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>Remove WWE because they dont get Attitude era numbers
>USA gets them and WWE reaches financial peak
>WWE then gets a multi-billion dollar deal with netflix
>Fox panics and buys AEW
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shockwave on fox with your new gm shane o mac
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>when every sneaker company is in the dumpster right now
no foxy?
blame that nike ceo faggot for flooding the market with those pandas, even every auntie an unc has one of those
AEW Chads always win. It's that simple. Piggies need to remember this and NEVER. FORGET. IT
Unless an official press release comes out I'm not believing this
Look at Nigga Rich Shane.
Yeah, get ready for AEW Shockwave on Fox at 11PM on Friday night.
What a dumb coon lmao
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the piggies are getting rumbled by the shockwaves

DAMN it feels good being all elite
it was multiple stupid decisions
>Nike over producing dunks
>relying heavily on collaborations
>ONLY releasing shoes on apps that were botted to hell
>Adidas removing Ye and killing their brand
>them being forced to push older shoes
>New Balance refusing to move past number 3
>entire market just allowing aliexpress shoes to take over
nike has falling out of fashion
>FOX is going to host a pro abortion, pro gay, pro trans, pro lesbian and anti white wrestling promotion
>people who watch fox will tolerate any of the above agendas
>people who lean to the left watch fox for anything other than family guy
>>USA gets them and WWE reaches financial peak
>>WWE then gets a multi-billion dollar deal with netflix
Why do you think the money WWE is making for themselves matters to networks? Networks only care about the money it can make for them. Either way keep coping
Fox and Fox News are two different things, faggot retard nigger.
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Uh oh, this one already has the Drones BOILING.

Enjoy your bracelet storylines though!

max 300k viewers LMAO
>FOX is going to host a pro abortion, pro gay, pro trans, pro lesbian and anti white wrestling promotion
Nah, FOX already removed that trash company
kek based
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Cannot wait to shit on gAyEW and it's dumbfuck tranny lovers in the new ratings threads LMAO
I am once again beggin' ya to get a life.
Interesting, has fox made even a slight hint regarding this renowned deal yet?
I want to use that deal as my wallpaper but can't find it anywhere
Let me guess this was filmed weeks ago when that was the prevailing rumor and had since been debunked
Of course this retard actually believes AEW is getting a network deal
Fox's very first tv show was about a lower income family whose patriarch had a club where no women were allowed and repeatedly talked down to women, while the wife stayed at home
>Offhand comment by Swerve
>Actual confirmation
Dealy status?
They have the same owners though (Murdoch family)
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>FOX replaces a show that costs a lot of money and gets low ad rates because its viewers are poor, uneducated, and jobless with a show that costs far less and has a higher income, more educated viewership
It just makes sense. Sorry dronies, should've got that GED.
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>All that for a fraction of the viewership Smackdown had
Lets say that hypothetically the AEW viewers spend more on the products being advertised. It's still not gonna be as profitable for the advertisers, the network, or AEW due to the lower viwership Shockwave would have compared to Smackdown.
It makes zero(0) sense for Fox to pick up an AEW C or D show that will get pissant viewership when they complained that Smackdown couldn't get 4 milly.
That sounds like some by the numbers manufactured liberal cope spewed by simpsons family guy futurama and bobs burgers alumnis to save face over the past 3 decades
How's Egypt?
>due to the lower viwership Shockwave would have compared to Smackdown.
And you're basing this on... your own shizoid fantasies? Smackdown was on a free channel and couldnt even get 2 milly. I reckon the new based show from the Khanster can easily do that for way less money.
that was almost 40 years ago lol
The whole joke of Married...with Children is that his family doesn't respect him and his wife is every bad stereotype boomer sitcoms pretended theirs were.
This reference is too esoteric for me
>And you're basing this on... your own shizoid fantasies?
Is 502k for the A show Dynamite a fantasy or reality, dubbalo?
>Smackdown was on a free channel and couldnt even get 2 milly.
It did get 2 millies though, quite often actually. Just because it dipped under that for the end of its Fox run only twice doesn't change that fact.
If Smackdown supposedly can't get that then your case for Shockwave is even worse.
>I reckon the new based show from the Khanster can easily do that for way less money.
And you say I have schizo fantasies? Lmao, you are truly delusional. Collision struggles to get 350k viewers these days and Rampage is even worse.
Comparing WWE ratings and AEW ratings on the same channel would be highly amusing when it's so much lower
Edrones are going to squeal Wednesday night lol.
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>e-drone is a complete retard

