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Pauletty bros
God I cannot wait for Triple H to slowly walk out to the ring on any given RAW and cut a promo on niggers, jannies, and kikes
why would he cut a promo on who owns the company he works for?
What a bizarre thing to say just because every champion in WWE isn't a black male.
>HHH isn't a top foil to Rock and Austin for late 90s and early 00s, depriving us of some legitimately great wrestling
>HHH doesn't start NXT and sign a heap of indie guys, giving them bigger star power and money
>Indie guys include Moxley/Ambrose, Black/Rollins, Samoa Joe, Finn Balor, Asuka and more
>HHH doesn't take over and book shows that are better watches, more consistent and logical and instead some stooge for TKO takes over instead, likely Brian Gerwitz, Rock's guy for the past two decades plus

Cant these snowflake smarks get over the guy already?
Dwayne will do it the soon. He is just waiting for a good excuse.
why do white smarks love black men so much?
The real truth is even cutting out a completely utter nobody can change the world. Say in 1976 guy X no longer faces guy Y but rather has no match. Now both X and Y have completely different days, what if in the best match that wouldn’t exist X faces Z who he never would have faced and Z is a jobber shitter who injures X. Now X is out of wrestling, every match X had is different, maybe he had a meh career but trained 12 guys, now those guys are trained different or not at all because X is injured and bitter instead of a retired trainer. Etc etc. literally any single change in wrestling can change everything. That’s how life and time works. Now imagine you’re not changing Billy Joe from 76 but a guy who main evented mania multiple times, dominated WWE for better or worse and now runs it, of course things would be drastically different in ways we can’t even fathom. It’s possible literally every wrestler on TV today is different with that much of a shift in a timeline.
I love seeing opinions from people that clearly only started watching wrestling within the last 4 years.
Who would be the top heel in the company to feud with Rock and Austin had HHH not existed?
Nobody mentioned race until you said it, incel manlet
Just off the top of my head, Batista sure as fuck doesn't get over without HHH
See, you’re thinking things go relatively the same but different, but maybe without HHH with how much changes Rock never even wrestle, Gerwitz does a different job we just don’t know. HHH starts impacting wrestling the second he signs up to train with Killer, deleting literally all of that we don’t know what it changes. It’s literally multiple billions of difference.
Rock and Austin could have feuded with anyone and got it over
Nobody asked you to sign your post
Well is a Puerto Rican named Janos says so, it must be true!
no lie detected
you could push JBL to the top and get the same results
>Y2J or Kurt Angle are the Rock’s biggest rivals in the late 90’s and early 00’s
>no 30 minute promos or reign of terror
>no fellating matches against HBK
He is actually correct but still gay for using Twitter
Jannies own the WWE?
lol there was 1 good Austin/HHH match ever

>Samoa Joe doesn't waste years in WWE

Do you realise your a dumbass faggot? thats not puerto ricos flag
They feud with Shane Douglas.
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Que aweonao chilean asshole.
Chile loves HHH
Who does Steph marry if no Triple HIV?
so you dont know?
>first point literally proving that HHH was never the guy, always just the guy who worked with the real draw
Michaels could carry DX and maybe Road Dogg or Billy steps into the HHH role.
Who replaces HHH in Evolution? Cena? Angle? Would Jindrak have got himself kicked out without Hunter wanting his mate Batista in?
In an alternate universe, Angle fucks Steph because Triple H isn't there to cockblock him, divorces Karen much earlier to marry Steph, doesn't do the match with Lesnar at 2003's Mania that leads to his broken neck & subsequent painkiller addiction, and ends up taking Triple H's eventual role running NXT.
Chyna marries Steph in an attempt to attract audiences who would jerk off to lesbians.
jericho and rock cutting faggy comedy promos on each other would have been lame and heatless. you need a serious heel at some point
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Range ban all twitter shitposters.
Pete Gas
They're really fucking mad at him for any dumb reason
This is why you never try to placate the smark crowd - they'll turn on you eventually for the smallest thing
If you get yourself over outside wrestling? They immediately turn on you
Their favorite guy doesn't get an immediate world title shot just because? You're immediately accused of burying that guy
Someone from outside of wrestling makes it in the business? Doesn't matter if that guy/girl is the second coming of their god Bret Hart, they'll hate 'em for some reason
The same people they feuded with originally but HHH doesn't constantly try to jabroni them
>Top Heel of the company
Thats Vince
u can replace Triple Faggot literally anyone Mid card heel
Afraid so.

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