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680K VS NXTS 895K
>150m deal
>when your roster alone earns over 100m
>and you also have to pay for venues, travel, filming, and tarps
Kaz Okada has never drawn anything
81k people said fuck your 30 min overrun, Danielon, Okody and Neo Moxley
Someone post NXT's quarters
kek based christian gonna make hangerschizo seethe into oblivion again
Record profits
Mariah having to carry Christian as usual.
>Only trolls post this!!!!!!!
He drew money out of Tony
kek dave and bryan finna have another shouting match about overruns
Britt only lost 1K in both numbers ... Miracle
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the meme debate actually cratered their rating kek
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>christian promo brought back 40k people
And despite that the main event still caused an increase. Based Egoster and Trick Willy
>highest point of the show was lower than the NXT average
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>world champion gigatanks the ratings
wtf how does it go up after the first quarter
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Tony, he already has the money in the bank contract. You know what to do. Get the belt off that dimeless geek QUICK.
Nobody cares about AEW anymore. Pack it up.
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>highest point of Dynamite was lower than the NXT average
>only one NXT quarter was lower than the highest Dynamite quarter
Why does everything seem to backfire on them? Is pigvert and porkjama going through be okay?
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I hope AEW enters direct competition with NXT more often.
I feel they started dipping in quality after winning the Wednesday Night Wars and didn't have direct competition to push them.
WWE’s C Show is now DESTROYING Poop Dick Wrestling’s A Show. Meanwhile Poop Dick Wrestling’s C Show was fucking CANCELLED LMAO!
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Based Darby and Christian Cage pulling the fans back during their segments.
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>Sheldon wasn't on TV anymore
Who needs Sheldon when we now have Shelton!
>the 30 minute overrun for the hotshot match was a flop
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Bryan as champ kills the ratings
History repeats itself
Alright, let's play a game, who was responsible for the bump in that Q7 clusterfuck?
These ratings are helter skelter
why is there a disclaimer for AEW's quarters but not NXT's?
Feels good to be profitable and make Edrones seethe constantly.
probably christian
certainly not daniels or hook
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>tanks ratings
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Yep, you guessed it. Flancelled.
We need a longer overrun
is it called the over run because over 80k people run away?
>Last time AEW drew a milly was February 22 2023.
>Last time AEW drew a 900k was October 18 2023.
>Last time AEW drew a 850k was January 17 2024.
>Last time AEW drew a 800k was April 10 2024.
>Last time AEW drew a 750k was June 27 2024.

