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>The Cucamonga Kids
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>Neo Moxley Zoom Dweebie
how brain damaged does one have to be to listen to this old boomer cuck rant for hours multiple times a week
Cornyboard newfag, now hit the road Jack
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>Seth Franklin Rollins
>House of BLECH
Nobody knows this cuck's 60s TV show references.
>Jojo the Dog Faced Boy
I’m afraid not and he won’t let you fuck his wife, dipshit.
i dont think he can top wheeler useless
Well he certainly can't top his fat hog of a wife
I like Cornette, but his nicknames are so out of touch.
>AEWtist freakazoids are so sexless they think tag teaming barely legal goth chicks with your domme wife is being cuckolded
Beyond parody
The only Cornette nickname I like is "Jelly Nutella" because it implies Joey Janela is out of shape but the rest of his nicknames are mostly bad
>Twinkletoes McFingerbang
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>Bank addicted drug robber
this gimmick is the type of thing a 12 year old would think is funny
Cornette was shoot molested and passed around the locker room as a teen boy after the Jarretts groomed him, he’s mentally stuck at that age
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>the puddin' gang
I believe it. Makes sense as to why he still defends locker room sexual assault to this day.
We don't sign our posts here
KWABtits projecting his childhood because Corny shat on the wyatt slop
opinion discarded
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>Reanimated corpse ref
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Road Warrior Buck & Balding Buck
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> Wheeler Useless
The funny thing is this isn’t even remotely a joke
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>Michael Naka-Naka-Knock it the fuck off
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>Nia "The Fridge" Jax
I liked Dwarf Dongsucker for Marko Stunt.
Road Warrior Buck is good too. When Matt Jackson is a babyface, he'll regularly run out and beat up 4-5 heels by himself. Shit is preposterous.
I can totally believe if Sockface is dinging all the words for the moves on commentary
Ospreay lookin' rough
>Brown Strongman
Kenny Olivier is kino
Turn your monitor on
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gotta love the twinkletoester
What the fuck is a Cuckamonga?
I still don't understand why he calls Luchasaurus Deeno Douche. Like not Dino, but Deeeeno, why does he pronounce it like that? It's not a deenosaur
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>Osprey the Narc
the redneck town that cast them out into the world
Don't you also say Dino Bravo as Deeno Bravo? It's probably an allusion to his name considering The Cornster loves his boomer wrestling
Dino (pronounced that way) is the Flintstones' pet dinosaur.
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Looks like kind of a rich area though
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Forgot pic
A monkey fucking a football
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>Plumber Moxley
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>Will Ostrich
more views than gayew gets. cope and seethe
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>Our Little Dog Pockets
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>Hangnail Page
I heard this again and its still funny
I believe it. Most sexual deviants (such as Cornette) we’re molested as kids. Literally all trannies were diddled.
Wow. I thought Jim'd let anyone do that, even the Drumpfster.
its funny , cause its true
I think Corny low key likes The Elite or at least respects they carnied Tony so hard but he can't say that out loud
This one always pops me.

It's a rich Southern Californian suburb.
>the black fellows
was funnier, but the fat kike sucked all the funny out of the show
>his nicknames are so out of touch.
it highlights how cringe normie wrestling fans are that they unironically repeat his nicknames as if they are insults.
>someone posts about moxley
>muh plumber
shit doesnt even make sense. and if you have to explain it, it isn’t funny
He was “mentored”
he still watches cartoons and collects action figures and comic books
>calling Rancho a redneck town
>Bucks live in Victorville, 40 minutes from Rancho
>couldn't afford to move back to their home city.
How does it not make sense? Bro looks like a plumber
maybe on planet retard. how does he look like a plumber? calling him Duke the Dumpster Moxley would make more sense
Because Cornette like Vince has only ever done manual labor if he hired someone to do it and he looks down on people with regular jobs. Probably because his job was driving 5k miles a week having to inhale Beautiful Bobby slim jim farts while making 50$ a show
still have no idea what the pudding gang means
Tony now runs a wrestling company that is immensely more profitable than Jim could ever hope to achieve, unironically how will he deal.with this going forward?

His podcast fundamentally relies upon him being able to laugh at tony and call him a money mark

Is he going to go full redit schizo and accuse Shad of paying off WBD or will he go a new angle?
Aew is still a complete joke my guy

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