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>Last week: 620,000 (0.19)
>This week: 895,000 (0.25)
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Good effort.
That’s it? And it’s going to giga plummet these following weeks?
fake ratings
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I would guess it settles to 750-800k
Meltz made that up
Trannymite is about to be losing to a wrestling school on a weekly basis. Tony KWAB indeed!
I don't trust this guy at all. Could be completely true. But not the source you'd want reporting that first
>no milly
That has to be a success given the channel they're on and how much shit was happening yesterday
I bet there's a sourced quarterly ratings graphic coming from Ibou's source soon.
Gonna beat DinoShite lmao.
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dynamite is going to be losing to nxt weekly
That was with a debate
>That has to be a success
They loaded it with Punk and other main roster guys, had Triple H and Shawn on at the start. Gave it a stacked card like it was a ppv. They made it clear they were aiming for a milly and once again failed to do so
Highest rated show on CW gets .623. NXT will never get over .6 on the CW.
Is that the cope we’re going with?
Less than a million on prime time network TV is due to “how much shit is going on”. Got it.
It's over for the hog on wheels
>The Hops
>Popping a number
All it takes to know some retarded faggot completely made this shit up.
Do you know what the rest of the CW does when it comes to ratings? Its a zombie channel that people do not watch or even know about.
Seems like a good fit for NXT then
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>We're gonna be losing to a wrestling school
>loaded it with Punk
He was there 2 weeks ago
Wow! Trannymite hasn’t seen that kind of number in ages. Another win for the good guys of the primary company that are getting paid millions more than before, for their wrestling school.
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>NXT beat AEW Dynamite
Okay but did it really? Did it really? Didn’t NXT only get 30 million from CW? Yikes.
So Punk being a guest referee is loading it up? Miz TV draws like that???
fake news, barely did 300k
Cope. NXT got paid multiple millions more than their previous deal for a wrestling school, something Gayew is not going to get. Now it’s outdrawing Trannymite and you’re Coping and Seething as usual, PiggyTitties lol.
holy fucking skyrocket, it feels great to be an e-god
This isn’t the Transpage thread.
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PiggyCripple is fuming over this one. Kek what an ugly disgusting crippled pig BITCH!
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Women's tag (and I'm presuming that's where the debate started?) killed the show
>Miz TV draws like that???
>No milly
Apparently it doesn't. Yikes
>Financial terms of the deal were *NOT DISCLOSED*, but according to *SOURCES????????????*, the deal is valued at upwards of $150 per year *WHEN ALL ELEMENTS ARE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT*
Your bullshit meter is not going off the charts? You need to recalibrate your shit, anon.
>AEW from 2019 to 2023
One billy deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>AEW from 2023 to early 2024
Okay, maybe not a billy but we'll be profitable who cares!!!!!!
>AEW today
Why do you want to know how much we're making?
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CM Punk lost them 120k viewers
>>15956324 Ahahahahhaahahaahaha
>killed the show
How are you saying this? Where do you see this? The rating is stable sir it’s incredibly stable my friend and it’s nothing like the awful AEW ratings you mother bastard.
wait a second, did NXT beat grand slam? that can't be right...
Wow NXT murdered DinoShite. Imagine the numbers without the debate. Potential milly for the wrestling school.

I'm so used to seeing these AEW infographics that it's strange seeing a show go up in ratings from its lead-in during the show.
NXT murdered Grand Slam and it will Mario Ground Pound the 5th anniversary show
There’s a certain crippled pig bitch from Ireland that is very upset over this one LMAO!
yeah where is that crippled stalking bitch ass rapist at?
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nah that's giulia but roxy did alright
Holy fucking RED HOT
Sorry e-drones, Meltzer said we need to wait 3-4 more weeks until we know how the show is really doing
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isn't that higher than any dynamite this year? LMAO
>around blacks never click back
>they want 1 million
>not even the debut gets 900k
Its over.
>isn't that higher than any dynamite this year? LMAO

higher than any dynamite since last October
I heard HogWheels is very upset about this. KWAB!
