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>something else was on
How do you respond without sounding mad?
>larger than average news ratings
why can't jews just let the facts speak for themselves without having to editorialize?
What news? There was a fucking debate during nxt and he didn't mention that
this guy is a fucking piece of shit.
NXT was up against Mets playoff game and the VP debate which drew over 40 milly. Why did he leave that out? hmmmmm
>wanna watch aew?
>nah id rather watch the news
There's no denying that AEW would be the biggest wrestling show ever if nothing else was ever on television.
>larger than usual news ratings
Holy fucking cope
They can't help it. It's coded in their DNA to propagandize.
Why is he making so many excuses for such a comedically low number? Why didn't he mention the HUGE debate debuff NXT saw on Tuesday?
Not a good look Smelltzer, not a good look at all. Big yikes.
>AEW only had such a low rating because people were watching other things on TV, or else they totally would have beaten NXT this week
Kek Dave never fails to live up to his potential
Debate plus all the same baseball games.
Ppl who watch real sports don't watch wrasslin.
>larger than average news ratings

why were the larger than average meltstein?
>something else was on
I never saw the cope so simplified.

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