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>$150 million per year

whats funny about that?
>doubles last contract
>gonna get more from fox too
Tony won
Is this the cope?
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drones are seething aew has finally turned a profit
>turned a profit
okay how you know
>"with all elements considered"
it's probably even worse but this is PR language they're using. also notice how rampage isn't included anywhere in the announcment? (canceled lmao)
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>150 million a year for only two shows
>Additional show on FOX means more income (which also replaces Slopdown)
>AEW keeps PPV revenue and shows will be simulcast on MAX
>PPVs will be at a discounted price to MAX subscribers
How is this anything besides a gigantic W for AEW & Tony Khan? Didn’t NXT only get 30 million?
The article literally says it's more than 150 you illiterate retard
no billy?
you do realize WCW never managed this right? This makes AEW the second most successful company ever in North America. You fucking retard.
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It's not even that. The report says
>upwards of
So it doesn't even reach 150m.
upwards of means 'more than'
you should kill yourself
>PPVs will be at a discounted price to MAX subscribers
Shouldn’t they be free?
THIS is the cope you're going with?
>only $150m
>includes PPV revenue
>tranpage cancelled
That's not even confirmed. Its prob lower that's why he didn't want people to know it
No billy?
Who is first? Say it bitch. Say it.
lol you guys love jews.
Lol talking about the school. How about Raw getting 5 billion
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>This deal makes them profitable because... I JUST KNOW IT DOES OKAY???!!!!!
Kek the school just got a number AEW hasn't seen in well over a year
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>no financial terms of the deal were disclosed
>no mention of the number of years for the new deal
>sources say it may be 150 per year but no one actually knows
>there is no FOX deal and Tranpage got cancelled
They insisted it would be 200 LMAO
Didn't Magoo say they needed 170 milly to be profitable?
Pigscord is not taking this well. They already coordinate "no billy" shitposting. Us Elitegods can only laugh.
Do you have any information that it does make them profitable?
>More than double his last deal
>Providing less content, IE, no Rampage or BotB
>Dropped exclusivity so he can negotiate AEW with Fox and other networks
>Also has RoH to shop around
>Streaming on Max so they can start building a catalogue
>PPV added to Max as a bonus purchase
How is this bad lmao. Homies acting like he was given 80m
>>PPVs will be at a discounted price to MAX subscribers
So they’ll actually be losing PPV revenue. This just keeps getting worse and worse.
unironically 150 million a year doesn't even pay for the roster's salary
Jesus Christ, how much do you fucking faggots think he’s paying the roster? Are you fags retarded?
Far more than he should
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Tony fails again. Add it to his list for KWABOTY '24.
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'fraid so. Instead they got less money and Rampage got cancelled. Looks like BIG roster cuts incoming.
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>150 milly
over 150 mil, retard, can you not read?
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Kek I never realized how fucking mindbroken AEWtrannies are
I'm so tired of ESLs, bros. They're ruining this entire site.
Year 1: $120M
Year 2: $130M
Year 3: $140M
Option year: $210M

"4 year deal, $150M/year"
this nigga is paying horseface mone 5 million a year
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>Year 1: $120M
>Year 2: $130M
>Year 3: $140M

Not necessarily. More people might buy them now with the discounts.
Considering they keep adding more PPVs it will probably even out.
Go back to your English lessons Ranjeet.
This is genuinely sad behavior
Meltzer said 115m but they're making 170m, not sure why drones keep posting 150
Very grim.
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Dave said it's over 170
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>dave said
Oh dear Pigtits has really lost it ITT
>OP is a NEET

