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Racist piece of trash
Black breastmilk built America.
Facts, even Bray Wyatt’s mulatto wife was a better ring announcer
who the fuck is Brian Hebner
It's been all downhill after Howard Finkel
Huh, looks like everything has love or hate opinions on her. Many love her while the rest can't stand her
I dont know how people get so triggered by a ring announcer. I don't care for the AEW guy but he talks for maybe a minute every episode. Samantha Irvine probably talks even less.
Because she’s terrible.
“S-She’s just a bit excited.”
Shut the fuck up and say she’s bad. Yes she’s cute but she’s terrible at what she does. her attempt to put rasp in her voice sounds awful and any male announcer can do the same thing much more fittingly with a much deeper voice and not sound like a screeching harpy.
Howard Finkle literally came out bawling his eyes out several years ago and still kept it all together to call for CM Punk (despite Cole on commentary absolutely burying Fink for being emotional.)

I don’t think any male announcer would’ve fucked up as many calls as she did over Mania weekend. Lillian Garcia is a good example of a good female announcer
Samantha was genuinely awful.
She is very lucky she is black, female and attractive so no one is allowed to call out how bad she is.
She's objectively the worst ring announcer in the history of professional wrestling. I've been to outlaw backyard mudshows with 12 people in the audience that have better ring announcing.
Imagine caring about fucking gay wrestling
Its 10 seconds per match. The fact that you typed two fucking paragraphs about it shows that you need to go outside and take a walk. Maybe shower two.
>Its 10 seconds per match
She’s still objectively terrible and promoted as one of the best to ever do it.
And yes she is that terrible that I can write two paragraphs as to why during a lazy Sunday afternoon on a hobbyist/interest board.

Either try and tell me she’s good or fuck off.
>makes cody's moment her own
Hotter too.
kek even in this photo she is overreacting
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*smugs you*
Samantha sucks. She is a more annoying leanne hardt and she is almost as ugly.
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>Massive L. Samantha Irvin is the best ring announcer in WWE history. Rubbish take.
What does the L stand for
>who cares if she's bad? you don't have to hear her that much
kek drones are wild and will try to justify all of the slop they eat up
>fink comes back for one night, gets emotional after years and years of not doing his thing
>gets buried
>meanwhile the woman who just loves to make every moment about how SHE's being emotional gets mass praise because she's brown and has a vagina
Makes me seethe like you can’t believe.
Fink didn’t deserve that at all.
Fucking disgusting incel freak. He's going to apologize for this, mark my fucking words.
>because she's brown and has a vagina
god I fucking love black girls so fucking much
Holy fucking based
Getting worked by Facebook comment bait in 2024 AD.
Tony Chimel was dimes during that dark era of Smackdown circa 06

suuuuuuuuuuPER STAR
Byron Saxton is unironically the best announcer they have, he was announcing at some Saudi show last year and he sounded like Fink
To be fair, that was under Vince. Vince loved humiliating passive guys like Fink. Vince is a bastard. That's why girls like Samantha have so much more freedom, because H is more laxed and doesn't really care.
I mean, I’m sure she’s a racist, but that story doesn’t explain why.
>Many love her while the rest can't stand her
She's not a good ring announcer. She's just a mildly attractive woman so she has a legion of simps ready to defend her at any moment.
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>Lillian Garcia is a good example of a good female announcer
Come on, dude. You can't make a complaint about fucking up calls and then call Garcia a good announcer.
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nah he's right, womeme ring announcers have never worked and take away from the "feel" of the match. Even Lilian Garcia was fucking trash.
People have forgotten Garcia's attitude era announcing and only remember the last few years
What happened then?
Sorry but it's stupid only some people get a special introduction from her. Especially when some are just jobbers. Either give them all one or not at all.
>best announcer in WWE history
So you hate Tony Chimel then?
best female announcer is the jap from pride fc
>call something stupid
>the drone: So you fucking HATE them and wish they were dead?!
Look man, I'm the same way as Brian Hebner. I don't know what else to tell you, I literally turn down the volume or switch the channels during the announcements because of how loud and obnoxious it sounds.

It's one thing if it's the top draw babyface main eventer getting this intro. But when Shayna Bazler, Dakota Kai, and fucking Doink the Clown getting called out like it's Michael Jackson returning from the grave, it kinda makes the whole show seem faker than it already is. You can't convince me these people are draws just because they're paying you to growl.