This is why Lachlan cancelled your show.
who the hell still watches cable fucking rednecks retards,
I know where and what Egypt is you assmonger, I just didn't get what you meant by referencing it.
Is it a play on words?
The Nile
congratulations, you finally got it
Maybe next time don't make such an obtuse joke and you would get your point across more easily
This is even more embarrassing than when Bitchtits didn't get the allusion to Stepford Wives. Grim.
this nigga gon die from ligma
This joke is so old even that sissy BBC scatslut you call a father knows it.
Sorry I'm not a fat old fart boomer like you I guess
>Vince out of nowhere
Jericho won't rape you, buddy
There is literally not an English speaking human alive who has not heard this joke, except apparently your shut-incel retard ass.
Yeah, I highly doubt that
Sorry not everyone immediately understands your geography jokes, Albert
Maybe the other patients in your nursing home will like it, though. Worth a shot.
No surely we can trust one Low Impulse Control American's word at a convention about spending your money on Chinese shoes instead of accumulating wealth
What the fuck does this have to do with wrestling
oh so this is why bitchtits is melting down, got it
this shut in incel Zoomer is seething so hard lol
Damn, my posts must have really upset you, lmao
Got you doing random ad-hominem insults
Take a chill-pill gramps, wouldn't want to go into cardiac arrest now, would you?

What in the actual fuck are you screeching about?

I'd call you autistic except you're clearly not that smart.
Just an old-sounding name to make fun of this seething boomer
I'd call you a retard who just needs to shut up and keep quiet, but considering how much cock you suck on a nightly basis I think that's already being accomplished
This is going to be an incredible tweet that gets posted 1 million times when they just end up on like FS1 or Tubi.
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Keep the faith fellow trannies.
I have "Q" level clearance within AEW.
Swerve is actually underplaying Fox's desire to broadcast AEW.
I have it on good faith that AEW will be getting at least a billion per year on their new deal.
Fox is abandoning college football to go with rebroadcasts of Dynamite on Friday and Saturday.
The Big 10 has already been notified.
The NBA had to sign with Amazon because they knew WBD was going to strengthen their relationship with AEW.
The WBD negotiations with the NHL are a false flag.
WBD is "All In" with AEW.
End state is AEW initial broadcast of Dynamite on Wednesday with rebroadcasts of Dynamite on Fox proper starting at 7pm on Friday and ending at 10pm on Saturday.
Just two more weeks.
>t. QTranny
>e-drone can't follow a conversation since his thoughts are too preoccupied with his fetishes
at this point I'm only rooting for AEW in the hopes that it kills bitchtits
>What the fuck does this have to do with wrestling?
You ask this on a board full of joshi feet threads.
Kek, this piggie malding
Quite rich coming from the anon who mentions
>BBC sissy scatslut
or supporter of said anon mentioning that

>Mentioning another man's sick deranged fetishes is somehow better
Damn, I didn't think you could do it, but somehow you made yourself look even gayer and more homosexual than before LMAO
Dubbalos need serious mental help if they are so preoccupied with other men's sick fantasies to such an extent
>All caps
He mad. He seething.
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>Slopdown? Forgive me for trying to class up this place, for trying to have Fox reach another strata of society that might not watch Slopdown.

And this is how AEW Shockwave was born
>And this is how AEW Shockwave was born
Serious question. Will Shockwave be the first wrestling show to be cancelled before it even airs?
>Adidas removing Ye and killing their brand
why did they do that?

go back. We don't sign our posts here.
>most over wrestler in weinstein wrestling entertainment is a tna meme wrestler
how does having your dogs name on a bracelet even make sense

no one has ever done that
Forgot to clear the namefield. Lachlan cancelled Smackdown because of dimwitted viewers like (You)
Phil doesn't have children (unlike based Hanger)
But you have lost attendance and viewership year on year. How is that winning?
RAW just posted a record low while Smackdown was cancelled early and is PLUMMETING
we don’t sign our posts here
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There's an obvious portmanteau you could've used there if you were even remotely clever, unfortunately you're too busy being a sun-fearing cousinfucker. Afraid so.
Anyone paying for overpriced sneakers when you can just buy the same shit off of wedian or taobao for way less is a retard.
>Fox gets outbid for Smackdown
>Can easily pay for AEW though
How is this anything but an own for AEW?
Retards lmao
>FOX didn't consider WWE a worthwhile investment

