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Why is there literally exactly entirely zero buzz at all about New Japan? I’m genuinely asking. The guy who won the G1 is cashing in like a month and nobody fucking cares not a soul breathing has said a damn thing about New Japan on this website outside of the general.
Tony Khan killed NJPW
And all the smarks who pretended to watch it moved on to AEW
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Also, is this on my end? What the fuck happened to their fantastic website? They had a perfect website that showed every upcoming match card with zero issue.
I couldn't even tell you who the champion is, is it still EVIL? it has to be a LI guy, they're the only ones popular enough to get a run
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OK, so the schedule link is broken and there’s a second schedule link that works that brings you to a vastly inferior looking schedule page.
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Here’s the titles matches that are happening tonight. I had no clue there was a show tonight until I just checked.
Down period. It's filled with gaijin shitters who would have a hard time getting a job in Rev Pro if they weren't on NJPW. Anyone in the prime age range of champions, like 30-45, is so sawdusted they move in the ring like Ric Flair. Anyone over 45 or under 30 is a designated pin-eater, even if they're good or can still go. Gaijin get wins no matter how awful they are, unless they were Young Lions, and then they're treated just like any other Jap.
Great O-Khan main event world title match lol
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>who pretended to watch it moved on to AEW
1. they keep pushing white boys and we all know they will just go to AEW.
2. If Okada was willing to make the jump then most Japanese talent probably will, especially with how lazy Okada has been allowed to be.
New Japan is just guys spinning their wheels until Tony wants a new toy.
Tony's bitch promotion
NJPW hasn't been good since the pandemic and Zack cashing in early feels like an excuse to have him not main event the tokyo dome
Aushuwitz Ken Shamrock
They shot themselves in the foot with the Reiwa Muskateers bullshit, Gabe Kidd and ZSJ are the only good gaijins worth a damn and their reliance on a broken down Naito as champ is painfully obvious, no one gave a shit about Mox winning the belt also.
Honestly I haven't been paying attention to the product, but for what fucking reason would you have for the winner of the G1 to not cash in at Wrestle Kingdom other than management not thinking the guy isn't a big enough draw to close the show.

So what NJPW/AEW "dream match" they couldn't hold off for Wrestle Dynasty one fucking day later is going to close WK19?
The Japanese economy has been in the toilet so it's hard for them to make new investments. They're pretty much stuck with what they have. Also their next generation of top guys isn't great
I feel like it’s just gonna be disappointing once again. They’re not gonna do like the singles matches that people want like Darby vs Hiromu. It’s just gonna be multi man tag matches Zack versus Bryan again And some lame duck main event where no titles change.
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>Why is there literally exactly entirely zero buzz at all about New Japan?
They're doing really well domestically right now but it's hard for them to pay American talent given the exchange rate.
>not a soul breathing has said a damn thing about New Japan on this website outside of the general.
Oh, you mean on /pw/?

Why would anyone discuss actual wrestling on /pw/? The people who do want to discuss it will do it in the general or gamethreads.
This board is a no man's land of rape spam and console wars and has been for 5 years straight at this point.
This is not the place to discuss wrestling, particulary Japanese wrestling. Better to do that in communities that are actually passionate about it.
For me particularly, since the pandemic they've been loosing up too much on concepts that made me a fan in the first place back in the mid-2010s, particularly regarding the structure of factions and who they've been accepting as heavyweights
Also yea, being TK's bitch sucks for people who happen to think AEW is lame
The fucking Triple Jannetty Muskateers, and I like all three of them, but shit. Tsuji is the only one that doesn't come off as a tribute act, but I don't know what they should do with him. I don't know why you'd straddle three guys with such a label, when there's so many other young guys coming up, and you aren't going to push them while they have the prime mover advantage. You aren't only burying them for failing to live up to this thing you put on them, you're burying all the other young guys who weren't "good enough" to be Reiwa musketeers, and if none of those three make it, you're burying the marks for believing you which is how you kill territories. When the press hypes some athlete as the next big thing they don't always make it, and that's fine, but there's usually a reason why they say they're going to be the next big thing beyond a stale marketting gimmick.
>The fucking Triple Jannetty Muskateers
I saw a tweet referring to them as the Frozen Msuketeers and that's all I can call them these days
As in frozen in time? Because they aren't going anywhere?
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all the stars left and gedo is a washed up booker that doesn't build the young guys up, instead he relies on broken down crippled fat out of shape WAY over the hill naito to carry the company.
I canceled my subscription when SANADA didn’t win the G1
Look, he doesn't have to build young guys. He could build Big Dimes Honma, for all I care, just do something.
That faggot Tanahashi has killed the company
>TK Derangement Syndrome

It's not his fault New Japan went ice cold during COVID
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Nobody really cares about Suck Sabre Jr. except smelly marks and middle aged japanese men who've never gotten pussy who only care about sequence wrestling and flips in matches
>Oh blave whitu man arrelgic to bicep culls do vely good battle with Nooneo Givesashita, many revelasar high volume wlestling
and maybe Dave Meltzer and other faggot wrestlers who do and jack off to the same shit.
Zack Sabre Jr is like Ospreay, or Eddie Kingston, where, so long as he's tard wrangled he can have a good match, and he himself is fairly proficient at tard wrangling.
Things are fine, business has gone up this year in general.

Here's the truth: all the fairweather AEW fans fucked off and so it's back to being a company for domestic audience and the real sickos.
Zack Labour does do flips. He is just so lanky and unathletic that he does them on the mat while he has a weak wrist hold on some Jap shitter.

