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Everything he ever did was for you. To make you entertained. To have good time. He never cared about himself but you, and now that he's going through rough times, you're jumping on him? It was Vince that gave you Hogan, Austin, Rock, Cena and all those great matches and storylines. And all just to entertain you.
Stand up for Vince.
Thank you, Vince, for shitting on that woman for me. I guess my thank you note got lost in the mail.
Well he generated heat with that as heels are supposed to do. It's not his fault that people can't take that anymore.
I hate negros, I hate cucks and I hate IR Jewish brainrot but Vince has to be the ONLY elite fag that actually gave the works something good so I can't hate him, same with Weinstein, sorry but they're my niggas because they gave something beautiful to the world
Vince killed wrestling I cant wait till he dies
Nothing he did was for me. Show was always written for him. Only based thing about him is that he kept the industry (and the ""boys"") in check.
Without Vince there wouldn't even be wrestling outside of territorial faggotry.
He is famous for never giving the fans what they wanted and would routinely say
>Fuck them
I don't see how shitting on someone's head was "for you".....
Vince and Weinstein were just born in the wrong generation. If they were younger billionaires they'd probably just be workaholic incels who hired normal prostitutes.
Asking from fans what they want is the most retarded thing to do, as fans are retards. Most of them would just ask something that's been already done to death and nothing new would come up.
Not only did he write his show for himself, but he also sold out to investors and stock guys to try to make his own fucking vision a product.
Hes a total cunt. The only problem is that is son in law is 10x worse. At least Vince would book a funny burial. Paul’s idea of cool and edgy is not even lukewarm, it’s ice cold.
But the damage is already done, WWE now belongs to the investors and TKO. You will never see anything interesting happen in it because it’s a product made to be released on schedule, not a labor of love or even a product they put a lot of thought into. By design 90% of WWE content is supposed to be boring.
Wish WWE had whistleblowers so we could learn that Paul knew the whole time and which other wrestlers where involved in Vince’s dildo fed.
All I could see when I watched this, was that as soon as Vince, who was a self made man not beholden to anyone, built the company into the financial and cultural monster that he did, certain (((people))) started trying to slander him and take it away from him. It’s obvious he didn’t kiss their ass, so they spent 30 years trying to destroy him, and the world finally got gay enough for it to work… And since he’d become too old to be good at his job anymore, and because his chad 90s sex addiction turned into full blown boomer goonerism, his own people were happy to see him go
The AWA gave us Hogan
ECW gave us Austin
Cena sucks
I think you need to take a break from the internet pal
I think USWA and WCW can also take credit for Austin
if you think trips is 10x worse than Vince just go find a new hobby bro. the show is better in every conceivable way versus the dementia era. not enough dog food for ya?
The Stone Cold character started in ECW
Sure it only existed cause WCW was a bunch of retards but y'know
Have you watched any of his ECW stuff you retard.
I’m sorry you’re such a bitch
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I've seen the promo of him in the hat
That's a damn Stone Cold promo if I've ever seen one
Rovert showing off his terminal Vince Derangement Syndrome
Thank you Vince for making me sit through this
My sincere thanks
he just wanted to get his rocks off, pal.
Starting to miss Vince unironically.
We don't even get any goofy kino special shows like Thankgiving and Christmas specials where dumb shit happens that's funny. Everything is super serious bullshit.
The AWA made Hogan and Vince was lucky Gagne was too dense and stupid to put the belt on him
Austin already made a name for himself in the USWA, WCW and ECW and he succeeded in spite of Vince's shitty creative plans for him.
Vince basically wanted him to be a cookie cutter smiling babyface until people chanted that he sucked and Vince was forced to turn heel and finally get himself over.
Vince would've fired Cena if it wasn't for Stephanie discovering his rap skills and pushing him to have a wigger gimmick.
>the AWA made hogan
This is such a bad take because hogan was not mainstream at all until he linked up with Mr T and that feud was more T and Roddy piper than Hogan. Vince is very clever for attaching Terry to that
>was AWA made Hogan and ECW made Austin

The fact is that 99% of the fans would have never heard of them without Vince, especially outside US.
Consoomers and marks don't know what they want
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>He never cared about himself
>hogan was not mainstream
You're dumb

He was in Rocky and had already been on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson while in AWA. I'm not sure if he was the first wrestler on The Tonight Show but definitely one of the first.
Hey Vince thanks for putting my local territory out of business and then turning your own product (the only option left) into one marketed to kids and retards. Really appreciate it!
I will apologize after I take a shit on his gave.
I don't hate Vince, despite his many degenerate habits. Without him, Professional Wrestling would've never been a success. Modern Professional Wrestling as a whole is garbage and is the WORST it has ever been, and coincidentally, Vince was given the boot.

Fuck all of you niggers who say 'muh AEW,' AEW is fucking trash, but WWE is the worst it has ever been. Literally an over glorified goy slop advertisement show made by greasy and slimy kikes, for fat and sweaty FGBs.
Then why was he a bigger draw after wrestlemania 1?
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Vince gave us Katie Vick. Think about how insane that is. Even for the time period, forget about seeing kino like that ever again today.
I've wondered why he decided to tone it down so much in late 00s and 2010s to the point of boring.
And the other one is not
Became a publicly traded company, more ad sponsors to not offend.
Yeah I kinda overlooked that. And most of that money was wasted on casinoes and restaurants which flopped. Should have invest on that UFC instead.

Pro wrestling wouldn't have survived if Vince didn't go global and go on TV. The old fucks he put out of business would have never adapted the business for the era of cable TV. Also WWE was a trailblazer with the WWE Network. They had streaming before everyone else did. Fuck the haters, Vince McMahon is one of my heroes!
This was entertaining enough to watch but 60% of it was not even about Vince but instead it was "explaining WWE history to non wrestling fans" version 17
>here's what heel and babyface mean
>here's the story of how Hulk Hogan got popular
>here's the story of the first WrestleMania
>here's the story of WrestleMania 3
>here's the story of the heckin' Montreal blowjob and how it lead to the Attitude Era
>here's the story of the NWO
>here's the story of the Monday Night Wars
>here's the story of how Stone Cold and the Rock became popular

Very little new information about Vince. I would have appreciated more stories about backstage antics and interactions/relationships with wrestlers instead of rehashing the same shit we've already seen ad nauseam on A&E
Wwe propaganda. The AWA were well on their way to nationalizing.
Give me Vince's WWE over Haitch's WWE. At least you could laugh at how bad it was when it was bad. And when it was good it was GOOD. HHH's is endless monotony, a full product version of his droning 20 minute promos in the 2000's.
people say wrestling didnt end in 2000 but every documentary stops at WCW dying lmao
I have to agree and was bit disappointed when I realized it's just about WWE history. More backstage stories and more hard questions for Vince and to other people would've been more entertaining.
No need. I love this man.

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