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>Sean Waltman equals 123 if you add up the numerical value of each letter in his name
>Ultimate Warrior 1996 promo on Owen Hart "falling further than he ever has before
>Chris Benoit's final answering machine message
>Nancy Benoit Wikipedia Page edit claiming she died 12 hours before police found the bodies
>Brian Pillman dying of an inherited blood disease on the day of a PPV called Bad Blood
>Over the Edge 1999 promos mentioning how a "sacrifice" would happen that night
>Big Show moonsault footage
>teleporting fan incident
The Attitude Era was part of an MKUltra operation that were sweeping the American popular media.
>teleporting fan incident
o shit anon delete this thread
It was consensual
Is this true?
There was some demonic shit with that Hade Vansen promo..
>teleporting fan incident
you went too far
'Fraid so
>Chris Benoit's final answering machine message
Unaware of this one. Can someone drop a tldr or link?
When I rewatched an old Raw and D-X came out, it definitely reminded me of sissy hypno videos. Lot of flashing, strobe effects, with the words SUCK IT emblazoned over rapid cutting imagery (the Attitude Era showed the entrance video often which the modern era never does)
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for me its daffneys screams in reverse
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>it definitely reminded me of sissy hypno videos
Yeah. Hypnosis porn has been overtaken with subliminal/brainwashing barrage of images, sounds, and overloading of the senses to make you want to be a girl/take cock. There’s other types of Hypno porn but they’re always behind some Onlyfans or a lame gimmick like findom.
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Financial domination. Make you want to to pay them. (Doesn’t work on poorfags)
I'm poor and autistic
advertisement has literally zero effect on me
>Seth Rollins dated an unironic nazi
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That time Michael Cole randomly screamed for help was one of the rare occurences of wwe personnel breaking character to warn you that pro wrestling is actually real.
>>Over the Edge 1999 promos mentioning how a "sacrifice" would happen that night
"Everything man is determined to destroy can be found within his...Owen Hart"
Someone needs to ask him about this
>make you want to be a girl/take cock
pretty sure you were just a faggot to begin with
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>Big Show moonsault footage
I don't believe you
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Tor Johnson had major beef with experimental film maker Kenneth Anger
shades of Kevin Nash in the Summer of '92
>The video of Hook getting a lapdance
>teleporting fan incident
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>Hogan and Macho Man promo about bringing the Twin Towers crashing down, Mean Gene mentions terrorist attacks


>Ultimate Warrior promo about Hogan rushing the cockpit of a plane and crashing it

TNA and the occult

>owl symbolism
>The "Fallen Angel" teaming up with K(H)AZARian
>Christopher Daniels also portrayed the Suicide character for most of its run
>AJ Styles doing the pyramid/diamond hand gesture
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If you really want to go down the rabbit hole
>You can't spell Stephanie McMahon without "T-H-E-M-A-C-H-O-M-A-N-P-E-N-I-S"
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Can someone please giva a qrd of the following:
>Angle's neck was never broken
>Two Ric Flairs
>Iron Sheik could have killed wrestling
>Booker T "I still remember"
>Real reason why Vince's brother is never mentioned

>Dean Ambrose germaphobe character predicted Covid
This one is interesting because when Mox became world champ the world ushered into the plandemic within the same month (february 2020)
>teleporting fan incident
you're going too deep anon. please don't...
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Got one even better
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For the love of God please.. someone explain the teleporting fan. When you Google it, you get no results.
angle neck: angle's neck has been "broken" multiple times, in reality they were more like fractures more than anything else, were also played up for storylines
iron sheik: while he was wwf champion sheik got offered 100 grand to legitimately break hulk hogan's leg in revenge for past misdeeds. No hogan, no 80's tv boom, wrestling slowly dies in the territories
booker t: refers to this segment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lou6S_Za5kM apparently it was going to lead to a goldust feud but he was booted
vince's brother: range from reasonable (jealousy due to vince sr taking him as a child and not vince jr) to batshit (was the real business mind behind wwf, vince being just a public figurehead)
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ywn see the footage from Undertaker vs Newjack, but it happened

