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He did a watch along with Conrad
> Hated the build , thinks it’s a waste
> your commentator is fighting your world champion
> says the only people who care about this fued are internet nerds who have an unhealthy obsession with wrestling
> Conrad gets upset with that statement
> says this style that Bryan is working is boring and slow. He really thinks people have overvalued Bryan when they say he’s “the best wrestler in the world”. Just because he applies submissions and doesn’t flip doesn’t mean he’s good. Says a 3 year vet can do the exact same spots. He’s not impressed
> Conrad keeps trying to sell the match and Eric fails to see why it’s so special
> thinks Tony is a mega mark for shilling out millions for final countdown for trying to relive his teenage years having wet dreams watching Roh
Eazy E don't miss
> your commentator is fighting your world champion
Conrad would get super pissed off whenever the people on the show mocked Meltzer and would tell them to stop. He uses The Observer as a bible for recapping old shows.
>> says the only people who care about this fued are internet nerds who have an unhealthy obsession with wrestling
>> Conrad gets upset with that statement
Seriously, where's the lie?
>Eric fucking Bischoff cries about spilling money
This guy was the biggest waster of money in the history of wrestling.
Tony is far worse
WCW was losing five million dollars per month and he spent another million on a kiss concert that tanked the ratings, threw a strop and got fired on the spot for having a hissy fit. Which is more embarrassing than anything Tiny's done
Yeah I'm sure that's how the man who coined the phrase 'controversy creates cash' really feels.
Lol no. The amount of money Bischoff spilled in WCW would make even Tony blush. He was literally giving every jobber out there a 6 to 7 figure contracts. And back then that was an insane amount of money in wrestling.
tony is spending 8 figures on fucking sasha banks and Isiah scott.
He also started the wrestling boom of the 90s, got all time high ratings, and has had sex. None of which Tony has done.
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>He also started the wrestling boom of the 90s
Who did what now, brother?
He definitely has much higher highs than Tony, but he's still a retard that spent a ridiculous amount of someone else's money just like Tony
That stupid bitch bankrupted an entire company, one that was beating the WWE for almost two years. He doesn't know jack shit
>doesn't have the gif
And also had the two biggest draws in wrestling at the time served to him on a silver platter (Sting & Goldberg) and he still fumbled that shit because he was too much of a bitch to stand up to the Hulkster.
Nobody can actually explain what is bad about Nigel vs Danielson besides outrage baiting & pearl clutching about Nigel being a commentator
you're not lying, he gave matt fucking borne a $20k ring walk
I thought it was funnier just to have the beginning and not do the gift kek
He gave Buffer like 100k for 1 min ME announcement. People comparing Khan to Bischoff are retarded. Khan isn't throwing 10% of the money Bischoff was at his peak. His only excuse was that it wasn't his money, but then again it did bury WCW and that eventually cost him his job because of woeful management
such an absolute nigger mentality
Considering we still talk about it I think it was worth it.
Considering WCW is dead, I don't think it was.
Source? I can tell you have none, because none of that is true.

In 1999, WCW lost $9 million. Bischoff was only in charge of WCW until September 1999.
He wasn't fired from WCW, he was just no longer the Vice President.
No story ever said he had a hissy fit, u like Tony on Twitter every other week.
The Kiss "concert" was one 10 minute segment on a 3 hour show. The purpose was to introduce them for a New Years Eve WCW PPV where Kiss would play the countdown. That also only cost WCW $500,000, not a Million. Of course we know to an AEWTIST 500,000 is basically the same thing as a Milly, right?
AOL cancelled the PPV because they were afraid of Y2K, seriously.

