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/pw/ - Professional Wrestling

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Why are hardcore wrestling fans the only hardcore fans of any medium that are actually wrong? What happened there?
When you look at music, movies, TV or sports they have clearly declined because of mainstream/casual values. Everyone older than 12 agrees that music, which has already been cookie cutter shit since the 90s, got even worse when everything shifted to 2-minute tiktok songs. Star Wars and capeshit wouldn't have declined if they actually listened to their vocal fans and NBA ratings wouldn't be in the toilet if they didn't recenter the gameplay around what appeals to casuals who don't actually watch the games live. But wrestling has only gotten worse since de-casualizing. Why is this?
Wrestling is soulless slop now what are you talking about?
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Because "hardcore wrestling fans" actually hate wrestling. They're obese weirdos who want to see 5'6" circus rejects do gay flips and have sissy slap fights. When the business started catering to them, naturally, it collapsed.
unfortunately the only people who want to work in the wrestling industry are hardcore wrestling fans
The average wwe fan might not listen to meltzer but you can be sure that schlomo benstein in the writer's room does
OP I know you’re fat as fuck and you love to gate keep normies. I know it’s hard for you to socialize with anyone because you’re in a constant state of trying to act superior to anyone. I’ll give you a keep recap .

Normies pay for the new boat
Fat gross nerds like yourself pay to keep the lights on

Simple as
>failing to understand OP's point this badly
Well done
I just find it interesting that what appeals to normie casuals in other media is more in line with what appeals to the most obese smarks in wrestling. Like how casuals want basketball to degrade into low defense, high scoring slop or how ironic Reddit tranny shit like Deadpool is so over with the average joe. In wrestling the smarks are the ones who want the self conscious gay zoomer tranny rodeo shit that winks at the camera every 2 seconds, and the casuals want a quality show that makes sense. It's like a bizarro world where normies are right.
Cause wrestling fans over the age of 13 are all subhuman pedophiles. Casual, hardcore, doesn't matter.

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