Just dropped a year ago or so. Some anon on here was going to use AI to try and distinguish the voices in the background but don't think he ever did. Someone needs to
Sounds like it's probably just the TV, but I guess we can't be sure.
You know, Wrestling Sleaze did have some items that I could totally believe
Tanks anon
Owen Hart is Dominik Mysterio's biological father
anybody have the footage of D'Lo KWABing Droz?
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Definitely could be something to this one.
I would remind you all that the WWE Network/Peacock versions of WWE broadcasts are heavily edited and don't represent the original live broadcasts. I'm talking complete reshoots for many backstage segments that were made for the syndicated replay versions of the shows that aired later in the week in different timeslots.

If you want to watch the actual, intact original broadcast versions of RAW and Smackdown it's a challenge looking for very old VHS-rip uploads on torrent sites. In some cases no original broadcast version is even available.
Kevin Sullivan had no interest in satanism and his entire gimmick was the brainchild of Nancy.
Nancy herself may have had a genuine interest in the subject.
Wrestling is real
no but real life is a work
Im still getting charged from her Onlyfans.
Donald Trump learned almost all of his promo skills from Vince.
carny's a carny's a carny, every god damn day
What episode is this?
I was there that night
This anon gets it. There are moments my brother and I saw on PPVs live in the 90s that got edited out by the time the WWE started their own monthly service. This was before the Peacock, but they have those edited tapes as well. Not major, dark scandals, but small things here and there. (Like Piper legit knocking out Hogan at Halloween Havoc with the sleeper.)
Are you saying Rey killed Owen? And Eddie & Benoit knew?
That Sean Waltman/123 thing HAS to be a coincide right?
Explain this then.
Chris Benoit and his family were executed slowly over the course of the weekend by a group of armed assailants.

>Benoit explicitly said there were people at the front door

They attacked and potentially drugged him and tied him up somewhere in a room. Maybe they wanted money. Maybe they were psychotic. Who knows.

>Benoit sounded groggy and out of it in all his phone conversations

>Anyone could have sent texts from his phone, the likes of which were sending info about where he lived to people who already knew that information

>his method of suicide couldn't be replicated as one person alone and involved precautionary measures like puttiing a towel around your neck so as to not make a mess
I think the whole thing with the sacrificial knife implies it wasn't Benoit at all.
Or, he was more fucked in the head than we thought, which also cannot be ruled out
man = kind
dude = love

Or someone murdered his wife and son and he couldn't live it, or freaked out and didn't know what the hell to do to avoid being implicated as the culprit, so he made a bunch of bullshit calls and texts over saturday and sunday about nancy being sick to buy time.
The worst thing is we won't know the truth as WWE is known to bury some info deep inside that it won't ever get out, like Owen's death tape or hiding evidence for Snuka
it could very well be Sullivan
this is true. i used to make a lot of the redubs that are going around, lining up the original audio in order to make cuts, and sometimes entire promos even talking to someone on the titantron didn't line up, completely different takes. weird. there was seemingly no reason to change it from the original take.

I remember there were a lot of Scott Steiner 'hot mic' moments in his WWE run circa 2002-2003 that were edited out.

