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Did people actually expect for it to be canceled at all? Dynamite does good enough considering how much WBD pays for it. Plus they're live TV that they can rely on for pretty much 52 weeks out of the year. Giving TK money probably costs less than filming the average season of a TV show (marque programs cost sometimes 150 million dollars to make for 1 season).
this retard has been saying the same exact thing for 6 months
Two more weeks.
edrones have been living in fantasyland, hoping that
a) their boogeyman finally goes away and
b) they get a win back since slopdown actually did get cancelled
neither of which was ever going to happen but have fun trying to talk sense to people in the throws of acute mental illness
No he hasnt
He tweeted the same thing 4 weeks ago
Post it then
>slopdown actually did get cancelled
Maybe on Planet Retard. In Planet Reality, Smackdown was moved.
it got cancelled, Fox is paying more per year for less total college football content. imagine how much better the ad rates must be for that to have made sense for them financially.
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I've seen the smark media tweeting the same thing every 2 weeks since 2023.
These were made by bitchtits.
>5th anniversary episode of Dynamite coming up
If it's not announced on Wednesday, it's not happening
Some guy in the ratings thread mindbroke him
I hope WB makes Tony drop rampage and ROH
Have you seen this board? There's less mental illness in a psychiatric hospital
Tony won
No I haven't
More schizos here than /x/ unfortunately and ruining the board seems to be their goal
The samefag on this board makes the Nobody General on /x/ look sane.
Not only that, but WWE is going to be making less per hour once Smackdown moves to 3
The funny part is you're too much of a retard to know about retransmission rates
They can't make Tony drop ROH. ROH is not on TV and Tony fully owns it (unlike AEW which is owned by Shahid with WBD having a minor stake)
In so many words, they can. If WBD makes it clear there's too much confusion between AEW and ROH champions, events, etc, and WBD feels it's causing fan malaise and disengagement, they can ask AEW to cut back on (or eliminate) the ROH content on AEW TV shows.

If we think critically, it would actually make a lot of sense. Live Dynamite + tape Rampage, no ROH garbage. Then live Collision + tape Shockwave (air Mon/Tue evening?), no ROH garbage. Makes things much more streamlined.
AEW is most likely getting a deal, but SRS doesn't know that and just says shit.
>stop confusing me with all those promotions working together

>Hi Everybody, it's me Ojama
>I refuse to argue with you kek
>I'll just take low-effort shots at what you say and not go into any detail
>After a few rounds of this, I'll proclaim myself the winner ("i accept your concession")
>I'm very smart and you're a pseud int, btw
Thanks for using pigheaded btw, I'll have to bookmark that one. Basically every single match in the archive is you, nobody else uses that word.
Cry harder kek
I'm going to start imitating you and ruin your gimmick kek

To ruin mine, you'll actually have to put in effort and type multiple paragraphs at a time. But you won't be able to source through Chat GPT because Chat GPT doesn't weave in song lyrics, movie quotes, memes or self-deprecation. Good luck Smackdownie-kun. See you around.
The sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity pays to greatness. I've already ruined you plenty it seems.
>doesn't weave in song lyrics, movie quotes, memes or self-deprecation.

Nobody invited you to 4chan's birthday party, redditor.
afraid so
There is no deal, WBD told Tony to fuck off, so Tony is paying all of the journos to say a deal is done. That way Tony can go to WBD and say “look how stupid you will be if there is no deal, everyone is saying there is a deal. You don’t want to look like liars do you?!”
5d chess move from Tony
many such cases
You sound like Martin out the Simpsons
Last month thighful posted it was days away from confirming
>If we think critically
this is some fucking chatGPTslop
and then you woke up and everybody clapped
I’m sure you will come on here to seethe when nothing is announced this week, right on schedule
don't forget once WB lost NBA Tony could squeeze them. Nothing else they have draws except Sheldon reruns
I'm sure you will be here all day every day, because you have literally zero life outside this board fatso.
>ruining the board
What would you like instead? Me, id like the old school general to be a viable regular thread.
You're mentally ill.
Hey, it’s too early to be seething. Please wait until tomorrow after no deal is announced.
So they could literally just play another Sheldimes rerun and keep the ~100k viewers they lose when AEW starts?
we at the 5 yard line right bros?
Turn on your monitor

R-fraid so
What is this, the 37th week straight?
Uppercut yourself Ojama
This buffoon said the same thing november last year lmao
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>I would expect
>fairly soon
How come the language surrounding AEW's renewal is always so vague? Why is it always IMMINENT but it never actually arrives?

