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AEW got EVERYTHING they wanted.

Multi year extension, 180+ million, non-exclusivity deal (meaning Shockwave replacing Smackdown on FOX is real), MAX streaming and PPVs on MAX, ROH to TruTV (finally off HonorClub+), phaseout of Rampage for Shockwave while increasing yearly revenue, and per SRS, movement into profitability if not opted out.

How will E drones reckon with this? This is the type of massive, unrelenting, UNDENIABLE victory that I think even they just have to give Tony props. Hence why there’s been so much silence and shock, rather than outrage. This really is truly impressive.
This tomato makes pigdrones seethe like nothing else I have seen on this site. Thank you for your service.
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Can we see the offical press release mentioning all of that?
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AEW isn't a buisness, it's backed by globohomo and will continue to be a thing for as long as globohomo wants.
google it dummy
you have to admit, the Tonester did everything he said he would do, AND MORE.
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the truth - I didn't read any of your head canon hogwheels, and tony is still kwaboty
>movement into profitability if not opted out.
WBD is on the verge of total bankruptcy. There may not even be a contract to opt out of next year.
you forgot to mention, no cable exclusivity means that Dark kino can come back on youtube
they will continue to make the board gay and very soon it will be completely unusable and boring
>they wanted to give up a cut of their PPV and give WBD an even bigger piece of the company
They got everything... except good ratings
lmao please be serious. They might split it up again but just because the stock is down doesn't mean the entire thing is about to go bust.
> warner bros
> time warner
> aol time warner
> warner bros discovery
i can't even remember what their stupid parent company is made of anymore. its like legion at this point
warner (in all its various forms over the last 30+ years) will never truly die

AOL chads rise up
there's no way they're profitable with 150 milly per year. that'll cover his roster AND MAYBE the licensing for The Final Countdown
there's maybe 10 wrestlers on the roster making anything close to a million dollars a year, most of the midcard and lowcard are making mark contract numbers (aka a handshake and a hotdog)
edrones in 2019: kek they'll be lucky to be paid in hotdogs, how sad
edrones in 2024: kek they're being overpaid, how sad
most their roster isnt making anywhere near a milly/year.