Not understanding this is yet another reason why Lachlan cancelled your program.
the additional alliteration of coon convention is funnier to me than the more obvious coonvention
+ enough about you
Coon convention is funnier to say desu
>sneaker con
those conventions are actually mostly wealthy asian and jewish wiggers
>We don't sign our post here joke
>"Dubbalo" not even at the end of the post
Yup, you're retarded
>Go back
Make me, nig
Exactly. Keep the faith fellow tranny. In just two more weeks, we will have a new deal that will net AEW at least $500 million a year. The trannies are in control. You can't stop what is coming.
>Not understanding this is yet another reason why Lachlan cancelled your program
Fox cancelled WWE because they obviously knew how valuable AEW is. Everyone knows that Daniel Garcia dick dances are, by themselves, worth $100 billion a year. The real news is that Fox will also be cancelling college football, because we all know the Bucks are taking AEW mainstream. Nothing can stop what is coming. In just two more weeks, all will be revealed.
More like
>Pay more than WWE brings in
>Drop it and let some retarded channel get carneyed
>AEW offers you a show for 1/10 of the price
>Take a punt on it
Simple as.
are they announcing it with the new dealy? (any day now!)
>thinks I was saying his name was Dubbalo

I thought redditors could read.

He said mean things about Kikes owning all the banks and shit
I wonder if Tony lies to his wrestlers, like he lies to the dirt sheets ("yeah the deal is at the end zone guys. We might even get on Fox")

Folks .... Poker44 is the call sign for David Zazlov's personal jet. It's on it's way to Jacksonville right now. This means a few things. First of all, that David Zazlov is on his way to Jacksonville to personally negotiate a new deal with Tony Khan. Also, it means that a new AEW TV deal literally just flew over my house. Nothing can stop what's coming fellow tranny feminine penis enjoyers.
You didn't answer my question tard.
all the aew shows have hit record lows this year lmao
It do be like that. They stay losing. Fraid so
Wouldn't this mean aew is going PG? Fox was already censoring the hell out of smackdown as it is.
We don't sign our posts here.

RAW hit a record low this week.
lol, no. They know AEW has their own audience of refined adults instead of retarded kids.
>there are edrones in denial that WWE is in free fall right now
>they’re in denial Raw, Smackdown and NXT lost viewers last week

G r I m
I don't think that's how it works anon
another 50 comments in the same thread by the deranged hogwheels
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>lol, no. They know AEW has their own audience of refined adults instead of retarded kids
Correct, my fellow AEW feminine penis gurgler. No one truly knows how refined sucking dick on broadcast TV can be. Choking on cock truly is the sport of gentlemen.
>current WWE talent on the right
>legendary WWE Hall of Famer on the left
>Old Lady, 30 year old man, and Boomer dad clapping and smiling in the front row
This is the kind of content that puts asses in seats.
A small wrinkle here is that smackdown is moving to 3 hours apparently.

USA are therefore paying less per hour per year than fox did. Fox deal - 205 mill per year, USA deal is 280 mill per year.

Fox paid102.5m for each hour.
USA is paying 93.3m per hour.

I wonder how much fox will pay for the new AEW show?
WWE got swindled
Booked by Tony. Happened in AEW.
>I wonder how much fox will pay for the new AEW show?
I have it on good faith that the contract is at least 500 million per month. With options to go up to 700 million per month depending on the number of Daniel Garcia dick dances per episode.
TK wasn't booking then.

Based DIMEScia does it again, first the #1 draw on /pw/ now this?
>TK wasn't booking then.
How about this one? Did Tony book this?
>I'm going to dump my collection of AEW dickery

