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Is Kane really a chud or just a republican
He's a full blown MAGA chud shithead shill for all the big businesses and corporations that control both parties. What are you asking?
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>One of the greatest wrestlers of all time
>Becomes a finance bro
>Runs for mayor
>Gets elected twice
He's a fucking conservative chad. Based Kanester
Honest question? How can any straight man support Kamala?
Vance/Kane 2028 brothers
He's a *county* mayor, not a city mayor. The people of Knoxville would never elect him to represent their city, only the hooting yokels who live on the outskirts wanted this 6'5 fake giant handling the affairs of the county.
Kane is 6'6, shorter than Taker. Afraid so
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He only ran conservative because he knows no one in their right mind would ever vote lolbertarian.
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Kane isn't jewish
He unreservedly supports Israel and all of its crimes more than any other county mayor in America.
Daniel Bryan said he's the smartest guy he knows and he's a libshit, vegan, homo, eco fascist faggot
so he acknowledges he knows more than him
Kek What A Based Retard.
I’ll never understand why the left hates corporations but sucks off big government
It's the same thing
Thanks kana

Yeah secretly no one knows the real most popular wrestler here is shoko

Is quite literally how short she is
Kane is based I wrote to him about a family of illegals that had moved into the neighborhood and a day later they all burned to death in a massive housefire
There's no such thing as a chud
Why shouldn't he support America's allies? Are you a Moslem or something?
Why yes, I'm indeed brown, how could you tell?
The government is, historically, the only way to rein in corporations and prevent them from running roughshod over all of your friends, family, and neighbors. They want to reduce you and everyone you care about to starving serfs with no money, no power, and no leverage to resist this mass exploitation or do anything other spend your entire life working hard, not to improve the lives of each other, of the people in your community, but to funnel all of the fruits of your labor to rich shareholders who already have everything they could ever want.

The trouble is that these corporations & capitalists have taken power away from elected officials writ large and now they set the agenda of our government. Their influence over our fake democracy must be diminished if we're ever to rise up off our knees and liberate the working people of the world from the current status quo financial system, but you need a strong federal government to do that. Without it you get what we have now, corporations running the entire show, writing all legislation & regulations and choosing when and if to enforce them.
So, do you think it's flat or not?
Needs to come back to WWE with a corrupt politician gimmick.
Glenn is totally smooth and flat, he's like a Ken Doll down there.
>America's ally
You're a mark.
>The government is, historically, the only way to rein in corporations and prevent them from running roughshod over all of your friends, family, and neighbors
Are you legitimately retarded dude? The government is, historically, the only reason failing business like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Bear Stearns and countless others are propped up with hundreds of billions if not trillions of YOUR TAX MONEY
He's a republican trying to enter their upper echelon and failing, so also a chud.
How is he a maggot? He has two kids via fucking the hotter Bella twin and doesn't have all the bullshit issues Nikki always has.
>Are you legitimately retarded dude?
Nah that's you. Study cagematch and get back to me, you clearly don't know anything about the history of business.
>Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac never existed
lol what a retard
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are not businesses.
he is Basef in my Opinion
AI says youre wrong
>No, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are businesses, and they are key players in the U.S. housing market
There's that cope we've come to expect
Still you. Keep marking out for landlords and social safety net slashers like Glenn, maybe if you cheer hard enough for your own defeat it'll be enough to keep you warm at night.
Keep pretending failed businesses that the government bailed out with your money never existed.

Turbo leftoids live in a different world.
Both are the same thing
He's a racist sexist piece of shit. Kanetty deserves to rot in hell.
>The Big Gubmint has been co-opted by Big Business and bails out Too Big To Fail corporations, giving them sweetheart deals to enrich themselves with YOUR MONEY!!!
>This would NEVER happen if we got rid of the government and just put the corporations directly in charge of everything.
You have the mind of a child
Nobody said what youre saying, well except for you
You have the mind of a child.
>the left hates corporations
The left is the biggest bootlicker of corporations. What the fuck are you on? Whenever it’s corporations getting their shit smacked, it’s always republicans going after them. Democrats couldn’t give a shit if Walmart dragged people out of their houses and stole their wallets
Shalom kike
ChatGPT or just reddit?
>My parents kept me out of school because they said the government is bad
Grim, but that's no excuse for maintaining your mind's child-like state as an adult. Why don't you read up on what life was like in America before you were born, junior, maybe then you'll learn how to discuss political ideas without eliciting pity and scorn from everyone who sees it across the political spectrum.
you must be 18 or older to use this site
>still making up random shit in his head
Top kek turbo leftoids really do live in a different world
How you choose to spend your afternoon isn't up to me, but I'd advise against either of those positively dire options.
They don't. Liberal men are homos.
You are an NPC. Kill yourself.
Politics is gay but not as gay as you are.
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You shouldn't say such things about your future US President
No chance in hell. The Rock will beat him head to head, but at least the Red Team will see Senators Cena and Rhodes seated in Congress.
If this was your response to that post, how do you look yourself in the mirror with any sense of pride? Your reaction to being confronted with truth is to regurgitate a non sequitur and pretend you're above it. Completely and totally mindbroken by the jews, end your life immediately.
The government is the only thing that keeps those corporations in power though..
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faggots have beards all the time, gacy was married and had children despite being a faggot
He's worse, hes a libertarian.
What? Where are you getting that?

