted, they had more matches teaming together then singles until 2009 then they basically stopped interacting again. Taker didn't like Jericho I think. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/G9bgP6ObMjk taker never forgot.
>He wanted to start off all matches on equal footing with the opponent
I know people are gonna shit on Nash, but he once had a good point.

This reminds of when Nash and Hall were in a match with 45 year old broken down Piper and near 50 year old Ric Flair.
Nash and Hall wanted to start the match with Nash and Hall getting the upper hand to start match because
1. They had PPV match the following Sunday
2. It would look fucking stupid and there would be literally no where else for the match to go if the older, smaller babyfaces got the advantage or were even with them to start the match.

Flair and Piper got made and decided to bum rush them to start the match and so Nash and Hall just easily overpowered both of them in a shoot and just threw them out of the ring.
although they over did that a bit, by like 2015 with them still doing can Cena slam big show, yes, he did it twice on the biggest stage possible, mania. I think he can do it. Was annoying as shit.
op you are in all honesty fucking pathetic, and everyone here is laughing at you
>Fiend hell in a cell 2019 comes to mind.
lmao what a bootlicking faggot. Vince threw a fit at commentary for trying to explain it, because to him it was fine.
Vince didn't hire Ricochet.
>Bobby, drew or Brock
Imagine being this no promo, twink looking homo and complaining that you have to work as an underdog against guys of this size. He is literally the modern wrestler
>no charisma
>spot monkey
>ethnically ambiguous
>get my shit in
>asshole fingering
>fake tough guy
>battles people on social media
name 3.
So if Ricochet thought that was a good idea, what was his plan for Bobby, Drew, or Brock to get the heat on him?
Should they have started working his fucking leg? Should the guys twice his size start working the leg with holds?
prince puma exists
the match that Ricochet was talking about where he did whatever move was not with Cena or Drew, it was with a bunch of jobbers. Ricochet is a bitch, but Vince is insane and you're a faggot if you defend him.
>Ricochet recalled that the incident occurred during a match against the heel group RETRIBUTION, which featured Mustafa Ali, T-Bar, Mace, Slapjack, Reckoning, and Retaliation. Despite losing the match, one of Ricochet’s moves had caught Vince McMahon’s attention
How many times have you replied to this thread kek
He suplexed Drew. He doesn't give a shit what they do as long as he gets his shit in. Literally modern wrestler. This is why all their matches are the same and easily forgotten. It's every one doing the same shit they always do against someone else. That's it. If someone worked his leg he'd sell for the move they were doing it and then do 2 spanish fly's and a shooting star press right after. People like Ricochet think he should be getting a main run because he can do a fucking back flip on command. Meanwhile ask him to cut a promo for 5 minutes and he's fucking fumbling and making people flip the channel. Open challenge for anyone: Find and post Ricoshit's best promo ever anywhere.
You're just as much of a mark as Ricoshit is. Kys troon
I've heard Vince stories like that from a few guys, like they'll go out and do a great match and when they get back Vince is screaming at them because their smile into the hardcam wasn't right
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>He suplexed Drew.
Ricochet is a talented acrobat, but he really is a bad wrestler. He has zero understanding of psychology. He is a small guy and he needs to work with that. The match still needs to make sense and it still needs to be believable. He should have buddied up to Rey Mysterio and learned from him, because Rey knew how to work with bigger opponents. Rey could make crowds buy into his offense and victories. Richochet has never been able to do that.
>flippyshitter that thinks he's anything more than a flippyshitter realizing he's a flippyshitter
next youre going to tell me hogan slammed andre before wrestlemania brother

