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The women of AEW & ROH

Dynamite 5 Year Anniversary Oct 2nd
>Serena Deeb v Dr. Britt Baker DMD

Collision Grand Slam Sept 28th
>Jamie Hayter def. Saraya in a Saraya's Rules match

Rampage Sept 27th
>Anna Jay def. Robyn Renegade
>Willow Nightingale def. Taya Valkyrie

>'Timeless' Toni Storm to make CMLL debut Oct 11th at CMLL Viernes Espectacular against La Catalina.
>STARDOM Sept 28th: 'Timeless' Toni Storm & Mina Shirakawa def. Mayu Iwatani & AMZ - post match interview saw Storm say she has "never heard of the name Mariah in her life".
>STARDOM Oct 2nd: Mayu Iwatani, Hanan & Saya Iida v 'Timeless' Toni Storm, Mina Shirakawa & Maika.
>STARDOM Oct 5th: Mayu Iwatani (c) v 'Timeless' Toni Storm for the IWGP Women's Championship.
>Thunder Rosa has dismissed reports that she is cleared to wrestle after suffering a concussion.
>Hikaru Shida will return to Japan early November to take part in a stage play.

Previous: >>15922836

General Archive:
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Dynamite 5 Year Anniversary Oct 2nd
>Serena Deeb v Dr. Britt Baker DMD
Stardom presser with Toni is live (with technical difficulties it seems)
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Last night's Shida stream

basf. what a banger. i have no idea who will win between these titans of this sport
Japanese fans summed up

Embedded link:

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>Mina Shirakawa & Kanji will go head to head in tag-team action against Dani Luna & AZM at #NJPW Royal Quest IV UK
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All Elite Sick Women of Wrestling
>These women/wrestlers are SICK in the best way possible. This fast-paced compilation of many of the greatest and most emotional moments, moves and characters of AEW's women's division (and Ring of Honor) of ~5 years is not just an homage to what they already achieved, but it should also provide you an outlook of what's to come with the focus on the division's current progress. A lot changed over the years, but they always gave their heart, soul and violence to the cause!

Sun 20 October bong bros.
Live stream suspended

New link: youtube.com/watch?v=a5Ck6YDg82k
And we're back LIVE
Appreciate it
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>First details are set for Fighting Spirit Unleashed!
>A four way match to determine the next #njpwSTRONG Women's Championship challenger!
bald uncle seethe
God save the Queenslayer
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Comfy morning presser stream.
I'm really glad Tony hasn't given up on Marina. Even if it's just following Mox around, I prefer that over slumming it up in ROH. I bet it was an RJ idea to pay them together
Here we go
I like how Mayu tends to do something funny during press conferences like funny faces, falling, or dropping her belt
me asking Toni if she can hook me up with a bobblehead
Short but based. I've missed this old whore that I adore.
Probably Mox, he's a MMA mark.
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>I'm really glad Tony hasn't given up on Marina.

Its a miracle Marinas career didnt die after the YOU DONT KNOW ME promo, joining BCC gave her an aura.
>Mothra doesn't have my flaps
...what did she mean by this?
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Nice comp. Flew by.
Trish, Mina and idk maybe Catalina?
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>We enjoyed yakiniku tonight
>#ToniStorm #WeWantMina
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Top Merch Movers for the Month
>7. Mariah May
>8. Jamie Hayter

Top Items for the Month
>5. Pre-Order: Jamie Hayter AEW Micro Brawler
>9. Hikaru Shida - The Ace of the Division
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I always thought they were bigger
Is there anything for coomers that's not a work?
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>what women’s tag team wants to step to us on October 12th @TheOfficialROW ?
Maya World
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>Don’t stop believing in yourself! @BustedOpenRadio thanks for celebrating with me and all my fellow #bustedopennation #HispanicHeritageMonth Definitely this is one of the highlights of my 2024! Cheers
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>September 30th
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>October 1st
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>Elvira drop begins today! Only on Patreon!
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Leila is delusional with her prices. Here's her charging $70 for a bundle back in March
I mean if people are willing to pay for it then is she the one who's delusional? Kek it's the people buying who are the ones setting the price on that kind of thing. It prices a lot of people out but she must be making enough for it to be worth it
>he gave me a lariat, but not with his arm
bro i keep telling ya, timeless toni storm is the best gimmick right now in all of womens wrestling
Britt Baker on Internet Criticism: 'It Gets to a Point Where It's Laughable'

>“It gets to a point where it’s laughable. You can’t lose sleep, you can’t sit at home and cry because people say you’re a bully, you’re this, you’re that. At the end of the day, my priority, my passion is pro wrestling. I love the AEW women’s division, I love AEW, I love pro wrestling, I watch both companies religiously. That’s more my focus now is how can we make pro wrestling better. Because we can’t control the Twitter or X or Instagram bulls**t rumors, but you can work on making the product better.”
Serena Deeb reveals that she saw "a number of women" getting cleared last week.