"GIMME A FUCKIN MIC!" at his Survivor Series debut

"YOU GONNA SUCK MY DICK OR WHAT?!" when Stacy Keibler hopped in the ring to interfere
I get articles about the fan that jumped the barricade and tackled Seth Rollins. Not sure if that's the right incident though
Head on the mst3k table
Does this count?
>it definitely reminded me of sissy hypno videos. Lot of flashing, strobe effects, with the words SUCK IT emblazoned over rapid cutting imagery
Seth Rollins was a few inches away from being blood sacrificed
>wrestling is real
gotta get that fuck money
Do not look into it. It’s not worth the trouble it’ll bring you
Don’t do it unless you want a visit from the FBI
Professional wrestling is Freemasonic theater. No such thing as coincidences, all of them are intentional.
I've seen it. It's not gory, on the same level as Big E if I remember right, bad bump. Fan cam from 2nd level so it's full view of the ring not a close up.
No reason = the reason to reshoot would be to edit for time because the rerun couldn't have an overrun like the live broadcast did.
Which is why we love it
You mean the hollywood babylon guy?
Is this what led you to become a homosexual?
Bisexual and yea
>batista is gay.
I believe it.
>sullivan killed benoit.
>patterson ring boys
He was pedofile piece of shit.
>moolah pimped students
I saw a documentary about that.
>nwo was predictive programming
Yea, as well as the twin tower promos.
>vince sr never existed
Bullshit. He just didnt make himself a character like vince did. He thought doing that was bad for business but vince said fuck you anyway. Makes me wonder what vince sr would say if he say wwe today.
There used to be articles and photos on the Internet. I swear to God I've seen it, but now when you look for it; it's no longer there. I don't know if you were watching during the early 2010s, but the midcard scene was basically Dolph vs Kofi every week. I can't remember which episode, but it was when SmackDown was live on USA network (either Tuesday or Friday). During one of their many matches the camera cuts to a section in the crowd. Less than a minute later, the camera cuts back to the exact same section of the crowd at the exact same angle. There's like 20 people that were there that are just gone now. Now could that legitimately happen that 20 people right next to each other just leave? Yes, but at a live event that would be weird. Also it would take longer than 60 seconds to get 20 people out of their seats and up the stairs. The 2nd camera shot into the crowd is quick. Like blink and you'll miss it. I remember seeing everything I just described to you, but now it's completely wiped from the Internet.
There's also a different incident, but this is more like time travel than teleporting. There used to be footage (again I've seen it) from Mid South Wrestling and Jim Crockett Promotions. These 2 shots are from different years. During these episode tapings, there's a guy sitting in the crowd that looks like Conrad Thompson. Not only does he look like Conrad, he's dressed in clothes that look like they're from 2005 while everyone else looks like they're from the 80s. The Conrad fan doesn't stay for the entire tapings, because someone else is sitting in his seat about halfway through the show. Again I've seen this, but now there's at least 1 episode of Mid South Wrestling that's considered "lost media". Brian Last has talked about how his collection of Mid South tapes is missing an episode and has asked other fans if they have the episode, but no one has come forward. I don't know when or why all of this proof was wiped from the Internet
Not really, just an edgy scene girl.
She was hot, too bad she fucked up her career.
>Paul Bearer creepypasta
Where can I read this?
>Brian Pillman dying of an inherited blood disease
i thought he died because of the pills, man
aw geez dude, I got these pills
They're just ribs from the booker in the sky
It's funny how I give answers to some of these questions, then all of a sudden the thread starts to die. Who is trying to keep this stuff a secret?
Leave this website immediately
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Should've kept your big mouth shut
Stop spreading disinformation
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>reminded me of sissy hypno videos
>Cena/Nikki Relationship Was Fake