>Did people actually expect for it to be canceled at all?
I fully expect AEW to be canceled at this point.
It's only July 93rd, you can't expect a deal this soon after the exclusivity window.
>no one says aew dynamite is getting cancelled
>retard spamming 'wwe is cancelled' makes threads all day about fantasy deals for aew
if you cant tell its the same retard posting the same bullshit then you need to get out of here already
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correct tony is about to sign the new deal late summer/early fall... of 2023
>rando 5th hand accounts from a message board
do zoomers really?
AEW is Iran

Tony is ayatollah
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>and ruining the board seems to be their goal
I wish I still had it but it was from the thread the guy originaly posted this image in, where he admitted that he's disabled, hates life, hates wrestling, and just spams this board because he wants everyone else to be as miserable as him

I'm sure you could find it if you looked hard enough
>Tony mismanages his talent
>lets his top two draws walk
>bloats his roster with bloated contracts
>needs double the amount of the previous deal just to stay afloat
>meanwhile WBD is in shambles as its stock tanks
>journalists report inaccurate information about a imminent deal for two years
>the exclusivity window closed July 31st
>empty arenas
>ratings cut in half
>ppv buys tanking
>Tony embarassing himself in both the wrestling and football industries
>reportedly ambushed David Zaslav in Paris
>while Zaslav was trying to have a meeting with IHF president Tayyab Ikram
>David gets him a gift package and tells him to talk later
>wears the hats and says he had a great meeting with David
>the neck brace during the draft
>rumors the Jags want him away from the team
>the hot shotting of matches to convince Fox to sign them
It’s over
that was the guy who posted every bix tweet. now we have a guy who does that but for basically every tweet he sees
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We're not Philistines. The more wrestling options, the better. Right?
Same guy, he posted more than Bix back then. He used to also spam WrestleCringe, just basically anyone he hated on twitter, the idea being that if he could make /pw/ hate them, he thought they might brigade and harass the people

Drainmaker is his new main focus
who is this and does she wrestle with the stockings? wrestling needs more women in stockings. stacy keibler vs torrie wilson no mercy 2001 was amazing for that alone.
Yeah he's called Bitchtits
At this point even if the deal gets announced its been since basically june that its going to be announced this wednesday or that friday or next saturday or maybe sunday?
someone find this im curious
Sex Reassignment Surgery is a dumb bitch
>rumors the Jags want him away from the team
More details? Haven't heard about this yet.
https://archive.palanq.win/pw/thread/5995840/#5995995 ?
This guy was so based I wonder why he stopped
Nah it's mostly just memes. And trying to "gotcha" the other "side". Like smackdown being cancelled.
Checks out
Should be within the next 3 hours
Funny how it's always a vague estimate like "should be" and never a definite statement like "will be". Also, no, there won't be anything in the next 3 hours, or later today, or tomorrow, or the next day.
You will die a virgin bitchtits faggot
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seethe lol
At this point many sources are reporting that any minute now before long, directly forthwith, promptly, in a short time, rapidly, posthaste, quickly, fleetly, coming down the pike pronto an announcement will be released early of the reaching of a new AEW deal momentarily soon.
It will be today. 100%.
Capped this. Can’t wait to laugh at you later
Could be within the next hour
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"Forthwith" popped me.
Two more weeks
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>Fatt Crapp said it so it must be true this time!!
You said it?
He’s tanked the team, ruined contracts, and is constantly sprawled on the locker room floor with football cards around him, making it uncomfortable for players as they have to walk around him or over him. He will sometimes bring his Xbox during half time and yell over Doug Peterson saying he’s “running some numbers” and doing “analytical research”. He’s like a child with free reign. Don’t forgot as soon as Tony had a little power the jags went 1-15
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>one hour and 8 minutes ago
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This is what the Jacksonville players have to deal with during game day
>since Smackdown actually did get cancelled
Interesting, becasue I just watched it last week on the USA Network. How is it possible for me to have watched Smackdown if it was cancelled?
It was on USA because Fox cancelled it, retard.
that looks more like the lead singer of MSI than Tony, he ain't that tall.
Actually they signed a better deal with USA for more money and left Fox
No, it’s on there because Fox got outbid. Smackdown just beat football on Fox btw
Yeah football on ESPN beat it too. That game got like 4M and a 1.0
The last two games killed them though. And you can actually make money on their ads
You’re really bad at this.
Cope faggot
Your rapist clown show got canned
No, it got a bigger deal from a better network and then completely destroyed its last network
No Fox cancelled them because you're poor and stupid
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I know you are coping. WWE will be around long after your dead, but AEW will die at the end of the year kek
Does not appear to be the case, seeing as your closeted homo savior Lachlan was quoted saying he wishes they had stayed
And they only lost 700k viewers! lmaoooooo
And how many did Dynamite lose to the WNBA kek
>still nothing
>Today is the day, but plans can change!
Same old shit
The WNBA is more relevant than wrestling buddy. That bitch got more followers than most wrestlers
>unless things change
Such an odd choice of words
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>unless things change
Bwahahahaha. Tony's going hard with the fake rumors. But sadly, no matter what he does, there's no deal and he can't make these imaginary promotional materials real.
Yeah because she's not playing you dumb bitch. She's more over than your WWE weenies
Tony could sign it in front of you and you still wouldn't believe it
Seethe harder, she wasn’t even playing when Dave made the pre-cope tweet
502k AND no deal