>"I think that the division right now, it couldn't be more incredible because just last week I saw; I guess I won't name drop in case they need to be surprises but there were a number of women there last week that were getting cleared. It's really cool because right now the roster is stacked and it's getting ready to be even more stacked with returning from injury players."

>via recent interview with Denise Salcedo
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He hit her with a leg lariat...third leg variation.
32' mark
Tay, Julia, who else...
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>need you back in my timezone
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Statlander, I would be surprised if Riho got cleared.
>I guess I won't name drop in case they need to be surprises
No shit? Like why even mention any of this as if it's any of her business to share
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latest Sammy & Tay vlog

Put over Julia, Anna, Aminata and Velvet as the future stars of the division, she has good eye for talent.
>ywn make it rain on rose gold in the champagne room and only to find out there is no sex in the champagne room
Why even live?
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>Go check it out

Mina Mariah OTP
>Toni Storm says that Antonio Inoki appears to her every night, whispering that she will be the next IWGP Women's Champion. Toni also says she'll enter her title defenses wearing a red towel like Inoki.
It appears that Megan Bayne will join NXT. AEW fucked this one up. NXT is importing top womens talents in droves, Bayne could be a bigger star than Giulia and Vaquer (who I think will underwhelm in WWE's system), due to her look and English promos.
Megan needs to improve her promo skills
>due to her look and English promos.
You mean her stroke face and shitty mic work? People are still really hung up on her from what they saw in Stardom. She doesn't have the size over nearly as many women outside of Japan. In the US she's only slightly above average. She's not going to be booked to no sell and steam roll the entire roster like she did in Stardom either. What's her selling like? What's a Megan Bayne match where she has to work from underneath like? You wouldn't know. I'm not saying she isn't a good talent but she's not this golden hire people have made her out to be over the last year or so. If not for all of what I just said then for the obvious fact that if she was then WWE or AEW would've signed her up by now
AEW can just get a Lena Kross or Rhio and be completely fine.

There are way better hoss women out there.
>Lena Kross
She makes Megan Bayne look average in height too
I've seen this name around and always do a double take thinking it's Riho. It is pronounced rye-oh ? She was with Saraya at All In I believe.
Hardly a hoss. She's just stocky. She doesn't have much going for her in height. Maybe around the same height as Mariah for example since they've had matches before
This is another thing. Her name would be an issue. I can't imagine they'd just have Rhio and Riho on the same roster together
>It is pronounced rye-oh?
It's pronounced Ree-oh. Same way kek
It was over when she tried to join Pedogawa's promotion
This toni character is so good. Like some sort if time traveling schizo
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Need a T-shirt that says "Chin Up, Chin Out, and Watch for the Chin".
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I've a chance!!!!!
She also a damn good worker with a good look, can do shit like top rope split legged moonsaults (RVD) and is Australia for that international appeal.


She's also damn good at hardcore matches. She could be someone to replace Nyla Rose in the future. She's from the UK, so again someone with international appeal.

There's always an option to get someone like Chihiro Hashimoto as well.

If you're that obsessed with actual height, Sawyer Wreck is also someone to consider. She's been on several tours in Japan, good in the ring and with a distinctive look.

There's plenty of really good big women on the indies, if you pay even little attention to the indy scene, or what Gaijins TJPW, Sendai Girls & Stardom bring in each year.
She's drinking, again.

Beyond based
>Talisker 10
She likes strong stuff. Too much pepper for me.
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Apparently Giulia had a 3 stars match tonight, was Tk correct about not hiring her?
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You tell me
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I see your boober and raise you a squish
Yeah well I got one from tdp
Made for bwc
Would rather have TK go for Sexy Star 2 instead because she is leaving AAA in 3 weeks
>TONIGHT at 6:30p JST “Timeless” Toni Storm joins Mina & Maika against Mayu Iwatani & winggori in an IWGP Women’s preliminary at Stardom

She seems happy living with Janella now
Around 4 am

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