So there's a weird job listing theory with this. Back in the YouTube heyday WWE had real success with UUDD. They were also staffing up for a while to make a big mom/makeup vlog with the Bellas but also a backdoor pilot series to get John Cena hosting a car show. Some videos were tested out for the car show but then Cena got real weird because there was a rumor he was shuffling money around by selling cars. WWE was trying to push forward with the reality programming but E! wasn't interested in a car show and Cena wasn't thrilled he'd be tied into the Bella channel. Then they tried to merge the production of the Bella Channel and UUDD, but that spun out into UUDD/New Day Podcast.
Benoit Googled how to bring people back from the dead ...
very weird
He was researching the prophet Elijah. And his last match was against Elijah Burke.
Now this is some real interesting stuff. Never heard of this before. Did any of the involved parties ever comment on this whole ordeal?
Hogan has never lied
More like Roy Cohn
There was a running joke between Tazz and Cole where they would shit on Al Wilson for being terrible on the mic
He's just screaming for help because Al's being cringe
kek wtf
Well the channel made the audible and went straight into Danielson/Brie as a pregnancy/mommy blog. There's always been a production rumor that Total Bellas' renewal was tied to the Cena proposal at WM 33 but then Cena's agent came in and said "no one will believe this fake marriage stuff and it'll only hurt your upcoming roles." Also that 2017-2018 era was when the YouTube bubble was bursting so productions got axed left and right which fucking sucked. Anyway a fun production legal game to play is whether or not Brie and Nikki appear with the "Bella" or "Garcia" name in a chyron to determine if there's TKO/WWE involvement.
>John Cena hosting a car show.
That sounds unilaterally comfy, I'd watch it
I was following him on Instagram when she found out that he was cheating on her so she posted his dick pics to his account. I thought he was 100% gone but he didn't even get in trouble because he dumped her ass. I guess they thought he handled it the right way.
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the Hulkster confirmed this
Trump developed his Nationalist persona after losing to Pat Buchanan in the Reform Party primary for president in 2000
>That Sean Waltman/123 thing HAS to be a coincide right?
No not a coincidence. This is the reality of the realm we currently exist in. This is why people call it a simulation. It’s not literally a computer simulation, but with our current understanding this is the best way to explain reality. There are synchronicities like this in everything.
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>Nancy Benoit Wikipedia Page edit claiming she died 12 hours before police found the bodies
did anyone figure out why?
>Michael Hayes and Rosa Mendes
>Cornette Banana Tapes
>Vince/Ambrose argument
>Randy Orton Fetish
>I buried Paul
>Will you be my Massacre
>Memphis wrestling cult
>Cena IG Meaning
>Ric Flair NK
>Two Ric Flairs
"On October 4, 1975, however, Flair's career nearly ended when he was in a serious plane crash in Wilmington, North Carolina that took the life of the pilot and paralyzed Johnny Valentine (also on board were Mr. Wrestling, Bob Bruggers, and promoter David Crockett)."
The conspiracy theory is that there was another guy who took his place.
supposedly because chris benoit didnt show up to the ppv he was scheduled for, someone rushed to wikipedia to report that chris and nancy were dead instead of waiting for confirmed reports. even weirder is that the ip of the wikipedia user traced backed to stanford connecticut
he saw heidenreich in the crowd lmaoooo
where would we be right now if this actually killed seff?
Owen, Rey, or Eddie? Who is Dom's real father?
>the fbi
3 nights in July 1996, WWF runs house shows in California. 9 months later, Dom is born
>On Episode 155 of Talk Is Jericho, Big Show also discussed how he performed a moonsault during a house show tour of Japan. This resulted in him receiving harsh responses from wrestlers including Hulk Hogan, who again strongly discouraged The Giant from using such moves. The Giant would ultimately utilise a moveset more appropriate for his size following feedback from other wrestlers, and the moonsault was never used by him during a televised match.[
Gotta side with The Hulkster here. Promoters see one big dude doing a moonsault and suddenly you get to a Syd ankle snap situation.
Anon, you were always gay.
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Missing a key character from this mix
Cool thread for once in a sea of shit threads on this board.
Jeff Hardy came up with the Willow character after a bad DMT trip in '96. Jeff took some DMT while drinking vodka with a couple of friends (one of them being my uncle Edgar, then 23) and supposedly Jeff fell unconscious and was barely breathing. Matt was freaking out screaming "my brother is fucking dying call the ambulance now", Jeff eventually woke up and the first word that came out of his mouth was Willow. Jeff recalled seeing this Joker-like black and white entity that invited him to "go down" with him while ranting about the end of the world and how crazy everything was on earth. He also mentioned that "Willow" talked in a funny way, like some kabuki shit according to him. My uncle had lots of cool pictures wiith the Hardys from the 90's , he passed away just last year. Hope my aunt still has the pics so i can digitize them and share them with you guys
>teleporting fan incident?
Ya’ll don’t know nothing about the teleporting fan incident.
I know the Cornette Banana tapes came from his divorce with his wife a tape came out with him in bondage getting a banana shoved up his ass
he's not just a cuck
he's also into S&M
I thought it was pretty clear that he and his wife were freaky ass swingers that get up to all sorts of shit, like it's not just him sitting in the corner watching jacked guys go to town on his wife, though I'm sure he loves a bit of that every now and then.
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A vhs tape with fancam footage of the Owen incident was up for auction on ebay back in 2004,, it reached a $3600 price before the auction was taken down (either by Martha or WWE's request). I remember reading this story on some wrestling forum back in 2008, i saw caps of the ebay auction and stuff and i'm still surprised no one has talked about this for 2 decades. So there you have it, footage does exist and i wouldn't be surprised if someone reached the seller and made a deal outside of ebay so the tape might be on some rich faggot's private collection.
Dave Melzter had to sell ROH shortly after its founding because he was caught soliciting sex from a minor
Tony Khan has claimed ownership

