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>MARIGOLD Fantastic Adventure

10/5 Osaka 176Box (1:00pm JST) (VOD 10/6 @ 8:00pm JST)
>Miku Aono, Kouki Amarei, & Natsumi Showzuki vs Utami Hayashishita, MIRAI, & Victoria Yuzuki
>Mai Sakurai vs Chika Goto
>Misa Matsui & Rea Seto vs CHIAKI & Nagisa Nozaki
>Kizuna Tanaka vs Flying Penguin
>Bozilla vs Nao Ishikawa, Komomo Minami, Yuuki Minami, & Myla Grace

10/7 Korakuen (Live @ 6:30pm JST)
>Twin Star Championship Match: Mai Sakurai & MIRAI (c) vs Chika Goto & Kouki Amarei
>Super Flyweight Championship Match: Natsumi Shozuki (c) vs Victoria Yuzuki

10/12 Kyoto KBS Hall
10/13 Shizuoka
10/14 Shibuya
10/20 Nagano
10/24 Korakuen (Live @ 6:30pm JST)
10/27 Shinkiba (Day) (Live @ 12:00pm JST)
10/27 Shinkiba (Night) (Live @ 5:30pm JST)
11/2 Sapporo
11/4 Aichi

Watch on Wrestle Universe (¥1,298 per month)


>Entrance music

Previous >>15927655
Can I get a recap on the Rossy Ogawa grooming allegations?
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Yuzuki is ready to bring the ultra-violence.
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can this nigger Sonny please post the final standings please
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for me it's Rudezuki
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it was always in there
mirai will always be my dream star
minami komomo invited me to the freak off
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she's not like that, she's a good girl
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>she's not like that, she's a good girl
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Natsumi "Big" Showzuki
driving stinky Komomo back from training
the Love of gochika
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>Natsumi Shozuki (c) vs Victoria Yuzuki
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our emotional ace
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I'd pop for a Nattie appearance
She's just so dang soulful
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This could go either way lol
Sareee is getting her win back
I hope so
sareee vs bozilla 2 is going to be epic
Sally should drop Bozilla on her head as many times as Bozilla has to the Marigold roster
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>Now that I think about it, the first time I had a singles match with Utami Hayashishita was the first match of my best-of-10 challenge match, and that was also in September, at this Nagoya International Congress Center.
>And you had a red belt.
>At the time, I never would have imagined that we would meet in the finals at that place three years later.
>I'm praying for a great recovery for Hayashishita Utami.
>I too am not going to be outdone and will continue to awaken.
>thank you very much.
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Back when winning the *Star meant something.
Back when only apropos kino won.
I'd take the 0914 threesome happily.
What is she crying for
jesus christ, literally only one happy face of the whole bunch

it's so over
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She's crying because I'm not her boyfriend (yet).
Rossy lost lmao
why are Nanae and Sareee's trophies so small? Is Rossy sending a message?
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she already has Shion_SS
I just started watching the Mirai vs Utami match.

>feels like a random match; no build or weight whatsoever
>people still *clap clap clap*
>mirai getting cheered over utami