we are two weeks away from a year of no 900k
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Don't forget Tony pissing away money whenever he uses licensed music LMAO WHAT A SLOPPY SHOP
Shitpost aside, why should anyone have cared about Okada/Danielson 3? I didn't and I watch AEW regularly.
its for the sickos, you wouldnt get it
Hopefully that will convince TK that Dynamite should never be 3 hours
you need to get rid of the "is this fun to watch" mindset and adopt the "will dave meltzer give this a high rating or not" way of thinking
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its pretty much everyone. nobody is a draw
it was pointless because Okada was never going to win because Bryan is feuding with DEAN
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looking forward to that anniversary
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what's the deal with the 9:30 bump
were people watching other shit from 9-9:30?
>we are two weeks away from a year of no 900k
holy shit
50 percent chuds tuning out for the women and coming back
50 percent >>15970864
>Hook is a draw this week after repelling fans for ages
I don't envy anyone that is trying to make AEW profitable, different things draw every week. If I may go schizo mode, perhaps the few viewers they have are bots or paid off or something
>wwe style shmozz finish for opener
>shit loads of promos
>meaningless hangman match only to set up jay's return but still goes way too long
>promos and women shit
>remember Shelton Benjamin from WWE?
>using danielson to bury okada again even though okada works for aew now, complete with wwe style distraction finish
It wasn't a good show. It's easy to see why anyone who likes wrestling would tune out, and the WWE fans they want to attract aren't interested.
Mariah tanks every time out, tranny.
And yet Tony refuses to put the belt on Christian. Explain that shit.
This isn't true. When they have her in nothing matches with people no one's seen all year like Nyla or Yuka or Aminata then yeah. But any of the bigger stuff she's done with Toni or Mina was holding up. Back around Forbidden Door when all three of them were in segments together they'd be the higher quarter on the show apart from the opening one
What channel is CW for people around the country? Cause here in Chicago its 9 which is (obviously) right between ABC and Fox. Its like a small network here tied to WGN.
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Sounds like not Mariah then and more Mina/Toni
So without the overrun they would've got 700k
but conversely noone cares about Bryan and Okada?
also surprised only 100k changed the channel after the fuck finish & Jericho promo
Or that it takes two. Put Toni or Mina in there with other irrelevant women and the same would and has happened
This. Of course no one's going to be interested in a clearly one-sided match with no build to it. Put that same person in an actual story with depth and a reason for fans to be invested as they were doing prior to All In then that'll show in the ratings as it was too. They're clearly waiting for Mina to be available to do something with this title reign which had left the first month as poorly booked filler
a lot of people forgot this was the week it moved to CW, they just tuned in a bit late
>ratings only rise for a Darby promo and a Christian Cage promo
>60k people
>including 30k in the demo
>see assplay and ricochet and change the channel
top kek
11, but like 97% of households have access to CW for free. TNT/TBS/USA are all only in like 75 million households
>roster alone earns 100m
People will be afraid to admit it, but Danielson is a massive anti-draw. The go-home Dynamite prior to All In, his show ending segment did a 500k rating as well. His match vs. Jarrett also shit the bed.
Holy shit. LMAO at no dimes Okada! Is this the first time there was a bump for 9:30?
Dont forget WBD owns a piece, so whatever they are paying is just creative accounting tricks, since like a third of that money comes right back to WBD.
Based Miz drawing the demos!
The difference is Mariahs entire arc from the beginning was about being involved with Toni. Toni on the other hand has history with other people doing other stuff .

It’s like how Mickie started with the big Trish stuff but eventually had to carry on her own. Mariah has to do that part

NXT has smoked them the last 3 head to heads, even on Tiny FaggotKhan's birthday LMFAO
Trevy Wheels.isnt gonna like this
still vince
Tony is a bitch, you are right
Always has been.
>please dont post this image on social media.
I'm calling the cops
That tie was certified board kino
Is christian ever gonna do a promo that isnt UR FAMILY MEMBER IS DED LOL