I think about this a lot. Saw it live and couldn't believe my eyes. Imagine if that would have happened in front of everyone in the area and potentially on TV as everyone watched. (And phone cameras, etc.)

Would be one of the craziest things to ever happen. It would make Owen Hart look like nothing.
Nah that was Brian Last
or Paul Heyman, I forget
The summer of 1992 in Detroit was actually unseasonably cold. Literally nicknamed 'the summer that wasn't'
In a lot of the reshoots language and sexuality have been toned down. I found several involving Brock Lesnar and Bradshaw during the early 2000s Smackdown era. There would be the live version and then the Fox Sports version that was more PG.
He was buddies with Vince way before that.
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>reverse image search says it’s a pre-WM3 house show match
>visible In Your House banner over entrance

It’s not a IYH logo, it says something about Hosts. You are right about what the match is though.
Idk if this is true but it wouldn't surprise me if he was one of the bidders
There was a sickening humiliation ritual that took place in a dark Detroit alley one fateful night in ‘92 don’t look into this one
>>Dean Ambrose germaphobe character predicted Covid
>when Mox became world champ the world ushered into the plandemic within the same month (february 2020)
This shit is so disheartening because they put it in plain sight for everyone to see, but there is literally nothing you can do about it.
we were THIS fucking close to true KINO
I've read the medical report and it said that Benoit killed the kid with the crippler crossface. No, I'm not joking. I think he was playing around, used too much force and killed the kid. Wife loses her mind, he kills her to end her suffering. Then kills himself. Very sad.
His brain was so spongey he probably thought he was in a match and then forgot wrestling was a work.
hayes/rosa: allegedly dated for a good while hence why she got a fat paycheck for doing next to nothing
vince/ambrose: vince wanted him to cut a heel promo about roman's cancer diagnosis, apparently one of the main reasons why he left the company
randy fetish: likes feet, apparently
buried paul: jim johnson easter egg
cena IG: john cena posts supposedly random shit to his instagram that some have taken to be cryptic statements or symbolic of a greater meaning
I saw the footage on local Kansas City news. Fox 4 only aired it once as far as I know and they cut away before the impact but I vividly remember seeing it on tv. It 100% exists assuming the VHS tape hasn't since been destroyed.
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Did Big Show really do moonsaults? I'd like to see that
man speaks with words, numbers are God's language
Fuck it ,got a second to share here so it must be meant to be that this thread caught my attention tonight.

I bought the fancam from OG eBay seller. You’re a little off on the price and the year, but the generalities are correct.

It was summer of 2003. Had the auction bookmarked, was high bidder, then poof. Item removed. Remember the seller’s eBay name was his email, so dropped him a line, agreed on the price, and less then a week later the vhsc was in my hands.
Was def recorded on shitty quality, consumer grade, 8x digital zoom piece of crap that was common for the time. Was a wonder they sneaked it in in the first place, but was in first 10 or so rows of upper deck, so were not talking ton of security up there. Dude was sitting to the left of the announce table, facing the stage setup. Must of lost the ticketstub, which was def mentioned in the original listing.