Corporations derive their power from capital, their control over resources, technology, information, the means of production -- material wealth. They hire their own private armies, police, and security to do their bidding. None of this power comes from governments , which yes, international capital has co-opted governments in order to not risk having their control over this world challenged by things like democracy and public will.
You live on planet retard. Who do you think gives all those corporations the subsidies and legal privileges in order to run roughshod over other companies and people? You think the poor government is helpless?
The concept of "the government" is the only tool people who work for a living have to potentially curb the cruelties & excesses of the rich and powerful. Obviously it will do the complete opposite & cater to their whims when it's rendered dysfunctional by being composed of rich "pro-business" ""anti-government"" dummies like rural county mayor Glenn who kneel for the insurance company landlord investment firm weapons manufacturer fraud blob. That's why you call those people morons and evil psychopaths because they're getting rich fucking everyone else over on behalf of our nepo overlords. Kane became a literal demon and now he's making the real money carnying poor people into thinking he's working for them when all he talks about is lowering taxes and defunding every government program that actually helps anyone.
Kane is center/moderate right, which is what Blumpf is.
Kane isn't anything. He's an empty shell, a worker playing a character, the one that the rich carny paying him wants him to play, just like during his wrestling career. There is probably no depth he wouldn't sink to, getting rid of public schools and child labor laws. All of his statements and beliefs align perfectly with the vampires but it's okay because he says he's a """libertarian"""
Is it a bad idea
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I just saw him on reddit lol
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FEMA *is* confiscating supplies though.
kek based
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You will never be a woman.
That's why these people use qualifiers like "to my knowledge" and deliberately avoid spoilers
Kane, no! You'll just make more monsters like yourself!
that is one FAT chud
He could run for governor and easily win it because most Tennessee Republicans are dogshit.
>literally gets to wave his dick around in the women's locker room and no one can say anything about it
Brandon won.
>The government is, historically, the only way to rein in corporations
Technically this is incorrect. You don't need a government to murder everyone in the forbes rich list and burn down wall street.
>believe a muskdrone
They have video & photographic evidence of FEMA actively blocking shipments and seizing goods right? No-one would just go on the internet and lie without proof would they?
He's a lolbert pretending to be a republican because it's the only way he can get elected in Knox county
>an escort from the fire department
Least of all Elon
time for you to go dilate, Ukraine lost btw
>They're not doing that but if they are it's a good thing
When they send in the military it won't be to help it will be because FEMAcels begin disappearing
Danielson's not even liberal. He's one of those faggots that vote for the Green Party knowing they'll never win so they could be smug about not voting for either Dem/Reb.
Fucking BASED.
He just wants to chill, dude. Like, relax bro.
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Why are republicans like this?
Reddit/Twitter licks Sami's ass as well thinking he's some sort of liberal. Newsflash; he's a fucking Muslim. He's super conservative.
how does he feel about israel
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If leftists cared about the workers they wouldn´t open the borders wide open for foreigners. The left cares only about power just like the capitalist only cares about money. This is why the left causes division between classes,families,sexes and later races via immigration. All "social" policies in western countries and communist countries made societies sicker and weaker. It removed the edge Europeans had over the rest of the world almost completely. There´s almost nothing to show in favor of marxism when you compare the west to the third world now then when you did in 1840 where the gap was almost on a planetary scale.
follow your leader
Except he had a meltdown when a fan said fag. The guy is a complete redditor
From what i've heard from an old conference he did in 2011, he's a libertarian. Loves gold and hates how the government and big banks are stealing from the regular guy
Looking from the outside, the US doesn't seem to have much of an economic left. The main difference seems to be that one party wants school kids to be taught by African transvestites and the other party wants school kids to carry handguns
How do you get that ai? I don’t want computer to eat my soul so I dnt know what to get but I need a ai
Weak response.
And yet it's all that needs to be said.
It's religious zealots & libertarian nutcases vs centre-right dems, squabbling over how gays get treated and how much bible shit the red states can shovel down the throats of their citizens, while they agreed to deregulate corporations and constantly increase the tax burden the working class has to suffer while the billionaires get tax free private jets and yachts.
Says the 41 crew lol
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Glenn Jacobs is a wonderful man. Anyone who hates him is not the kind of person you want to be around.
Is he bald or not tf, what year is this pic from
Interestingly, modern Kane in 2K24 uses his theme from 2012 and not the cool 2017 remix. A little disappointed, but I can’t complain.
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More people attending a Trump rally than AEW KEK
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More people attending a Trump rally than WWE. Big Dimes Donny outdraws wrestling as a whole.
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There is one ginormous /pol/faggot that shits up this board with retarded /pol/ garbage every single day
>chud or republican

Oh, Dems officially changed their names now?
Couch and corpse fucker bros... finally someone who represents US!
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He's a Freemason so he's controlled opposition/doesn't actually believe anything he himself says or any ideals he may promote
you’re a fucking retard if you don’t think corporations are able to exploit a large regulatory body for their own gains.
kek what a knucklehead
Are you one of these British wrestling youtubers who can't shut up about how much you hate Kane because he likes Trump?
damn i thought he's a based chud and it turns out he's just a shabbos goy
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And so Mexican Kane was born.
>"Not so fast Amigo. You keeled my familia ese and now I weel burn you holmes."
He's a freemason.

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