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Next shows
October 5th, "STARDOM NAGOYA GOLDEN FIGHT 2024", Aichi Dolphins Arena, 4:00PM JST (preshow 3:30) (PPV)
>World of Stardom Championship Match: Tam Nakano (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Suzu Suzuki (NEO GENESIS)
>IWGP Women's Championship Match: Mayu Iwatani (STARS) vs "Timeless" Toni Storm (AEW)
>Wonder of Stardom Championship Match: Natsupoi (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Thekla (H.A.T.E.)
>Future of Stardom Championship Match: Rina (H.A.T.E.) vs Miyu Amasaki (NEO GENESIS)
>Maika, Mina Shirakawa, Xena, Waka Tsukiyama, HANAKO & Rian (E neXus V) vs Dump Matsumoto & ZAP (The Evil Alliance) & Natsuko Tora, Momo Watanabe, Konami & Ruaka (H.A.T.E.)
>Hazuki (STARS) vs Starlight Kid (NEO GENESIS)
>Sayaka Kurara (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Saya Kamitani (H.A.T.E.)
>Mei Seira & AZM (NEO GENESIS) vs Syuri & Lady C (God's Eye) vs Saori Anou & Aya Sakura (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Hanan & Saya Iida (STARS)
>Match 0: Battle royale for the next challenger of the High Speed Championship:
>Koguma (STARS) vs Yuna Mizumori (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Hina (God's Eye) vs Momo Kohgo (STARS) vs Ranna Yagami (God's Eye)

October 11th, "STARDOM in OSAKA 2024 Oct.", Edion Arena Osaka 2nd Stadium, 6:30PM JST (VOD)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20241011_osaka/?mc_id=1104

October 12th, "STARDOM in KOMATSU 2024", Ishikawa Suehiro Gymnasium, 5:30PM JST (VOD)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20241012_komatsu/?mc_id=1105

October 14th, "STARDOM in TOYAMA 2024 Oct.", Bolfert Toyama, 12:30PM JST (VOD)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20241014_toyama/?mc_id=1095

Previous >>15969282
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Their boobs are touching
Not with my dick though
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Believe in Tam right now
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>Ever since that day a year ago, your hateful face has been running through my head, hurling insults at me, without a single day off.

>Finally, I can say goodbye to this curse.