You're fucking retarded bruh.
I know you are a fat fuck that has never done an athletic thing in your life so this might sound like a completely alien concept but doing flips on a mat is thing.
Honestly, I think they are making Zack cash in early because he wouldn't be winning the title at the main event of WK.
The only foreigner they considered giving the win to close their biggest show was Omega, but he was leaving for AEW and they had to change the booking
I think that Zack wins the title at KOPW and walks into WK as champion but drops the belt there
>drops the belt there
To who? Tsuji or Naito? lmao
Projecting. You're free to post a clip of Zack "flipping"
... are you thinking of "rolling"?
It's a very common concept in grappling.
First result on jewtube is his match against Flip Gordon lol and he definitely flips as well. Even does forward rolls like the NXT shitters.
it's still mogs current wwe slop
Post a clip. :)
>dronie crying about flippy shitters when their all over wwe now
It would be hilarious if Naito won the title again, but I think Tsuji would be good enough, specially if they include Naito vs Hiromu on the card and if Tsuji doesn't end up winning the TV title
That way you have 2 LIJ matches that definitely would draw and also 2 guys who would be completely established as top guys (Tsuji and ZSJ) to work with the newer guys and help them be believable enough main eventers
The only way they could have something better than that is if Okada agreed to put someone over, but I don't think this is going to happen at all
Powerful samefag. Glad to know I triggered your bitch ass so hard you sat on here till the post timer ran out to samefag instead of running a script like a true funposter.
They relied on Okada and Tana too long. Tana broke down hard and fast to the point of not even really being able to do singles matches well. Okada got poached.

They kept pushing foreigners only for the foreigners to leave time and time again with Kenny, AJ, Jay and Will all dipping. They haven't really seemed to learn from it, but nobody wants Finlay or Zack so they might be okay for a while.

Development of new young lions really slowed down. It took Shota's generation 3-4 years to get out of young lions status and still none of them are a complete package yet. Some of that was on covid, but Dragon Gate gets new people ready for big roles within two years. I just don't understand how it's helpful to send people overseas where they often work even less than they would at home.

House of Torture also really sucks. Once in a while their shenanigans is tolerable, but we've seen it happen 3 times a show at their worst. It makes everyone look stupid and it's not entertaining.
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Take your meds. And post a clip.
NJPW has been the victim of nonstop assrape between AEW poisoning them and Tana mismanaging.
>Shota's generation
Cursed generation and why Tana should never have any say in the dojo. The only one with potential was old and gassed himself to death and the rest are Lord KWABato and Red Shoes retard son.
Of all the bad decisions that NJPW has taken that AEW partnership was the worst, giving the belt to Moxley was basically admitting you gave up on booking and pretending your company has any prestige left.
Bussyroad was down bad becauae of Comeme and Tiny Cunt came in with American Dollarydoos. They couldnt say no.
>New Japan
im sorry for the loss of your brain
Dont cry the doctors mistakenly put Shibatas brain in my head. Thats why Im so stupid.
All Japan making the comeback of the year
It really is this and anybody who says otherwise is one of the people who pretended to watch it.
>I haven't watched NJPW since the pandemic, let me tell you what i think about their current booking
Everybody ITT is extremely retarded
Go back to necrobumping threads from yesterday you no life faggot.
I'm not the schizo you made up in your head, retard-sama
>relying on the most popular wrestler in japan to draw is bad actually
>responds right away
Its sunday. The lords day. Maybe stop samefagging on pw because you have no friends and go outside. Im not your step dad so you dont have to listen to me.
Imagine getting this worked by learning ZSJ does flips.
I genuinely hope you die of cancer tomorrow.
He killed it so much it’s doing great business. Gonna be a great day when western fans realize they don’t matter in the same way we don’t discuss the RAW ratings in India.
Jesus Christ won’t suck your dick.
>outside of the general.
the general has been dead for a while too
>spammer also casually blasphemes
No wonder youre a fat ugly fuck.
All of the smarks that pretended to watch NJPW just post about AEW now.
no buzz cause not only did AEW take New Japan's western fanbase but WWE has improved so everyone online stopped pretending to care about Puroresu. Also westerners do not want to see Japanese imitate American wrestling which New Japan does a lot of
their last ace got taken by dog wanker, the current ace peaked years ago, and their next ace was trained by a rival company they hate wwww
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It's always funny how many people will take part in discussion about NJPW even though they haven't watched it in years and have no idea what is going on

Even our most prolific schizos in /njpw/ are better than the retards ITT
>yukatranny pretends he watches njpw
Top kek.
Name the dojo wet farts.
it's because discussion of NJPW on this board is fucking trash. most of you watched in 2016-2018 and pretend like you understand it now because you watch clips on Twitter. and the general is constantly derailed by retarded schizos. why would real fans fucking bother?
there are like 5 posts ITT that say as much, the people who actually watch NJPW

everyone else are just console warriors LARPing as fans
>NJPW has an exciting show and the biggest attendance Kobe has had in five years
>Gajin pigs try to derail this with outright lies
>biggest attendance in San Antonio in years
You know what based Chuck said about them.Kobe women.
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>Hey, Chuck
>Tell us about them women down in San Antonio, Chuck
>the first post ITT is a consolewar post
NJPW screwed njpw.
How they be eatin Natto in Kobe, Chuck?
I tried to follow G1 this year but gave up by night 3
San Antonio is a great town
They had one of the best dynasties in all of sports
…but they do have some big ol’ women down there

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