First off the bad/or good depending on your take. No impact shot. The camera jolts back to the ring quickly as you hear a thud as sick a thud as you will ever hear in a wrestling ring. Cam darts thru a blurred crowd that is realizing what happened in real time as you hear the most chilling gasp of 15k as they turn their attention from the pre tape the cam was focused on. Can’t make out faces, just the eerie knowing of the accident as heads turn. Can realizes what happen quick enough to see Owen’s arm flap up like that dude that broke his neck in the nfl. Just an involuntary movement, no control. Lawler is the first to rush over. Grabs Owen’s hand under bottom rope and his shoulders sink. Then everyone rushes out. EMT police, Garea. Hebner. That little French doctor that traveled with the boys is listening for a breath/checking pulse as cops reach the ring and try to help. Back board lifted in ring, but the unnatural way Owen is flopped on it makes Lawler turn toward the crowd cuz he knows. Chest comprehensions while cameras getting ready for the shot at the announce table.
The things that stick with you:

1. At first, it is the blood pool. Some was on the mat from the fall, but moving Owen cause more to just sort of fall out of his mouth, again no control of his upper torso. Just an involuntarily spasm of a good amount of bright red.

2. The crowd. First night I got the tape, fast forwarded to Owen, then just let the tape run. Already mentioned the gasp. Then came the silence. But the real kicker is by 3 minutes or so into Godfather/Jarrett? It’s like it never happened. Maybe a little more somber than the average crowd for ‘99, but not much. The height this tape is recorded can’t even pict the boys facial expression, so your not seeing how their dealing with it. For fuck sake, some people ther saw the impact must of known just how serious it was, but the majority were wrapped up in the screen and the pre tape.

Anyway, that’s it. My “claim to fame” I guess? As sick as it is? And BTW, the anon who mentioned this had to be talking about wrestlecrap or DVDR board. Frequented those two most back in the day was where I must of heard about it, for corroboration.

Most shocking thing to me was how long it took for others to bring up the auction. Those boards had hundreds of active online users to see the threads about this.Guess it goes to show nearly everyone from those sites just doesn’t give a shit about wrestling anymore and moved on with their life, or are dead themselves.
>Lawler is the first to rush over. Grabs Owen’s hand under bottom rope and his shoulders sink.
Owen's or Lawler's?
>the unnatural way Owen is flopped on it makes Lawler turn toward the crowd cuz he knows
I know that feeling. Fuck...
You could see it on his face when he sat back down at commentary. He instantly knew
>Owen, Rey, or Eddie? Who is Dom's real father?
Dom is roughly 6 feet tall, has a big jaw, and is obviously half-white. It's pretty obvious that Owen's the father.
What a strange thing to lie about in so much detail.
>no mention of Marlena killing Brian Pillman
Missed opportunity.
the nazi was the girl he was cheating with. seth's fiance at the time was the one who posted the dick pics while raw was on the air

the nazi later dated sonya deville
the interrogation video of the kid who made the wiki edit is on youtube.

Golf rumors
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Fuckin' spooky shit right here
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What does George The Animal Steele have to do with that?
Wait REMINDS you? Like you've watched so many there's a reminiscence in play?
Explain Vader, then
show is like 7 inches taller than vader, hombre
Vince Russo's rumored to have a fetish for pregnant women
Is this the match that really caused Dynamite Kid's back injury?
They weigh the same
yeah maybe on planet vader and big show weight the same
it's a Canadian Potato/Snack Chip Company named HOSTESS that sponsored a House Show

Also seems like someone(s) in the crowd has been edited out of the photo
This may be the red coat guy in another picture.

Brown leather coat is gone.
Wow holy shit, hope you can find those pics if you're not working us. Did he have anymore weird stories about them?
It was Barry Horowitz
This seems rehearsed. I smell a work
>Chris Benoit's final answering machine message

Dom gonna fall hard
It was Rob Feinstein
Undercarder sacrificed Owen Hart

Maybe they shouldn't do the shark cage this weekend
>Nash was raped in the summer of 92
Who is they? Why would they do that? What makes you think you're so smart that you're able to see through the layers of deception?
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>reminds me of sissy hypno
>sissy hypno
>reminds me
Well I guess we were all silly little girls then weren't we
The name's interesting too.
Dean Ambrose.
A dean is someone with a position of authority within Christian organised religion.
Ambrose refers to ambrosia, the milk and honey elixir for immortality made with adrenochrome.