No milly and we know the ratings have already peaked. Expect 700k next week.
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>AEW's peak rating this year
>January 17, 2024: 891,000 viewers
Holy kek you're actually right
But enough about dynashite
>NXT is going to shoot beat Dynamite
WOW what a GIGA-SKYROCKET! Another win for the primary company! Imagine the numbers they’ll do without going against a debate. Most quarters were well over 900k.
No Milly
Why didn’t he mention the competition like he does for AEW’s shows?
but the VP debate? how come he doesn't that that into account
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best demo on the CW for the year by .10
Dave is such a fucking bootlicker.
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CW needs to give NXT a proper lead in.
Doesn't NXT have Sheldon on the CW?
BBT literally was the lead in last night on CW
DinoSlop will never beat NXT again LMAO!
Depends on the market.
I had Sheldon but I was seeing people say they had some talk/game show on (don't remember what the fuck it was and don't really care).
WOW its gonna have more than dynamite again
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its a marathon not a sprint aewtists
rovert usually samefags and necro bumps nxt ratings threads. weird he isnt here. wonder what hes doing right now?
>NXT is going to absolutely destroy Dynamite this week
fraid so fraid so
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brutal L for wheels
he just cant get a win at the moment
apparently this was CWs best demo ever
it wasn't the lead in
it was some black family show where they eat spicy food as comedy
which is funny because knowing black people who were imported from africa they love to eat heavily spicy foods on the reg
Hog Wheels is going to be having the worst week of his life. It'll only get better if they cut off his food stamps.
I was to busy laughing at the terrible AEW deal I forgot about this. Yo BAGGERwheels where you at? You said they wouldn't draw 500k
Good for them but the show was bang average and I won't be back next week. Oba and Trick are cool but the rest wouldn't have looked out of place on Dark.
>not putting it on in the background to help them pop a rating
But enough about your high school crush's taste in men.
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Official CW press release, Thursdays will be fun
>peaked at 965k from 8:15-8:30 p.m.
what segment was that
but aew has their "stars" on every week and they haven't hit 800k in forever
Goat dimes drawer GIULIA
that was the start of the midgets sawdusting each other match. People probably turned off the show in disgust during that
>that was the start of the midgets sawdusting each other match.
what are you talking about, aew isn't on til later tonight
I know you're trying to make a joke but wes lee and nash carter belong in aew not wwe
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I'm sure this comment won't backfire in an 5th anniversary way
trannymine finner be squashed lol
>even meltzer admits that punk is a "really big draw"
no wonder gayewtists hate him
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It's gonna be so funny watching gAyEWtists cry and cope on here weekly too
>oh yeah where's your milly btw
>gayewtist npc: >:|
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You know where
>Dave Meltzer
WWE never said they wanted a milly. But let me tell you about the many times AEW and its wrestlers swore up and down that the new TV deal would be valued at a billy!
Big Dimes Rox
>put all your resources into promoting it
>no milly
>this is a good thing
>c-show outdrew grand slam by almost 100k and had a higher rating than rampage and collision combined
>all your resources
Not even half
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>AEW is ice cold since 2022
>83+ weeks witthout a milly
>Got shitted on by NXT
>No billy deal like they swore and promised for like 2 years now
>trannies still have the audacity to show their faces around
i'm talking about the ratings, not the pocketed money
>But let me tell you about the many times AEW and its wrestlers swore up and down that the new TV deal would be valued at a billy!

Post them then
WWE has been ice cold for 20 years anon
>WWE has been ice cold for 20 years anon
just lying for the sake of lying, tranny?
so by inequality theorems, f(wwe,20years) = ice cold
then f(aew,5years) = ice colder
You can tell this guy is red in the face right now KWAB
I don't care about AEW, wrestling in general is a dead and irrelevant. WWE destroyed it and it is now the haven of retards like you who will spend thousands of your welfare bucks buying toy belts.
