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Ozempic is used to turn people gay by ruining their hormonal balance as well as their physique

Which wrestlers have been using it besides bayley?
4chan turned me gay
Kek what a gay
Shit tats. Nxt Bailey was better.
Adam cole almost overdosed on it
Very sad case
That's not how Ozempic works but I do not doubt she is on it.
sexless and ugly lesbian
What a waste to taint those glorious hips with a shitty tattoo.
too bad her face ugly as hell
not if you're already gay holy worked
Kek look at how white her feet are
This anon turned me gay
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>Alcohol can worsen gastrointestinal side effects of Ozempic, such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
I hope Bayley doesn't shit in the ring
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most wwe fans looks like that
Nah aew fans do.
wtf is this recent? Wasn't she like 50 pounds heavier a few months ago?
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It's real. And Bayley weighed roughly 200lbs from SummerSlam 2022 until just a few months ago.
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Please tell me the ass is still intact.
>Bayley loses a bunch of weight
>Her ass shrinks
>She'll coincidentally start showing it off soon
Screencap this, you know I'm right.
But pw told me they were pads???
cute boys turned me gay
Did they really?
How can I get my hands on the 'zempic?
many such cases
Surely not...
that's what happened with Toni Storm. she lost a bunch of weight and then started doing onlyfans when her ass was a lot smaller than before
fllush those pills down the drain and get off the treadmill right now
She's definitely gonna be bringing back thise ass pads when she returns
bayley has seemed gay to me for years. as the years go on she just seems to be leaning into it more
Based upon this photo, does anyone else want to fuck Bayley's sweaty ass as much as I do?
Looks like she forgot her ass pads
Many are saying this.
The absolute state of white women
>Pamela Martinez
>Anon's a 'tard
>Many such cases
>white people can't have Spanish last names
she also said she's half Irish. Just take the loss, cletus. Your women are busted.
i love pam's big pampams
Bayley is like the Miz to me, just seems to exist, doesnt draw a fuckin thing but people just go nuts over them. Somebody help me out here
No, if they have Spanish last names, they have spanish in them. That, inherently, is not white.
>tfw quit drinking, started exercising and started skyrocketing up the card
taking a shower and getting a clue actually feels good fellas
How come every tranny's name for "white people i hate" is cletus? And will you ever be a woman? Find out next time

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