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They're turning the camera off and tazing your ass.
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wouldnt wanna mess with these ladies
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We support our women in blue, don't we folks?
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All cops are beautiful.
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Operator Chantoya
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The threat has been neutralized.
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Big Yop is a cop
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I need Officer Hazuki to beat me while interrogating me, then because I wouldn't talk she starts using extreme measures and starts suffocating me with her juggs and says to only option is to talk or die. I'd choose the latter because I ain't no snitch and it would be a proper way to leave this world.
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WOOP WOOP that's the sound of the police
I, however, do not support providing Mayu with a gun.
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>no Rina
Why do they hate their sister?
Rina is a criminal and the black sheep of the family.
She doesn't hang out with Saki anymore
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>Police Chief Poi: DAMN IT YOU TWO!!!
>you blew up 3 city blocks, killed 14 civilians, broke countless laws, and burned down an ice cream truck and that fuckin Nigeru got away
>I got the fuckin mayor breathing down my neck and retarded libshit reporters up my ass
>I'll need your badge and your gun
will she be able to reach my badge and gun if I hold them way above my head?
holy shit
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>the face Mayu makes as she flips the bodycam on before pegging you
Is it a good
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dork alert!
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Wish she would HANDCUFF me
Holy yum she's packing
I guess this is Teej now
>*stomps your foot*
extremely ugly face muscles
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I wonder if he got a feel off?

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