you think KIP SAPIAN is making more than 50k?
Its well known tony over pays
Good morning respected sir
I from USA and please sir Vince McMahon to shut AEW down NOW!
yeah you're right, he's worth 70k. even shitters are putting their body at risk
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Us Elevationchads are awaiting the return of our vastly superior show.
You're approaching Qanon /pol/ levels of delusion.
This is a huge deal for AEW and I'm honestly surprised it went that well for them. The Herculean task ahead of them is to pull their viewership and attendance numbers back up out of the gutter.
Thankfully, they have 3 years to figure out how to do so.
pip is definitely making 70k but thats reasonable desu
>AEW isn't a buisness
Thanks Phil. Don't you have a burner account tranny to go and seethe at?
the truth - hogtits is a sad and lonely E-pig who will hang himself when WWE finally gets taken off the air forever.
Shockwave is a trademark of NWA im afraid
wwe won months ago yet this retard tomato keep seething hard
your dogshit show did sub 700k LMAO
The only war Tiny Con is fighting is with himself and his dogshit booking lol
You will never be happy.
I like how every few hours AEWTISTS are just upping the deal. Somehow AEW got an extra $40 million a year since yesterday lol
>it's well known in my reddit circlejerk
get a life, bozo
cant wait for SHOCKWAVE live on Fox desu
SOURCE: my ass
it's WWE that's run by Jews
holy shit, I miss dark so much it was comfy as fuck
the closest thing to it now is when they're in PiP and the commentators are ribbing each other
I miss the random assortment of jobbers that would become regulars, baron black, the guy with super saiyan hair, Angelika risk the one who was always twerking, the manscout, so many others
remember War Horse
What is their production cost per hour? I know WWE, with the capacity to do EVERYTHING in-house still pays between two and three million an episode in production costs per episode.
The movie?
I forgot to mention that was for RAW and Smackdown, I am sure the costs for NXT is closer to a milly
lost, like tears in the rain
This post is a fucking joke lol
There are definitely more than 30 wrestlers making 5+ milli a year AFTER taxes
Guess how much that amounts to lmao
>There are definitely more than 30 wrestlers making 5+ milli a year AFTER taxes
source: your fat, schizophrenic ass
150 million doesn't even cover talent
You take the evps, their stooges, swerve, MJF, baker, mone, riiiihooooooo, all those retards make several million a year, and there are god knows how many guys getting paid high 6 figures for showing up twice a year, guys getting money that haven't been on TV ever, etc.
Every show loses money on the gates before production costs because that's what happens when 2000 people show up with BOGO tickets in a 25k arena
AEW is a joke
So you're telling me that the evps and their pals make less than a million a year? Swerve got re-signed for god knows how much, the woman division has at least 5 girls making more than 2 mil, but AEW troons are now pretending that everybody is making 80k a year because it's the only way their schizo delusion of AEW not being a poorly managed madhouse makes sense.
>So you're telling me that the evps and their pals make less than a million a year?
Kenny and the Bucks Make a cool milly. Cody did too, until WWE offered him more money.
>some people make over a million, so everyone probably does!
Mox and Jericho make a milly. That's about it.
only moxley, jericho, and mjf make over a milly for sure
>Make a cool milly
>Mox and Jericho make a milly
Fucking lmao
Get your head out of your ass, they all make more than that
We know swerve, ospreay and mjf make more than that, otherwise they'd be back in a promotion with an actual audience showing up to the shows
Mone and Baker as well, but because Tony is a dumb mark
So you're telling me that the evps, Jericho and mox barely make a million?
lmao is what I say, lol even
>150 million doesn't even cover talent
you retard lol
name them
>ojamafaced tomato faggot makes them seethe! yeah! ha ha ha we win!
youre so transparent and transsexual at the same time.
>movement into profitability if not opted out
Without correcting the mistakes in your fantasy, I want to point this scenario only makes them conditionally profitable years from now
Literally no u, fucking tranny
Bucks, Jericho, Swerve, MJF, Ospreay, Danielson, Okada, Ibushi, Copeland, Cage, Pockets, Darby, Jarett, Moxley, Ricochet, maybe FTR, Mariah May, Mone, Baker, Riho, that's 22 and I'm probably forgetting some obvious names
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Meltzer estimates they pay 104 million in talent every year. https://itrwrestling.com/news/the-eye-watering-sum-aew-spends-on-talent-contracts/
>Ibushi, Pockets, Darby, Jarett, Ricochet, FTR, Mariah May, Baker, Riho
none of them would be on a million a year
oh so now you guys believe what Dave reports? lol
Is he wrong or not?
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>Meltzer estimates
he's wrong
that's just talent.
now add in renting the stadiums, advertising, paying the non talent personnel...
Yeah they're still eating huge losses. Looks like Shad is going to have to keep paying to keep his retard son out of the family businesses.
lol you bet they are
Pockets and Jarrett, not even possible to argue, one is Tony's self-insure, the other a veteran carny
Ricochet is a recent ex-WWE signing, Tony definitely broke the bank for his newest toy
Baker is absolutely on more than 1 mil a year
Riho is fucking Kenny, so of course she is
FTR are a bunch of losers, but they sure got over 1 mil a piece when they last re-signed
That leaves Darby who is one of the company's mascots, so unless he has no balls, he's on 1+mil a year
Mariah May got a belt so she can definitely ask for 1+ mil
Oh look Big Dave agrees with me that Tony is a braindead mark who pays anyone who asks a million+
What a shock
>thinks fucking Jeff Jarrett is getting a million a year
lmao you fucking retard
Yes Tony is definitely known for underpaying veterans he's a fan of, and Jarrett is definitely known for never ever pushing and whining for bigger paydays
I'm sure he's very happy with 20k a year and the pride and joy of wrestling with the best in front of packed crowds for the humble son of a cobbler
Fucking lmao
Every interview with and about Jeff Jarrett ever
Jeff has been broke since gfw flopped, it's why he was so mad that hunter fired him, he has no leverage to demand a million dollars a year contract, you are retarded
Oh yeah he has no leverage, except his name recognition and the fact that the guy he negotiates with is a complete mark, I'm sure Tough Guy Tony will never get carnied by the last true carny in the business kek
You guys have brain damage tbqh
Post it.
You're a big boy right?
>his name recognition
holy shit you're a retard
Smackdown has lost 1,000,000 viewers since the move to USA.
hopefully their show stops sucking so casual fans like myself have another option when then tune in once every couple months
Mox makes 5 milly a year with his new contract.
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>AEW got EVERYTHING they wanted.
Are you sure about that?
ITT: marks who think wrestlers make millions a year

not even in wwe is this the case for 90% of wrestlers. you idiots really think cora jade or chad gable make more than 80k a year….lmfao. and i’m supposed to think tony khan is paying Angelico or Marko Stunt 500k?
104 million a year on talent according to big Dave, where is it going if not on complete shitters kek
You know who else is a mark who thinks wrestlers make millions a year? Tony Khan
they unironically do think that lol
You guys said a year ago the were getting a 1 billion dollar deal but the reality was they got a 500 million deal and one of their shows was cancelled due to poor performance. :)
Renewal Day truly is glorious, but that being said PLEASE BE SAFE AEW FANS. Once Tony officially makes the announcement himself, there’s no telling what the e drones may do. Clearly, by the response in this thread, they are in the denial phase….

Soon…comes anger. Rage, even. And we must be vigilant.
>Pretending ricochet, Ospreay and mone don't exist
That's at least 12 million right there
>literally fantasizing about being a victim of assault
aewtists are fuckin weird man
you're right it is weird to think that, none of you fat asses would do shit lol
>admitting to being a redditor
go back and then kill yourself
Do you know who owns WWE and who owns AEW?
Go back jerktroon
No source, got it.
there were literally brawls that had to be broken up outside of all out, widely reported. e drones are seriously that deranged.
if you dont think its possible, really look around and consider the derangement….
they got a billion dollar deal? when?
kek so true, porktits on suicide watch
This really got the piggiEs squealing
Seriously this is the gayest way to use 4chan. Stop being unfunny propaganda fags and post something funny for once, instead of needlessly shitting up every thread you wish got over.
no they havent lmao
tough thread for the drones. i remember tomato threads used to be full of energy and rage. now AEWs successes are so undeniable and massive that the drones cant even muster a response.
tomato chad is always right

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