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>Dave said
>discounts on PPVs that no one buys anyway
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>No Billy
Tony locked for KWABOTY
Jericho said from the jump that his AEW contract is the most lucrative of his entire life.
KEK the cope is real im dyin
These facts make a Piggaloos seethe. They can't understand nuances. They are all stupid and compare a 40 year old Fed to one that has been around for 5 years. Facts are, Tony won. Fraid so
When jericho, mox, sasha, edge, and probably a few others are getting 10 milly a year salary, 150 milly ain't shit. Tony probably spends 100 milly on roster salaries alones80kxg
Anon I have no dog in this fight, as I’m not a console warrior. So I’ll answer sincerely. $150 million a year for just the TV rights would have been considerably lower than what people were speculating. And on top of that, WBD is also getting the streaming rights as well. It’s great that AEW is getting paid, and $150 mil a year is nothing to scoff at, but AEW fans have been screaming from the hilltops about the amazing deal they would be getting and this is far from living up to the hype. Even as recently as last week it was supposedly a sure thing that they would be getting $170 million for the TV PLUS additional money for streaming and PPV. Also apparently Tony had to give up some ownership shares to WBD.
Because it’s a much shittier deal than everyone had been expecting.
If it’s truly such an amazing win for AEW, then why are the trannies so angry?
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Yeah. There's no way WBD is paying $150 million a year for this shit. There is a reason they didn't disclose the numbers.
Turner owned wcw so they could never get a tv deal. You're stupid so I wouldn't comment about financial news.tsx4gj
Wasn't the deal supposed to be $1bn / 5 years? Now it's $450 / 3 years + a network option.
Anyway the biggest news coming out of all this is the confirmation that WBD has an equity stake in AEW. Glad we can finally put that silly debate to rest.
Actually they were supposed to get a billy so in reality they lost more than half their value
they are also losing a huge chunk of PPV money
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>upwards of means 'more than'
>Anyway the biggest news coming out of all this is the confirmation that WBD
Correct. So it explains WBD's desire to continue broadcasting AEW despite the shit ratings and the inflated contract numbers.
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>tfw "renewal day" was meant to be a celebration but TK got lowballed so the entire board is full of tranny cope
as predicted
No, it means the deal "could be worth" upwards of $150 million. More bs language so AEW can pretend WBD didn't just bend them over and fuck them in negotiations.
>How is this anything besides a gigantic W for AEW & Tony Khan?
Checked and it's not. It's a massive W for Tony and AEW, that's why bitchtits has been seething all last night and this morning.
No, you're just coping and seething.
This is a win in the sense that AEW wont be on YouTube TV. Every other aspect of this deal is a massive L.
>No financial numbers disclosed.
>Assuming $150 million is correct, AEW is still running at a loss.
>Rampage cancelled.
>Reported numbers went down from about $500 million a year, then $250 million, then $170 million, and now $150 million. And even that number is questionable.
>WBD gets a cut of the PPVs
>WBD owns more of the company
Let's be serious though, this is Shad Khan continuing to fund his son's toy chest. The cost of this contract for WBD is about half of what Shad is paying Trevor Lawrence. Money wasn't the problem. Having someone to broadcast Tony's retardation was. So in that sense, it's a win.
This is why they're called AEWtists
The offical WBD press release didn't have numbers in it. Pretty much all the numbers flying around are sourced from the dirt sheets. Even the $150 number.
>spends a year spamming NO DEALY NO DEAL NO DEALY
>when in fact yes dealy
sloptits in the mud lol
It's a shit deal that covers nothing but salary.
>spends 2 years spamming YES BILLY YES BILLY YES BILLY
>when in fact no billy
PED0wheels in the mud lol
$150 mil! What a great number for AEW, $185 mil is quite the success for the number two wrestling company. Why, after this $200 mil deal, AEW will have no problem creating memorable moments for years to come. Why think of it - $225 mil - and we'll see what WBD does after how well their $265 mil investment goes. Gosh, $300 mil, what a win! I literally don't believe the $350 mil figure, surely it's higher than $365 mil. The sky's the limit! $400 mil.
I bet they're breaking even now. Between the crazy roster contracts and then the production costs, travel, etc, the majority of any revenue gets eaten by that
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>whats funny about that?
Ojama, the joke's on you
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Not even salary.
Tony is wasting daddy's money to save this failure. The deal is a fucking disaster
This line is ours now
>tripling your income is bad, m'kay
Please stop coping
It's doubtful. Even if you believe the $50 million a year number on the current deal, that basically covers the salary of your top ten wrestlers. Which means PPVs and gates are covering productions costs, promo materials, touring costs, the salaries of support staff and production crew and the salaries of the rest of the roster. And you know, we've seen how empty the arenas have been lately so you know gates aren't covering this. The only real question is if $150 mil would even cover breaking even. Which is also doubtful. This is Shad Khan throwing around fuck you money on his retard son's vanity project. It's not a real business.
Cry more edrone
Nobody is crying, Rojama. We're mocking the pittance Tony received from WBD.
> second most profitable company in history
> after only five years when it took everyone else decades
Yeah you’re coping hard to spin this news
You would actually have to generate a profit to be the 2nd most profitable company in wrestling history. Which means that AEW literally isn't even in the top 100 wrestling companies in history from a profitability standpoint. And it's unironically behind GCW, TNA, NWA, and PWG in this regard.
>only took 5 years
AEW is a private company. Please direct me to their quarterly earnings reports to prove any of this.
nope, still Vince and it's not even remotely close
neither of you retarded faggots have any idea what AEW's payroll is lime beyond internet smark speculation, so shut your mouth and know your role
Anon I don't think that contract even covers aew expenses today, lets not even speculate on a ROI
>rovert trying to pretend that he’s an insider again
This nigga really is brain dead from all the wrestling figs he shoves up his ass all day.
What does WBD actually gain from owning more of the company? You just end up owning a bunch of shitty wrestlers
Get new material fig schizo
even /pol/ wasn't coping this pathetically after 2020, mods need to just ban these shitters
sad but true
>another laugh at aew thread

fuck off bitchtits
Only the dumbest pigs in the universe would make a post like this. Luckily, this board is full of posts like this due to us having the dumbest pigs in the universe.
>bitchtits having a melty because yes dealy
slopdown got cancelled lol

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