Extremely normal behaviour. And here I was thinking Garcia poster had finally gotten the help that he so clearly needs.
Lol. So if someone posts AEW dick videos making fun of how stupid GayEW is, they need to seek help. But if AEW makes dick videos, this is high art? Yeah, I'm sure Fox is champing at the bit to broadcast this complete crap to a PG audience. Never stop being a retard there tranny.
Correct, you need to seek help. And we don't sign our posts here.
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>Swerve getting worked by tranny headcanon
Imagine actually thinking Fox would want anything to do with AEW when it's just a dollar store version of WWE and it's been in a ratings death spiral since late 2023 kek
AEW isn't even a dollar store version of WWE at this point. It's some weird mixture of gay porn and midget wrestling larping as entertainment.
It's on Fox nigga
The tranny that thinks Daniel Garcia dick dances are professional wrestling and believes AEW is going to broadcast TV after 83 weeks of no millies is telling someone else to seek help. Oh the irony.
>It's on Fox nigga
AEW is literally not on Fox and never will be.
But enough about WWE
No deal then. No deal now. No deal forever.
Perhaps you could point me in the direction of a few clips of the last AEW broadcast on Fox? Or maybe point me to some kind of official announcement of AEW's TV deal with Fox?
Perhaps you can touch grass faggot lmao
I thought we didn't sign our posts here? Also, can you clarify when it was announced that AEW will be on Fox?
This is cool but it won't change anything if TK is still booking it, it'll be an afterthought after 6 months just like rampage, then collision.
Slopdown got fucking cancelled lmao
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>Slopdown got fucking cancelled
Did it? That's odd. I believe I watched it last night on USA.
I was watching CFB on Fox because I'm not a virgin
That shit gonna be on FS1
Tf is this tard saying. He's typing on the Pro Wrestling board of 4chan.
>I was watching CFB on Fox because I'm not a virgin
Wait? I thought AEW was on Fox? How was CFB on Fox as well. I thought AEW was replacing Smackdown, which was apparently cancelled? What gives?
Are you fucking retarded?
Lol. It's not even going to be on FS1. It will be broadcast on the RoH app or some shit like that. At this point, I doubt even YouTube would monetize AEW.
>I watched Smackdown!
You’re proud of that? Lmao you’re a fucking edrone
finally they can get the milly
I thought people didn't sign their posts here? But here you are, signing your posts. Also, as the AEW trannies informed me, AEW has replaced Smackdown (which has reportedly been cancelled) on Fox. Which is odd, because College Football was being broadcast in the old Smackdown slot on Fox. How would Fox broadcast both AEW and CFB in the same slot? Surely AEW trannies just wouldn't make something up and pretend its true.
Based Lachlan did indeed cancel Smackdown because you're poor and stupid
But if Smackdown was cancelled, how was it possible for me to have tuned in and watched it on thr USA Network? Are you saying Smackdown wasn't cancelled?
Again, why are you signing your posts when I have been informed we don't sign posts here? Also, can you show me an article where Lachlan has stated he's signing AEW?
So if I get evicted that means I'm homeless for life?
Got cancelled by FOX, drone.
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>It's on Fox nigga
No it isn't lmao. Tony's gonna be real fucking lucky if AEW is on the air, anywhere, in 2025.

Actually, Broke Lachlan tried to keep Smackdown but sadly he got outbid because he's too poor to play in the big leagues.
Wait so WWE got evicted? But I can still watch them on USA? It seems more like, based on your analogy, that WWE's lease may have been up and they just decided to move to an apartment with a better price that they liked better. Eviction means they got kicked out and had no where to go. Kind of like with WBD and AEW right now. WBD's like:
>AEW, it's not working out
and AEW's like:
>but we have no where to go and we have to pay Daniel Garcia millions of dollars for dick dances.
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He was losing money on Slopdown you fuckin idiot why would he pay more lmao
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Imagine thinking fed likes USA more than FOX and losing a milly viewers Lmaoooooooooooo
He said he was on an investor call lmao
Doubt it. FOX wanted to get rid of WWE very early on.

And then the show that replaced Slopdown drew 4.2M.
Anon I...
>reddit spacing
>calls others Redditors
Sup ojama
>more Reddit spacing
Ojama you give yourself away Evert time you do this
More Rovert seethe
This is the most threatening deal to wwe. If more people see there's an alternative and it's popularity is growing they might watch that instead
The "show" you're talking about is college football and it only lasts like 10 weeks of the year. Smackdown was 52
>and it's popularity
Good morning sirs!
Fox is also the home of Pac-12 football.
dey bubblin'
Fox wasn't happy with WWE's ratings on their channel. AEW draws significantly less than WWE does.