>this is the guy these trannies are defending
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>do a great match
and the guy in the bull mask was more over than him
Is it true Ricochet can fit his entire fist in his ass?
This is him trying to get over with his fake "hey guys I'm black so that means I am tough and talk like dis. Nuffin!"
When I was in college, I weighed 135 lbs but I could benchpress 235 (2 plates) for reps of 5. I would also go into the heavy dumbbell room at the YMCA and incline press the 100 lb dumbbells for 3 reps of 5, and the bodybuilders there looked at me as if I were some sort of alien. So maybe I can believe Ricochet can squat 400 lbs, but nobody else will, just like I bet people reading this post will think I'm bullshitting. And besides, there is a big difference between moving a balanced barbell in a controlled motion, and trying to move a human being, especially if that human is (in kayfabe) resisting. Ricochet absolutely should not be pulling off power moves on Drew.
Ricochet is a fucking mark, pal.
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>Johnny says “how about we give you the IC title?” And he folds and stays with the company .
It was a northern lights suplex kek
Mustafa Ali, Riddle, Tiger Ali Singh
You get it. And I believe you.
Did Lucha Underground turn this (literal) spot monkey into a self-mark?
Based post 10/10
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>his entire role was to make other people look good and he got tired of it
Nobody tell him he's just in AEW to make Ospreay look good
>Even John Cena can't do that
>I'm not John Cena. I'm Ricochet

I bet Vince would have respected that more. At least would have opened a conversation, even if it was just Vince scolding him. He wouldn't have forgotten Ricochet after that.
maybe be didnt want to be at a company whose shows get cancelled
lol you listened to this shit seething and wrote down your gay little notes
>maybe be didnt
why are all AEWtists brown?
I don't know why he gave him shit because Cena can't do stuff. Cena can't even throw a good punch or do his STF properly.
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Why give up being able to see your wife everyday tho? That's the one thing I don't understand about Buddy and Ricochet
There have been many stories about people standing up to Vince and him Respecting them more for it. There was a famous one about Kofi Kingston, Jericho told him to stand up to Vince and it worked.
Ricochet needs to just accept the only time anyone ever thought he was worth a shit is when he was Prince Puma in Lucha Underground. He whined about NJPW keeping him a Junior for similar reasons.
>person posting on a wrestling message board says an actual pro wrestler doesn't understand how to wrestle
Challenging Vince coincides with how much Vince likes you. I don’t get why Vince simps think simply standing up to him is enough
Apparently you haven't been married.
You sound really upset yukatranny
Listen man I know you’re a smark and you really put wrestlers on a pedestal. Understanding basic VERY BASIC wrestling psychology isn’t some college course on physics or biology .

Hang yourself with your wrestling titles while shoving your wrestling figures up your ass
He sounds like a geek because he is a geek. That's why he went nowhere and it's why he'll go nowhere in AEW. The ceiling he hit is the ceiling he built in his head. Imagine folding for the IC title. He's a crybaby geek.
That's why he went to to the guy who was willing to pay him like a main eventer even though he's not.
Edrones be like:
>NO! That guy’s too big, there’s no way you can do a move that done as a shoot uses the guy’s size against them!
>console war npc
WWE didn’t create in ring basic psychology you absolute geek. Jesus Christ some of you are absolutely lost when it comes to anything in life
Outside of the match with Will, it's clear AEW will have no idea how to use him either. He's been there a month, and has already not been booked for two weeks worth of shows in that time.
In buddys case they’ll call him insecure and say he’s ruining rheas storyline and career.
Also he’s making 2x more money doing once a month rampage matches so there’s that with the money Rhea makes. I’m sure he’ll leave aew soon anyways once rheas storyline is finished.
It was created by people who never had a real athletic fight in their entire lives, wrestling has been on a downward spiral because NOTHING has any real life psychology, it was all designed for hicks and Vince is sissy who told everyone in the business how to “work”.
Only major wrestling corporation in a downward spiral right now is AEW.
Yet AJ does big man moves to dudes that tower over him
Streets and every available metric seem to be saying this too
slopdown was cancelled and replaced with aew
Enjoy your ban!
not reading your schizo seethepost bitchtits, go wash your ass for once
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This is you lol
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Always hated this little faggot piece of shit ever since I first saw him in Lucha Underground, boring negative charisma vanilla midget
>one time he went to give drew a suplex and he was chewed out backstage by staff because someone his size should not do that
eh, this must be a new directive because that is what i have hated about the wwe for 20 yrs now the way all the little guys would beat up the big guys. especially the way the wrestlers would all be able to do moves on the big show
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>He was too afraid to challenge Vince

which is exactly the moment vince decided 'i will never ever take him seriously'. kofi kingston straight up TACKLED vince mcmahon on a place as he was told "buck up now or you are DONE".