I just heard the deal. Wow. Can't say more right now due to how limited this is. This is big. I didn't expect it.
Let me guess, it’s zero dollars for zero years
Kendrick Lamar was giving a performance for the first time since his beef with Drake pal. You only watch fed slop so it confuses you when people watch more culturally relevant stuff over wrestling. Get a clue son.
>Can't say more right now
You're making up that a deal exists and you've seen it. You might as well go all the way and make up a number, too.
We don't sign our posts here.
The number won't be announced just the length 3 years. But it's big. real big.
Ok how you know
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>WBD and AEW have had promotional material prepared for a month for a deal that hasn't been made
>but now the deal is IMMINENT(TM)!
pfft hahahaha

>implying 3 year deal could be anything "big"
>implying a publicly traded company like WBD could get away with making a deal and never disclosing the number
Kek. Thanks for making me laugh
8 K form doesn't need to be public yet
It's 3 years plus a year option for more money
I guess you figured making up something like a 5 year deal would be too implausible so you made up a 3 year deal to make it sound more realistic kek
So, where is it?
They have four business days before an event, so the earliest announcement will be next Tuesday.
It's a 4 year deal but the 4th year is optional and for much more money if taken up
>It's a 4 year deal but the 4th year is optional
Think about what you just said. Go over it real good. I think you'll find a slight contradiction.
It's 3 plus 1 you fucking edrone faggot
A deal for 3 years plus the option of a 4th year isn't a 4 year deal lil bro. But of course it's all moot because in reality the deal doesn't exist and it's only a Tony Khan lie. I'm just picking nits lel
Why is the deal taking so long, legit curious.
So if your tv contract goes for 4 years, how many years is that retard. It's four.
>theyve been saying this for 3 months
How do you type in your straitjacket?
>So if your tv contract goes for 4 years
And if an optional 4th year doesn't get picked up then it remains a 3 year deal. Do you understand what the word "optional" means?
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>How do you type in your straitjacket?
You tell me
>Should be within the next 3 hours
Why didn't it happen within the next 3 hours? You said it would. I want an explanation.
Should have happened a year ago, last minute equals a bad deal.
If (BIG IF) nothing gets announced today
How badly does that damage the reputations of SRS and Meltzer? Or will it not matter because their fan base will still worship them?
you're an idiot
In reality it should destroy their careers
But, these guys have built a following who's whole identity is they hate WWE so as long as fat smarks on disability have that money Dave, SRS, Alvarez, the dirtsheets will continue
The deal is done
>not a single sentence anywhere about how much AEW is getting paid
Yeah Tony got screwed over.
Enjoy your slop now because AEW will destroy WWE and replace it as No. 1 wrestling promotion

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