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The fact that AEWtrannies seriously compare themselves to a developmental program is just fucking hilarious. “Where the best wrestle” can barely compete with HBK’s roster of indies and newcomers. AEW truly is the mother of all KWABs
they're back to feuding with the wrestling school.
Sure thing, cultist
So you're admitting to be lying just for the sake of it, right?
>couldn't get a billy
>has to hide the actual number because it's an embarassment
>mogged by NXT
>back to feuding with NXT after they claimed that Dynamite would dwarf RAW
just imagine being an AEW 'fan', it must suck to be the textbook definition of failure and underperforming
Oh no
Oh dearie me
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It's truly laughable
And now that NXT is on a broadcast network Swineamite is gonna start losing most weeks to them
>"heh! I don't even watch wrestling anymore, I swear!"
Why is that lame shit always your go-to excuses? Sure, wrestling is dead and irrelevant, that's why you're on the nichest of niche social media platforms and on the nichest board in said platform? Get the fuck outta here with that shit, faggot.
Finished below 9 cable shows despite being OTA. Grim. WWE wanted 1m+ and 0.30+ but will spin it as a win. CW is in more homes than Raw and Smackdown now.
>all your resources
>It's CM Punk
Kek he really broke you trannies
>WWE wanted
You made that up
>still loses to Dynamite in the demo
Lmaooooooo. No one cares that 700k boomers watched NXT bro
It didn’t
tranny are you okay?
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This could've been ROH.
Huge KWAB for Tony
Feels good. CW now has the best wrestling show on television.
Great news for the good guys. PigCripple is no doubt devastated by this news. It means NXT will be beating DinoShite easily from now on. NXT sees a huge increase in viewers, while the dying pissant companys shows keep sinking lower and lower.
Maybe in 5 years NXT will get a rights deal that isnt dog shit
>Tranny Rampage
>DinoShite and Pigllision
Ratings in the shitter being flushed down.
>Poop Dick Wrestling show attendance
>WWE Status
ALL of WWE’s shows are now destroying Poop Dick Wrestling’s shows, even WWE’s C show is beating their A show. Meanwhile Poop Dick Wrestlings C show was killed off. Rest in piss Transpage lmao.
nxt doesn't need a big rights deal, it just needs to get the names of its young guys out there
Raw and Smackdown make the money and NXT is just around to futureproof them
They new deal is worth multiple millions more than the previous one, and they don’t tremendously overpay everyone like Tony does for Shit Dick Wrestlings “wrestlers” aka dimesless shitters. Keep coping, Wheely.
>aew's new tv deal is so shit that aewxirs have to shitpost about nxt
It will be hard for them to shitpost about NXT now that it will easily be beating the couple reamaining Gayew shows.
Swineamite hasn't drawn that kind of viewership all year
Brandon needs to learn that not everything that happens outside of the ring is an "angle". Sometimes, it's a promo. Sometimes it's a face to face. Sometimes it's just a comedy segment.
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just based on the number of people who have access to CW vs who have access to TNT/TBS/USA I'd expect NXT to beat AEW every week from now on
BBQCripple will be crying at this lmao.
top kek
nobody watches cw. that makes this more impressive
no milly
is that $30 million for a year?
its in like 97% of houses. anyone who wants to watch wrestling for free can watch NXT on tv. AEW can't say the same
Another win for the good guys.
Dynamite gets lower ratings than the average TBS show. NXT doubles the average ratings of the average CW show
The broadcast night starts at 8; the lead in is whatever each affiliate uses
no matter what they'll always be cw #1 if it did 50k it would be #1
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>no milly with punk on completely free tv
Foxetty btfo lmao!
poor lil lach
>no milly on network tv

Uh oh
Punk reffed a match, didn’t wrestle
kek guaranteed milly next week you mean?
kek what a cope-merchant dweeb
Sorry sweaty, that was the debate debuff. Next week and every week after it's a cornucopia of Yes Milly
So... Now AEW and NXT are truly on a level playing field and this is the very first week where the ratings actually matter? Kek based Big Dimes Sheldon doing the run-in on behalf of NXT and hitting Dynamite with the Bazinga-Driver '24
>big dimes sheldon draws the house
>roxy is still the biggest draw of the night
>women's tag team match tanks the ratings like the bucks or switchy the channel showing up on dynamite
I think their switch to being more sports focused, their sports-like presentation if you will, is going to be very beneficial for the network.
isn't wb11 free like fox 5?
sure, but of NXT and AEW were neck and neck on cable and NXT moves to free tv NXT should get more viewers. its like how more people watched slopdown than raw because slopdown was on fox
why did anyone watch the debate?
yeah and its in 97% of houses.