Dean was in the Shield.
In it was Roman Reigns, referring to the reign of the Roman empire.
Half their angles were invading other people's stable and business, the other half was straight up biblical.
After they broke up and Roman had the most hated run since Backlund, and the Bloodline started, it took religious themes to the next level.
That nobody caught on to that with Sami Zayn portraying the Messiah in the Bloodline and Seth Rollins trying to be the Messiah of wrestling after that is curious to me.
At the same time we've got fucking McMahon showing people his egg. Did anyone notice this egg has the exact form and shape of Jupiter's north pole etched into it? I did. I wonder if anyone else did.

As for Moxley, his name comes to 133 in simple gematria.
The Hebrew gematria is more interesting but some people swear by the simple.
Simple Ordinal, Reverse Ordinal, Hebrew, and Babylonian are usually the most important and significant
Take a look at The Ringmaster which Vince wanted Austin to be so badly.
Today's Hogan is remembering all the timelines where the things he says happened, did happen.
Any idea if he was alive when he hit the ring?
I like to only read the Hebrew gematria.
It's what they use.
so did you watch it once and just put it away?

also, is it a fancam of the whole show? or just bits and pieces?

it's so weird that you're the only person on the planet to have a copy of that tape, besides the one is wwe's vault.

have you ever told anyone irl that you own this? or did you just want to tell people here anonymously?
I hope the U.N. kicks down your door and forcibly vaccinates you.
>Chest comprehensions
immersion broken
Must've struck a shoot
>Who is they?
>Why would they do that?
So you don't know
>What makes you think you're so smart that you're able to see through the layers of deception?
Cause I see trough it.
Sorry vaxie, not going down with you. Enjoy your massive heart attack
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Now we're cookin'
>Who is they?
The Powers That Be
>Why would they do that?
Karmic consent.
>What makes you think you're so smart that you're able to see through the layers of deception?
I literally said it was in plain sight. DUMMY, YEAH!
Average e-drone
So did Victoria
Gotta update this knowing that CM Punk has the boylover symbol tattooed on his body. He's part of the pedo cult.
I have a video of a woman accusing Meltzer of being a pederast
what the fuck
delete this
why would you hold your phone like this with your index finger and your thumb?
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also does this mean the lWo took care of owen
The secret is that anyone watching that shit already wants to be a chick and is just trying to justify it to himself.
>Wrestling is real
Post the video or you’re a lying bitch
Fucking zoomers must have missed NXT Season 3, Cole shouting HEEELP!! is a gag he does when something in the ring is bombing. In this case Al Wilson and his angle was peak wrestlecrap and he was pleading for it to stop. It sounds weird out of context but even there you can clearly hear him pissing himself laughing.
this would be possible only if he didn't kill Nancy first
Nancy Downs
we know, the joke is they're all jews
No one will believe me, but at a house show in Rosemont IL they had a goblin wrestle Greg Valentine. I was there. I remember people being turned away with the organizers telling people they had to make special accommodations for some kind of animal and only X people were allowed in (kind of like what they do for circuses that still had a lion tamer.) Nobody really had elaborate music or entrances since it was a house show, just a ring, bleachers and the bare essentials, but Valentine looked miffed (probably playing it up) as a bunch of ring boys began putting down smoldering urns and drawing with chalk alongside the entry ramp. Eventually we start hearing music, but it's strange and distorted like an off-tune banjo with a little twanging noise in the back. The urns started spewing green smoke and I saw people sat close to the entry ramp move away, like they were getting sick. I'm in the back just off near the announcing table, and out walks this little guy who's four feet tall but really wiry and muscular. He has to waddle out because his legs are so far apart and his arms were too long, like a chimp, with his hands balled into fists and he's taking wide marching steps. His ears and nose were super long with glowing red eyes, where you could tell it wasn't prosthetics, and Finkel's voice broke as he announced him as "The Goblin." Eventually it slips into the ring and takes off his little brown burlap tunic where he was totally naked underneath. Valentine looked really confused and dropped character as he talked to the guys ringside. Even Vince ended up having to get up. Then the goblin started speaking in some imaginary language and running at Greg, so he slips out of the ring. I remember a few guys in cloaks showing up to pick the guy up and put him in a green velvet sack and carried him out. Everyone was really confused.

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