crazy stuff
wow this match is soulless so far

0 personality; just the same old shit

neither of them give a shit
not enough flips for ya?
The message is budgetary constraints means cutting corners
It'll take gallons of cheap sake to wash the humiliation of wearing this..... thing.
Utami was going to drink gallons of cheap sake regardless
At least 6 people are smiling in that photo
If you want friendly girls doing boring pro-wrestling tjpw is also on WU
Yuzuki really needs to get those teeth fixed because she is pure SEXO
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Holy FUCKING based
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>no Marigold for a whole week
feels bad
Kamitani: "There are bad rumors going around Stardom, but they're unfounded so I'm staying."
Yuzuki: "There are weird rumors going around Stardom so I'm going to Marigold."
When I read both articles in the Tokyo Sports, the difference in their social experience became clear.
Yuzuki's expression yesterday looked like she was about to cry, so I think she must have been thinking deep down that it definitely wasn't supposed to be like this.
TLDR. Yuzuki is retarded
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for me it's random scoops of text with no source or context
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Rossy poached the wrong rookie
Stardoms new blood with all rookies outdrew half of the dream star gps. Concerning!
I hope Natsumi goes back to Stardom when Marigold goes under.
She made the right move. She wouldn't have gotten the push in Stardom that she's getting in Marigold. Now she can go back to Stardom as at least as a midcard player than a curtain jerker.
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the Higher Power behind Marigold has yet to be revealed
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I wanna fuck Shinno's Mom.
she's got it goin' on
ehhh Shinno dad reveal?
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if the NFL is the No Fun League than Marigold is the eXtra Fun League
>What is she crying for
I think MIRAI cries even when she's tying her shoe laces. It worked here though as it's supposed to show she gives a shit.
The creepy uncles sticking with Stardom and not Rossy was not on my bingo card when it was announced Rossy was leaving. It's a good thing though as Marigold audiences are generally much better.
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we are only 6 days away from the Marigold debut of Flying Penguin
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as a contemporary booker tam nakano as a better grasp on what gets over with the public than president ogawa
>thing that happened today is trending over the thing that happened two days ago
They both happened on the same day tho. He'll, Kurara's win happened before the DS
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one day Yuzuki will liberate her generational SISTERS from the shackles of Bushiroad
>schizos now bringing up twitter trends
touch grass
Kurara winning happened one or two hours before Utami winning
Crazy how rossy only took the most dimeless one
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yuzuki is very photogenic
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Muto misted their pussies after this
isn't that how Akebono was conceived
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'fraid so
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It's Sareee Sunday.
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>date Sareee
>take her out for dinner
>everyone sees the bruises on her and assumes you're some kind of monster
>date sareee
>knock her about
>everybody sees the bruises and assumes they are from her games
Poi and Sareee get a little rough sometimes
we are lucky to have the best wrestler in the world as our champ
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I'm in love with the Ko-mo.
Yes, I got it for the low low.
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October will be Nao's month
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Size matters.
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Size DOES NOT matter.
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picking Nao's pumpkin patch
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*saves marigold*
is that NORI's sister?
Rossy should bring in Lioness Asuka
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she's so much hotter in civilian clothes. the giant leggings on her gear ruin it.
let's see Kouki's kouki
>she's so much hotter in civilian clothes. the giant leggings on her gear ruin it.
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Love Seri, shes best girl
Because she still can’t wrestle. Victoria is absolute trash. She’s Mirai 2.0 but more annoying. Once you see it you can never unsee it
take your meds
Seri will fix maricold
>the 19 year-old is LE BAD
chill out, dude
we only accept good vibes in the Dream Star Family
its hard to not get invested in victoria yuzuki as a joshi wrestling fan
Holy FUCK Misa is ugly
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komomo looks like the chinese girls who accept to have disgusting sex with me
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damn tWintoWer fans look like that
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wow. where can i find them??
Aono's thighs have looked so fucking good recently
Reminder that Sakurai didn't jump into Utami and the rookies. She jumped into Utami and Utami and her fell into the rookies. There's a difference.
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seadlinng's miria kouga would fit the raw and violent style of dsfm
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>Double Chunk Chocolate Kouki
>Gochika Bake
Did they?
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gekota player
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MIRAI is simply just so cute
I want to jizz on Kouki's smiling face
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please stop lewding Kouki
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>never say "this way, that way, gochika" in front of me again
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>don't ever use that stupid O with the line in it in front of me ever again
lol i love nori but that shit is just funny
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Sweets and gentle pets will soothe a savage Yuzuki.
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updated end of tour for next OP >>15932468

11/2 Sapporo (Day & Night)
11/4 Nagoya
11/7 Yokohama
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>Yuzuki is pure SEXO
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Friday, January 3, 2025
Start time 14:30 (doors open 13:00)
Ota Ward General Gymnasium
Seri is set to make her debut on this show
>There is a performance I am personally thinking about.
>I don’t know if it’s possible, but I want to make it happen.
>I will do my best!!
gochika in Ring Plus out today so expect pictures
>By this date, all the current trainees will be in the ring
>My first dream
>We will definitely make your wish come true so please come and see it!!!
komotan first dream
Rossy should be begging Triple H to get IYO again
or Giulia or Kairi
5 trainees left to debut in the next 2 full months. Doubt.
with the way president ogawa has shown no sign of panic we must be getting all three
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Remember to listen to our theme when you're scrolling this general. That's just how the Dream Star Family does things.
oh dear me
Marigold does better digitally and STARDOM does better with attendance, but I think Rossy will eventually close the attendance gap if he stays the course.
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Rossy is playing the long game. He has them exactly where he wants them
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good Aono Miku monday morning marigods make it a Brilliant one
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we've got this tWin toWer bros
Komomo's greasy hair
a powerful new member of the Wrestle Universe alliance
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Tam retaking the red belt in Stardom made Kanye's shift towards Marigold inevitable
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Taro Okada... does not care... about black people...
ye wanted to see gochika gaped anus
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what's their tag team name going to be
the baiters
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>hit randomize during customization
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Rossy doesn't even know what year it is. He thinks it's 2027. Bro is gone.
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Nanae from 2027 too lol

Marigold means Future
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Komomo is getting chubby.
Yum & Yum
cheap ass temu trophys
rossy is a bum

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