All downhill from here, HBGay
Kek this fag is so mad
No watches midcarder bruh
Kek, without the debuff from the debate and other stiff competition it will be Yes Millys every single week from here on out.
>Big dimes Axiom with the highest viewership segment
the 'cord didn't like this
>The Hops
When you're faking an article like this, wouldn't you at least read it to make sure you don't look retarded?
Miss us yet, foxxies?
>Huge KWAB for Tony
Add it to his List for KWABOTY '24
You have to imagine he wanted to package ROH in his new deal, but WBD was like "miss me with that shit"
People used to watch CW religiously and Green Arrow even had a match vs Cody Rhodes if I remember correctly. But sadly, the world turned woke and the DCverse went bye bye.

Normally they could fall back on white shows like Vampire Diaries or Gossip Girl, but blacks ruined that too. I guess AEW just hired a bunch of ex wwe nigs. I guess they haven't realized yet: GO woke, Go Broke.
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>Yes Milly
Imagine if NXT gets a Yes Millie! next wk with no political debate. AEW could not accomplish that feat in 83 weeks.
NXT isn’t going to beat Dynamite’s 5th Anniversary show that had a 6 star bangerino is it?
They're not getting anywhere close to that lmao
I'd love to see Meltzer's face when that happens. Assplay vs Asspreay got like 24 stars last time. Imagine losing to Cameron Grimes vs Thunder Kek.
Idk, >This week: 895,000 (0.25) is pretty close to a milly, but I think we're fine either way simply beating AEW every week.
i hope we can beat aew every week but this is the opener, i see it going down atleast 200k for most weeks which is around the same as aew
Absolute seething kek. AEW got a absolute shit deal
Better luck NXT time...
thank you for the house giulia
This chart confused and upset AEWtists.
They aren't used to seeing a skyrocket from Big Dimes Sheldon's lead in.
this is probably the first time ive ever seen sheldon tanking the rating.
didnt even think it was possible
yeah, that's why I asked, retard
>CW officials were thrilled with the numbers, as they would have been satisfied with 500K viewers, but the actual figure exceeded their expectations, leading to celebrations.
>Was the CW audience good for WWE NXT?
>Yes, we know that for sure, it was the highest rated show on CW in forever. The week before, reruns of The Conners were doing in the 300-400K range. This blew that away. I know for a fact that CW officials were absolutely thrilled. They would have been happy with 500K, legitimately. This number had them celebrating.
Tony massively blundered by turning down their offer for ROH.
I want to smell her twat post match. I bet it smells of rose and ginger
I didn't even know it was still around until NXT announced they were moving to it
Ponder the aroma
faggot lachlan in the mud together with his bf hogwheels
kek nxt fucking destroyed aew
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Thanks Trick Willy for coming in clutch.
Kek beat dynamite special show anniversary and announcement
imagine the melty next week
its a marathon not a sprint
>Y-you....cough balld....cough....ass..hole.....
According to Dave logic, that low number was entirely because of the stiff competition adding a huge debate debuff to the ratings
Next week should be a solid Yes Milly and a half, if not more.
Is it true that Tony pushed next Tuesday's Dynamite to 9PM to avoid the first hour of NXT?
Watch that number skyplummet next week. That show was garbage.
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I really hope that is just a /pw/ shitpost. If it's true, Tony is actually afraid of NXT, a literal training school. That's so cringe, especially after all the shit he talks.
'fraid so

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