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>Last week
1.494M / .45
>This week
Total to low to leak / .39
I knew it. The gamethreads were DEAD
E-tard bros... our response?
kek that is some AEW level cope in that tweet to tiptoe around the plummeting weekly ratings
Beating football in the demo and everything else in the demo as well is massive. As we know, the demo is the most important metric. Nothing but W after W for WWE fans lately.
If you don't know the English language, you shouldn't be allowed to post on this board.
>beat all broadcast networks
Absolutely amazing.
A .39 is not massive
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>Week 3 on a new channel and this is all you have announced for the show - none of the stars anywhere to be found and no signs of it being a show you need to see
What did they think was gonna happen? Literally AEW Collision-tier
Beat everything else on tv, pretty damn impressive
This shit is hilarious. We know WWE leaked more than just the demo but they clearly told him to only report the demo.
So there was nothing on then
bitchtits bros
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>dub demographic a key
>barely anyone in the key demographics still bothers with TV
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>number 1 for the night
>beat football and everything else on tv
Major win.
Sad times for the once great WWE
Triple Plummet is scared of the inevitable plummet and all Elite Chads laughing at him.
27 Dynamites beat this kek
Did he expect Paul to retweet it?
Oh that first no milly is gonna be so sweet
years ago with no competition, congrats
Holy shit you're actually fucking seething lmao
Weds always has major shows
I'm an E-Chad but honestly deserved. Raw has been the A show for a while now and even it isn't must see TV by any means.
Smackdown might as well really rename to Slopdown after that disgusting mubble rap intro and the amount of dimeless shit showcased weekly. Nothing happens, main event scene is Cody and friends and does not feel main championship worthy at all. I love the Codester, was super happy for him at WM 40 but was worried he'll end up the Bryan after WM 30 route cauese WWE hasn't been able to book pure babyface champs since the Bret Hart, all else has been beloved antiheroes or faces half the crowd hated like Roman and Cena.
Granted Cody didn't feud with Kane and get injured and there's still time but they gotta put him in an interesting program ffs. Roman trying to regain the og bloodline to fight off the newfags would be good enough on it's own, especially if complimented with Cody having a world championship program with Randy for example. You get 2 must see main event tier programming on Smackdown, instead now the only watchable parts are Cody and Roman interracting.
Thanks for reading my blog.
>the demo matters know
>the demo matters know
This piggy be squealing in all caps
They were shitting on Dave every time he mentioned daily ranking for years now btw
So now that all the poors can't afford to watch it they've bled a third of their viewership in less than a month. Fucking tragic.
When they are touting the demo is because the overall viewer number was down again
g r i m
He's the guy that WWE has been leaking the fast nationals to since the other guy got picked up by Forbes. He's not had bad news for AEW for a while and he is probably just scripting these. Last week they plummeted so hard that he didn't tweet them at all lmao
Wrestling fig up the ass krew thread
R-fraid so
They only mention networks which tells you the ESPN game beat them
Damn...[Rating TBD]? That's disastrous. It's HHH's fault for putting [wrestler I don't like] on my screen.[Insert consoleshit quip].
kek no wonder based Lachlan cancelled this slop
I wonder what the cope will be next week when they're down another 300k and barely scrape by a million. If they even do. They better hope this is where it evens out
they're gonna drop below a milly and never recover, as karma for all their no milly posting
Legintil Activity in full effect
bitchtitsbros... I don't feel so good...
grim, no wonder it got cancelled
jesus christ what the fuck is that on the top right
thinnest American woman
ya hate to see it
no slidey
kek pigtits in the mud
deary me
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No rating?
How could this happen
bumping to put bitchtits closer to his inevitable heart attack
Why are they hiding the rating? Is it true what they say? Not even one (1) million people cared enough to watch Smacksown this week?
afraid so
btbros whats the cope this week
>Smackdown getting no milly in the same week as Renewal Day

holy kek
the 'cord didnt like this
Bitch tits
Many are saying this
What % of the rating is the key demo usually? Because 534k 18-49 sounds really low. I'm thinking they got a .8 or .9 overall
a sad day indeed

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