guess who eventually main evented and WON THE PROMOTION'S TOP CHAMPIONSHIP AT WRESTLEMANIA? now guess who's back to minor league bullshit because he bitched out in front of an old man? exactly. ricochet's a mental midget and that's why he's about to get tossed into the box of toys tony khan no longer has fun with (after he's done jobbing to ospreay, who was at least smart enough to suck tony khan off early and furiously while dumping on the major leagues).
>Usually is the first poster in threads defending the tranny fed .

you're thinking of hogwheels aka the fat, shower dodging retard in a wheelchair (due to his morbid obesity; he wasn't born in a wheel chair).
Richochet doesn't get too specific about the sequence of moves, but it sounded like Vince might have meant about too spectacular of a comeback for Richochet's role after sustaining damage or something, but Richochet seems to only have interpreted it as just about the move or moves being spectacular. It's around 19 minutes in the podcast.
He also likes to watch black gay porn while thinking about his /pw/ nemesis
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>/pw/ nemesis

you mean bitchtits aka one of hogwheels' schizo personalities that he created because nobody on this (or any) website takes him seriously enough to enter into a long term rivalry with him, exactly like ricochet. but at least ricochet is athletic.
seethe harder nigger, slopdown WAS finna cancelled lmao
Yes that’s exactly what I meant. Dude has been feuding with a shirtless picture of Ojama for over a year lol
Let’s see if the cuck fed can and draw 33 million views for the Main Event like they used to.
it's literally not, but feel free to confirm how not gay you are by posting the gay porn you have saved to your hard drive
This tbqhwyf. Imagine complaining about fake fighting ..
You were watching gay black porn, thought of your imaginary enemy during your goon session, and took a screenshot to make a thread that immediately backfired on you. You are gay as fuck lmfao
>You were watching gay black porn
Damn, Vince post here?
Ricochet made my gf a wrestling fan so he always holds a special place in my heart
Ricogeek has been mogged and been a jannetty everywhere he has went
>mogged in DG by PAC
>mogged in LU by Pentagon
>mogged in NJPW by Osprey
>mogged in WWE
he will continue being a mogged bitch in AEW
>one time he went to give drew a suplex and he was chewed out backstage by staff because someone his size should not do that
the visual of this is embarrassing for both guys
Taker did an interview before x8 with that Landserger cuck, and he throws shade at “the champion”
I am a fat fuck and I am listening to this right now while crying and jotting down notes.
what a dork lmao
Someone post the video with his hand up his own ass.
that's easier to digest because he hadn't slammed him in like a decade and those matches weren't all on muti million view tv shows. Cena would like FU big show in march then in october on the same show they'd be like oh golly can he do it????
It’s insane that he could even do it to begin with . He must have done it at least a 100 times. It helps that big show can post off of his shoulder but still that’s a lot of fucking weight . Squatting anything above 500 is insane
>> one time he worked a match and Vince told him “that’s too spectacular. Even John cena cant do that
I guess this means Ricochet wanted to do something so flashy that even a main eventer like Cena isn't allowed to do
Best I could find
Hard to read the exact meaning but I read it more like cena the character can't do that so ricochet would never be able
What do you expect? The guy films himself playing with his own butthole
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>leave wwe
>sign with aew
>complain how wwe didn't understand them and held them back
>claim they're happy in aew and have the freedom to do whatever they want
>they don't bring any new viewers to the show and the viewership gets even worse week after week
and the circle of life continues lmao
This dialogue explains so much about his twitter behavior after his AEW debut
No that shit is stupid which is why smarks love it and cry when he loses
Don't most men move past the victim mentality by the time they're 30?
Kek I don't care much about Ricochet but this
I'd be mad too if I had a once in a generation talent and athleticism but being used as a midcard jobber
Has he tried actually doing something fucking different? Maybe then he would have a chance to be something more than a good hand?
You care enough to come here and mald about some shitter. You can’t fool anyone
>guy the size of Ricochet can suplex a monster like McIntyre
>this is bad

Only thing dumber than WWE's office are its marks lol. Smol guys powering hosses up is based
God you’re stupid. Calling anyone who likes psychology a “mark”. Go watch your video game psychology bullshit faggot .