Thats cool though, keep chugging that Khan dick ya little faggot.
Well the ratings proved he wasn't wrong.
Sup Eric, bankrupt any other company lately?
He's not wrong to be fair
didn't this retard pay out the ass to have kiss perform in WCW so he could relive his teenage years and everyone else thought it was just shitty boomer music and didn't care
Yeah I'm sure a fucking new years eve PPV would've done wonderful buyrates lmao. Eric is a fucking retard
Based Bisch
/pw/ is an Easy E board
>Of course we know to an AEWTIST 500,000 is basically the same thing as a Milly
No lies detected
Wasn't his money
in fairness it aint tonys either lmao
was it because turner hated mcmahon that E had a blank check? because that's what schizo vince believed since it was so unprofitable
>only $500k
>in 1999
now adjust for inflation
I dunno if Vince was that schizo Turner wasted immense amounts of money at a certain point it did seem like grudgespending.
The WCW accounts aren't worth the paper that they're printed on. Turner's accounting team was constantly stealing revenue from them.
If you believe that WCW went from making $100m to losing $200m in a single year, a $300m swing, then frankly you're a fucking idiot.
Oh and AEW has lost more money than the entire existence of WCW but nobody seems to care
Hi Eric. You sit in a cuckchair watching TK dab on your legacy.
He never had a legacy.
concession accepted
No lie detected, Conrad is a fat retard.
yeah but he was still dumb enough to book a boomer rock band from the 70's
Their 1997 tour made $150 million dollars
>> says this style that Bryan is working is boring and slow. He really thinks people have overvalued Bryan when they say he’s “the best wrestler in the world”. Just because he applies submissions and doesn’t flip doesn’t mean he’s good. Says a 3 year vet can do the exact same spots. He’s not impressed
Brutally accurate
Cooking Sabrefags at the same time lol
kek.This got the fat smarks seething
so? it's the same crowd who had been going to see their shows for 25 years
Conrad is like shoving a tree branch up your peehole. I want to stomp on his head until gravy pours out that aew mark ass busta.
Holy hell, how can one man be so based?
He's right. There was no place for Bryan vs Nigel on one of your biggest TV shows of the year. It could've easily been put on Rampage if he wanted to please a bunch of smarks from 2005. It's just more proof that Tony only listens to redditors and indie smarks
Why do e hogs care so much what other men do with their money?
You sound like a bitch, caring about how much a man with his money.
You the type of bundle of sticks that also hates Elon Musk, because "reasons" also
Every time I hear this argument, just know we are laughing at you
I don't care for Eric Bischoff but lets go through most of the statements here objectively

>> your commentator is fighting your world champion

inarguably retarded

>> says the only people who care about this fued are internet nerds who have an unhealthy obsession with wrestling

absolutely. but that's who AEW caters to.

>> says this style that Bryan is working is boring and slow. He really thinks people have overvalued Bryan when they say he’s “the best wrestler in the world”. Just because he applies submissions and doesn’t flip doesn’t mean he’s good. Says a 3 year vet can do the exact same spots. He’s not impressed

Bryan's psychology is still second to none when he's not paired with flippy shitters, so I don't agree here.

>> thinks Tony is a mega mark for shilling out millions for final countdown for trying to relive his teenage years having wet dreams watching Roh

Absolutely undoubtedly true. 0 reason for this match except for "yummy wummy dream matcharino" that will draw no dimes whatsoever. This is exactly why AEW and every other wrestling company are so fundamentally different. They are intent to make MONEY. Shit has to make sense. Good for Tony for not having to worry about this as a major wrestling mark, but this is objectively true.
He's a bitch and won't respond to you so apparently 500k adjusted for inflation today is nearly 1 million ($945,000)
>> says the only people who care about this fued are internet nerds who have an unhealthy obsession with wrestling
unironically burying his own fanbase here, because who the fuck is listening to Bischoff in the year of our lord 2024
Ooooh you got em bubbling with this one kek
Yea but he is still right about Tony. If I want to get into the mind of a murderer I will ask another murderer.
he also went out of business
Nah you’re thinking of aew
It's been 25 years and Eric is still acting like there is a casual wrestling audience.
The crippled cope of impoverished swine
You have holes in your brain
there is, wrestlemania proved that when that ending was going crazy viral

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