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Is he the biggest bust signing in wrestling history?
Mercedes is worthless, the others are dimes.

How bout signing Guilia to seven figures only to have her straight copy Asuka and then botch up the place in her debut?
>wwe outta nowhere
I still can't believe how big a flop Edge was
I thought for sure AEW would start getting millys when he showed up but the ratings actually went down instead
The other three are dimeless and it didn't take a seer to see they wouldn't make a difference
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mmmmm seethe more baby.
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I'm afraid Okada is an absolute flop and waste. He's robbing Shad blind.
>Guilia to seven figures
you're forgetting jay white dumbass
No one cares about Jay White. He never had hype.
>No one cares about Jay White
no one cares about ospreay
More people care about Ospreay than care about jay White.
You got a uh, source on literally any wrestler in NXT making 7 figures? And im talking actual NXT roster people, not some hot shot shit from the main roster coming down and lending a hand
Horsedes Horsé
>signing Guilia to seven figures
KEK! Yeah fucking right. Most people on RAW and Smackdown aren't making that much. Asuka, kairi, and Iyo aren't making 7 figures.
10 people is more than 7 people, youre right big guy
ok ospreayfag
Will is doing the best, he tries with what he's given and actually shows up to work regularly. All the muddled stuff with Callis is an albatross around his neck and 100% tony's fault.
Sasha and Okada clearly don't give a shit, and are just going through the motions. I'm honestly surprised they haven't pitched an injury angle or just straight up faked one.
Edge I honestly can't remember a thing he's done other than the leg first elbow drop off the cage and cutting the "love wrestling and have fun" promo after Punk exposed the company.
>We totally don't bring up the other console when our console is under question, guise, we focus on our own and it is a great console
Ospreay is a good signing but Tony's booking is so shitty and glacial. He should've broke with Callis a long time ago and my only guess is Tony is waiting for Mark Davis to heal so Ospreay can break with Kyle and Mark but who knows how much longer that can be. Okada was getting lazy in NJPW and so far being in AEW hasn't changed that but even a lazy Okada is a better worker than most of the roster. I wouldn't have bothered with Edge or Mercedes.
Edge should be in massive contention for KWABOTY. Failed to bring in ratings, latched on to Christian who had something decent going for himself killing his heat, snapped his leg jumping off a cage for a nothing match with Tommy End.
>signs a 555 million dollar tv contract
seems like it worked
Will is the modern day flippy-version of Ric Flair. If you've seen one of his matches, you've seen them all.
This. He left WWE for reasons that likely had to do with money (or he’s just a mark). He ended up kind of just embarassing himself before getting KWABBED of the cage.
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Okada. He's a fucking midcarder and he's probably getting just as much money as Copeland.
He's also box office poison.
Mercedes has zero value. Can't talk or work. Okada and Ospreay can work. Edge can talk and still kinda work
>Mercedes has zero value. Can't talk or work.
you wish you were mercedes
not trans like you sashitkek
jej already seething
you do be like that
Sasha fucked Vince and now she's fucking Tony
Bryan Danielson aka the rape victim
Not sure why anyone is surprised by Edge, he seemed painfully out of place during his last WWE run. The character wasn't connecting with anyone, his happy legend to be here, to Edge Phoenix, to spooky brood and purple Edge, nothing seemed to really hit. The funny thing Christian really adapted wonderfully as father-figure Christian, but Edge is just Edge/Adam

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