AEW would also have another issue if this were to happen - this Fox show would have to become the "A" show because more people would see it and it's on a bigger channel. That means Dynamite gets less priority and Collision probably ends up getting even worse cards.
College basketball and UFL are going to be in Smackdown's old time slot in 2025.
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>FS1, their backwater bullshit network that nobody watches

that's the best case scenario (assuming strickland didnt get worked by the online pig faggots that squeal for always empty wrestling) and FS1 cancels shit ALL THE TIME. also, swineamite still hasn't been renewed, hampage is confirmed for cancellation and piglision is on the way out as it, too, has not been renewed
how much is shad paying lachlan?
Can’t wait for this one to backfire lol
More than Vince was because Shockwave will actually turn a profit for him lmao
>turning profit

calm down, pigtits. tony's pig farm hasn't been profitable in 5 years. no dimes, no draws, no milly.
Keep coping fatass
You lost
Two more weeks
Would Fox be okay with a smaller audience if the transmission rights weren't super expensive? >>15926419
Probably not. There’s no money to be made off of aew. That’s why wbd has refused to renew them
FS1 is fucked when Cowherd leaves
>>New Balance refusing to move past number 3
i dont get it can you elaborate more please
AEW is a company that FOX can work with
They already get more than some Fox shows
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i mean aew hasnt signed any new tv deal at this point. swerve is desperate for attention so he cays fox even though he knows full well its not true. yet there are still people falling for this shit. pathetic
Please understand, the aew cult has taken nothing but L’s for over a year now.
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All part of the plan. Trust the plan fellow trannies.
If AEW pulled high ratings, would WBD be OK letting them go?
If the Rock (who is actually good friends with Tony) hadn't purchased UFL from Vince, would Fox have let WWE go?
Lachlan used the UFL and College basketball as a false flag to "soften the blow" to his executives, knowing full well he was getting AEW.
Low ratings, losing to NXT, empty arenas, Tony wearing "Max" hats .... it's all to throw people off the scent of the Fox deal.
When the deal is announced, it will be a "wave" of "shock" throughout the wrestling world.
You can't stop what is coming.
Tony is playing 4D chess.
All will be announced in just two more weeks.
Where we go one, trannies go all.
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bro im just saying the new tv was supposed to be announced at least once a week since august. september is over now and STILL no new tv deal
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At this point, the lies have to be mostly for the performers. You have to keep the rats from jumping off a sinking ship. Anyone with a brain knows that AEW isn't getting over $100 million a year while pulling NXT numbers. Swerve doesn't seem to be very bright and probably believes Tony's bullshit.
keeeeeek what a terrible week for e-cucks
mushmouth in full effect
Huge. Demo is the most important metric, and WWE continues to deliver in a big way with it. Nothing but W after W for WWE fans
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>Anyone with a brain knows that AEW isn't getting over $100 million a year
the new tv deal is down from 1 billion a year ago to currently $170 million a year
That's just WBD TV
Cost per hour isn't really a thing though. It doesn't impact WWE's production costs because they already have the equipment there and setup, already have the rosters to support it, and typically tape more content anyway. It changed the format but not really the costs. It's an easy negotiating tactic.

That said, I hate 3 hour wrestling on TV because the pacing is always shit. 2 hours is the sweet spot. So I'm not looking forward to the change.
The pacing is even worse live.
>One act makes an entrance
>5-minute commercial break
>Opponent makes an entrance
>Spooky music plays, Nikki Cross crawls out in smoke
>5-minute commercial break
>Rest of the the Wyatts come out
Three hours of that is annoying.
Lmao I love how every tranny faggot you know ignored this one
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Suck it Chuds. In only two more weeks AEW will have a $170 million deal with Fox and instead of college football or basketball, people will be watching the Young Bucks, Will Osperay, and Daniel Garcia.
Is it though? It seems like it's been harder on GayEW fans.
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drones be SHOOK
Yup, Hampage is getting cancelled. I know.
>Thinks "He seething" is a noun
Not only are you a retard you're also illiterate
May I see what time in the TV listings it is scheduled to air then, good sir?
No help?
We don't sign our posts here.
ad rates
damn, SmackDown getting cancelled and AEW debuting on FOX really put 'em piggiEs in a furious mood, huh?
Good for AEW. Now make a show people will actually watch.
About time you got the joke right
Of course it did. Shockwave is sending tmshockwave throughout the industry.
>remove WWE because they made a tranny their champion
>pick up another tranny fed for 1/10th of the price
why pay more?
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>The guy on the left is who Paul was desperate to get.
>MJF laughed at his offer and re-signed with AEW
>Now Paul is desperate to get the guy on the right
>All of the piggiEs and Jeets who post Garcia's gyrating dance are going to have to pretend he's the greatest signing coup in WWE history
Based Lachlan making some random youtuber tell Swerve Good for you senpai 20 bucks for an autograph you fucking mark.
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nice selfie OinkVert
Meltzer has no network sources. Thats the reason he got laughed out of MMA and why he uses Google Trends and Tony's pinky promises as his source for AEW PPV's buy rates.
You're wasting your life

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