Im happy hes got a gimmick for the first time in 15 years thats worked but holy shit
Well champ look at how many wrestlers are reportedly making '7 digit contracts' and put two and two together. Unless youre saying....meltzer is full of shit????
Yeah, he's done that only 2 or 3 times. You don't watch what you shitpost about.
>You don't watch what you shitpost about.
Neither does anyone else apparently.
Christian was at his best against Kenny. But now both of them have fallen off and so did the company. Imagine having Christian, Edge, Switchblade, Dbry, CM Punk Okada, and Darby and this shit is what we get: Mjf, Cole, Jericho, and Swerve
Isn't she dead?
>No Milly and no 900k anniversary in the same calendar year
Why did the Megamind meme die?
Tiny's clown college stopped getting millys almost two years ago, so there was no reason for Megamind to keep appearing to celebrate the occasion. They can't even get 700k consistently now.
No milly posting was fun when they could still reach those numbers. Now they would be lucky to hit 800k, which they haven’t in months
So you don't know.
And that first quarter of Dynamite is always artificially high because of big dimes Sheldon
>Danielson/Okada lost 147k viewers
how much are they paying for Okada again?
kek the no 850k, no 800k, no 750k, and no 700k anniversaries will all be in the same calendar year too
>Toni on the other hand has history with other people doing other stuff .
That's not true. TK has said the entire invention of the Timeless Toni character (which he came up with) was developed all along with the All About Eve story they did/are doing with Mariah. He pitched the entire thing to May which is what made her opt to sign with AEW instead of WWE while she was in Stardom
Also as the other anon pointed out as far as what May can do on her own right now is just up to booking which as of this moment they've been doing a lot of filler because Mina hasn't been around for them to actually do what they're building towards next, and then of course Toni's return down the line as well. It's not unlike Bloodline stuff when Roman's away and you have to bide your time each week waiting because all of the people needed to progress the story aren't around. I think she's done a good job with what she's been given so far. The only problem is it isn't anything with much meat on it with it being two week builds to matches. So in comparison to a 10 month build of course it's going to pale in comparison
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Meant to link this
This is where he's gone into detail about coming up with all he did and how the pieces came together. But yeah Toni's whole Timeless gimmick was all a part of the same arc as Mariah's story as well. The entire thing with both of them was planned out beforehand. May was just introduced later into it
it all sucks dude
Please just leave us alone. I’m asking nicely
This storyline was all RJ City. Tony Khan is such a little faggot for trying take credit for it after the fact when he was radio silent at the beginning when everyone was calling it cringe
>That's not true
It literally is. She’s been with the company before the timeless character. Mariah debuted inserted into Toni’s stuff and is only now being separated. This is her first bit of non Toni stuff
And even with Timeless she still had feuds before Mariah got there, including the original build up to the character, while Mariah has not existed without Toni’s established stuff until now, and everyone is just waiting for it to be revisited
>She’s been with the company before the timeless character.
Oh for sure. I thought you were speaking solely on while she's been doing the Timeless gimmick. My bad. Read that completely wrong. But yeah no of course she was with AEW beforehand for a good while prior to all of that
I get where you're coming from with everything people know about May is what they've seen with Toni. At least barring Mina since that all stemmed from her own history in Stardom. I think once they tap into that again and get that feud going it'll be the thing her title reign needs
Almost half of the deals value is based on AEW hitting incentives and getting the 4th optional year which is off to a horrible start btw. It's not even 100 milly if they don't get year 4
The day HogVert stops posting, I’ll leave Gayew alone.
im calling the copes
oh wait theyre already here
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Last night's Dynamite rating was bad enough for him to flee the board and have a megamelty on twitter instead. Unfortunately he was so mad (and probably boozed up), he let slip that AEW fans are dumb and poor.
Rampage was the B show, actually

Darby and Christian are draws, brother. I'm ready for the absolute DIMES Christian Cage will be as world champ
So what the fuck did Tony get out of this deal?
he gets to go on MAX so he can hide dynamites tanking ratings from the public eye
Okay but what about in terms of direct payment?
You do realize that it's 150+ million per year right? Man you edrones are retarded
"HogVert" lives in your head and is anyone and everyone to you though. You've shown endless times through your mass replying that you have zero discernment between posts from one person to the next. If what it says doesn't suit your opinion entirely then they're automatically hogwheels to you
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This, but it's you calling everyone "bitchtits". Rampage got cancelled by the way.
so the 5000 slopdown was cancelled posts as the first reply to every thread, and the 5000 hows your sex life posts and the 5000 bitchtits posts arent all the same person
whatever you say anon
mate look at the dynamite ratings threads, they get 300 posts in a couple hours. now go check the raw one. its 10 day old and literally one man necrobumping it with ''grim'' 200 times because hes online 24/7 and in a wheelchair
this one made the sexless bitchtits angrier than slopdown getting canceled. grim
Go to bed
aew sloppage, dark, and dark elevation was cancelled.
wow big giant asses don’t draw outside social media. who would have thought
>Shotgun Saturday Night
>Saturday Morning Slam
>205 Live
>NXT Level Up
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You forgot AEW's second show, Rampage. Rampage was cancelled.
Holy smokes, the ride never ends for these guys
aew is literally 205 live but for 8 hours a week so its still kind of aliv

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