Vince wouldn't do that shit for his mid card babyfaces on the broadcasts... why are you doing it for your low card heels?
Tony Chimel also gave specific ring calls to certain wrestlers. By your logic, you also dislike him. Where is the lie?
Like who? I know he did Edge and Cena? But I can't remember his doing it for jobbers and it never felt like he was 'part of the show' Wrestlers would acknowledge him from time to time he never came across as annoying
Also, when the announcer is more over than A LOT of the talent. That's a problem.
>part of the show
Very interesting, which angles were Samantha involved in explicitly as a major role?
Which era of announcers did that and they were always shit?
Begging you to kys
She and the other black chick are both terrible. Samantha is obviously trying hard to get herself over like an announcer version of Horseref from GayEW and Black Goku tries way too hard to copy her but she announces everything in slow motion.
>Lillian Garcia is a good example of a good female announcer
Lilian Garcia was fucking atrocious and would mess shit up way more than Samantha does. She was better than Samantha because she didn't try and get herself over though like Samantha does.
Quads of truth
>What happened then?
She stopped being such a colossal fuckup.
She’s a jew like Sasha Banks. That’s why she’s pushed so hard by World Weinstein Epstein
>rubbish take
Reddit bong detected
Notice that nobody has an issue with Kween Ref.
I hate her weird attempt at Chimelizing names like she does with Maxxine Dupri and Ludwig Kaiser. It worked with Chimel because a.) Chimel was good and had been around forever and b.) he really only did it with Edge to the point where he may a well have been Edge's personal ring announcer by the end. He more or less was because he came back a few times solely to announce Edge.
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What the holy hell is her problem, why is she in everybody's business and spending online picking fights with fans.

How are people on twitter IWC and not just normal fans. I hate most black women
Dimeless DEI shitter but I would plap her with my 7’9” swc
It ain't that deep anon. People are just happy to have an announcer with some enthusiasm in their voice for the first time in 20 years. I remember noticing how much I enjoyed it when I got back into wrestling around a year ago and that was before I knew what she looked like.
>World Weinstein Epstein
The way men simp for this bitch is pathetic
>People have forgotten Garcia's attitude era announcing and only remember the last few years
She was literally never anything but ok
NTA. Her "enthusiasm" is fucking nauseating and forced as fuck. I'm baffled that people on here really think she's decent. Her fake rasp is so fucking off putting and terrible to listen to. I would expect reddit and twitter to defend her because she's a black woman, but not here.

She's cute, I like her as a person a lot from interviews. I have no ill will towards her. But I absolutely hate her announcing.
>which angles were Samantha involved in explicitly as a major role
logan paul vs ricochet dumbfuck.
>shower two
are you retarded or just brown
>*drops a turd on your plate*
>what the fuck is wrong with you, why can't you enjoy it??!!
I legit can't watch WWE or fap to her because of her annoying announcing, this is a huge issue for me and she should listen and help my problem
Made for ANAL SEX
>enthusiasm in their voice
Is this a zoomer thing or a retard thing. When did shouting and yelling all the time equates to enthusiasm. We used to mock local cheaply done commercials for car dealerships with the owner yelling it's deals and locations, now it's considered "good announcing" to scream out the name of a 2-27 jobber with no crowd reaction like it was Hogan coming out to a Stadium pop in 87
I almost start believing the AEW supporters conspiracy that there's a lot of WWE bots here, I also don't understand a site that is critical of Aubrey for being intrusive but not this ring-announcer
>When did shouting and yelling all the time equates to enthusiasm.

No one cares. Everyone in WWE is replaceable.
This is so bad, It's like they chose a random woman on the streets to say that
funny how the pakis, poojeets, and british always expose themselves.
Gross and Dangerous, I injured myself like that
He was really good
She's self-absorbed.
I agree with Brian. She sounds like she's trying to be in Mad Max something
>Maybe shower two

It's not just 10 seconds per match, it's over the whole show
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You guys can fight over gay stuff I'm just gonna keep watching her jiggle.
It's obviously a Triple H ManDate. He wants his women to look like and sound like men.

She should tweet him back
"Why don't you go steal Merch with your dad"

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