I bet you get hard when a girl suplexs a man because it makes you soooo smart.
Does he really think people look at him and then Bobby, Drew, or Brock, and really believe Ricochet is at the same level?
i tried listening to jericho's podcast once but the intro music made my ears bleed and i couldn't hear the rest
The strong midget gimmick is already trademarked by Chad Gable, Ricoshit. Just keep on flipping like you do and do the job in gAyEW.
Show me one time AJ took and entire groups offense, no-sold and bounced back to take them all out with no struggle.
Just one example.
Nobody wants to see Ricoshit suplex people.
>Made up Nash story
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Man's gotta realize he'll never be a top guy. He can do the moves but he's a charisma vacuum and can't cut a promo to save his lie. He just doesn't have IT, and he never will.
Braindead idiot, enjoy your AEWslop.
>Constantly defends WWE while he's there
>Complains by pointing out that he's a huge mark who couldn't learn to work so he wouldn't get pushed, as if other small guys haven't gotten over in WWE
>Admits he was afraid to speak up for himself as a grown adult but now starts shitting on WWE once he's far away from them
>"No I should be allowed to guerilla press huge men as an undercard guy in a match I'm being squashed in for absolutely no reason"
>Re-signs like the mark that he is because Johnny Ace gave him an IC title run
The absolute state of this dude. They even gave him a strong exit kek. As someone who was really high on Ricochet right up until his ego blew up after the year he won all the indy accolades, this dude is mentally incapable of ever getting good.
NXT is for guys to learn how to work in WWE. You push a guy in nxt to see how they respond to the opportunity and if they can get over.
The guys who get pushed after are the guys who proved that they can be trusted to be pushed.
> I wanna quit! I hate it here! I wanna go back to the Indy’s and make less money!!!!
> hey loook at this shiny ic title! You want it???
The title belt is a prop after all. Wow
Yeah, they should have had everyone slamming Andre every week in the WWF so that they could never have built the success of the company off of Hogan doing that on PPV
If he can lift a guy, cool. If he shows that he can work and get over otherwise then they can use that as the big moment of they push him after he proves himself. The fact he complained and wanted to do it for no reason is exactly why he wasn't used.
yeah I'll give him that
this nigga can't talk, doesn't have any memorable matches outside his anime sequence with osprey and he's got an ego bigger than is rectum.
it looks like shit. ricochet looks like an acrobat, he should act like one. small guys doing power moves should look like taz
>too afraid to challenge vince
and this is why he stayed a shitter and is working for AEW now kek
i can guarantee you Jericho winced on the inside when he heard that
see this comment
morning ser
Why are you asking to see something neither Ricochet or Styles did, you dumb BBC-slave defending faggot?
Wrestling isn't real, he can't actually suplex the dude you know?
>> one time he went to give drew a suplex and he was chewed out backstage by staff because someone his size should not do that
And that's why WWE is beating AEW in every category.
>of they push

Why is everyone who decides to #StandUpForWWE like this?
Not enough people in the business who get this. Not everyone can be the top guy, but most talents have a place on the card. The card needs the odd spot guy like Ricochet, or the goofy comedy hoss like Otis. There’s unironically nothing wrong with just being one of the players on the show. There can only be so many top guys and 95% of wrestlers have no chance of ever even lucking into those spots.
Why are you upset that people are standing up?
>Smol guys powering hosses up is based

This kind of retarded thinking leads to Orange Cassidy and Adam Cole being pushed at the expense of guys like Wardlow and Hobbs.
What you’re describing is a “role” according to Ricochet. He started off the podcast saying that his “role” in wwe was to put other people over and make them look good. Basically a “helluva hand” as Jericho put it. Ricochet then groans and says he doesn’t wanna be that guy.

So he’s retarded
Only reason aew signed him was to lose to ospreay lmao
Wardlow BEAT Orange.
>two people with vastly more experience were pushed ahead of greener guys
Retarded swine like this dumb bitch here cannot cope with the fact that Adam Cole pulled higher quarters than Pepsi Man every time he was pushed.
Having that much experience and still sucking shouldn't warrant a push
>still sucking
but enough about your career choice
how do you think Ricochet will feel when he relizes Tony will just make him a midcarder like he was meant to be like in WWE

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