>Enjoy the passion that has lingered for a year and then scatter.
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>good night
theyre BAD babies not BROWN babies
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Midget bodies made for throwing around
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Mayu with da big boss?
suzu's poster shot looks horny
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joker players
AZM’s black thong panties
Damn, Kitto. Move that waist in a little. It won't kill you.
Natsu Sumire's face is top 10 joshi tragedies of the decade
Thekla brown poop yum
Braless Mayu era continues
Making sure Mayu isn't talking any shit about the booking.
Gaijin here. What chance does Toni have to win the championship?
I need to push thekla’s baby brown in
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Harsh words from the Stardom Samurai
Even 50/50 I think
I like her new face and I don't get what's wrong with you people talking shit about it.
donde esta le RingPlus photoshoot pour le fraulein Seira Mei onegaishimasu
She is part of Neo Lascivious
Very small. The IWGP women's title isn't supposed to be defended outside Japan, there's already the Strong women's title for that. The endgame for Mayu is likely a match against AZM at the end of the year. She has also teased other defenses against outsiders. The fact that they gave Toni two wins at Korakuen Hall makes me think she isn't winning. It's just a side quest for her. She's going to Mexico next and then she will return to AEW to challenge Mariah in Australia.
This time AZM will win the big one for sure
Mei Seira is literally perfect
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because there was literally nothing wrong with it before and it's sad she couldn't see that
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like how do you think this looks good?
I don't think she will desu. Bushiroad would be stupid to have Mayu drop the title on the same day as the big Marigold show. Maybe I'm coping but I don't think she's 100% gone yet, and if Kidani knew she was leaving, he wouldn't be on her radio show (maybe he thinks he can change her mind by appearing on her show, I dunno).
She can lose the title and still stay
when is she releasing a sequel to Lust Virgin?
I think that maybe possibly something might maybe happen idk
She had a wide face. It looks better now that its slimmer.
Looks fine to me, would gaze at and smooch
Jesus Christ, what a cutie.
I don’t even know if she’s 50% gone desu
luckily Tony is happy about the renewal so he won't force bushi to give him the IWGP title
If Mayu is staying, I would have her lose in the same day as the Marigold show as a rib
Suzu is going to beat Tam and then RED PORK will be back on the menu, boys
will Suzu be able to wear the belt and her gear without turning into sausages?
I’m fascinated by how your mind works, anon
it is a good question. will they be able to do the ceremonial putting the belt around the waist of the champion if suzu wins?
Who held it before Tam
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a skinny legend
To me, Mayu saying she won't be in the 5STAR next year after saying she has already repaid her debt to Rossy doesn't make sense. If she's staying, there's no way they will let her skip the 5STAR. She isn't washed like Tanahashi or Naito.
At the same time, it would be strange for her to make these comments about Rossy and still leave, but it's a carny business and Giulia said she wanted to elevate Stardom before leaving so...
If Mayu leaves, Okada better puts all the belts on the biggest draws. Workratefags will follow Mayu to Marigold but the bald uncles who support Kozuen or SLK will stay if you push their favorites.
>Okada better puts all the belts on the biggest draws
There are no draws
Tora wasn’t it
Well said
Red Belt Kitto takes the promotion to heights never seen before
Rian is a proven draw
>Workratefags will follow Mayu to Marigold
Those don't exist in Japan. Mayu may help Marigold a bit, but I doubt her leaving would hurt Stardom that much. She hasn't been really put in a drawing position for years now.
Red Belt SLK, IWGP AZM, then do another photoshoot nude with belts.
Someone half the size of Suzu
More like
>Red: Saya
>White: SLK
>Goddess: FWC
>Artist: Kozuen
>Future: Miyu
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push the hanan button
>Giulia said she wanted to elevate Stardom
That was before or after Hatman got fired?
Losing Mayu would suck but not the end of the world
Trading Mayu for Sareee because Sareee is obsessed with Inoki and the IWGP title would be a win-win for everyone. Rossy gets his girl and Stardom gets one of the best in the world on a part time deal.
Well before, she cut a promo about the low attendance and there's that webm where she's just laughing about the state of the company.
>[Sad News] Tam Nakano fans are recovering addicts
Mayu leaving makes zero sense.
>Could have left already, didn't.
>Based on the shupro interview, she helped Bushiroad communicate with the roster and got them to stay.
>Highest paid person in the top promotion.
>Marigold can barely draw 200
>Said she's staying and repaid her debt to Rossy in every single interview she's done
It doesn't have to make sense to you. Whatever happens happens
They made Giulia close the shows late last year when there was no red belt champion and even she was wondering why he had to keep doing it, especially when she had given her notice by then. At the Christmas show Mayu was handing her the mic.
The decisions of groomed individuals rarely make logical sense
You simply don't know any of these people or their potential motivations or desires.
The motivation for 99% of humans is money
>Based on the shupro interview, she helped Bushiroad communicate with the roster and got them to stay.
She cares about the company but that doesn't mean she will stay forever.
Hi Kevyn
And if that were the case for Mayu she can get more money in America. But shes not built for that so clearly "money" isn't the end all
I think Mayu is staying, but it is pretty clear she is way more motivated and interested in wrestling people outside of Stardom right now.

But Bushiroad can accomodate that and has allowed her to do that so far.
Well that's why I said 99% instead of a 100 smartass
Considering how big of a get she would be for Marigold, I wonder if CA would be willing to help them pay her salary. I don't think Rossy can match her current salary.
I can't wait until April so this retarded talk will end. No one meaningful is leaving.
>Considering how big of a get she would be for Marigold
Ehhh, it's not like Giulia or especially Utami have really moved ticket for them. The reality is that the biggest draw in Joshi is Bushiroad marketing
Why would cosmic angels help marigold
Nah bro, everyone is leaving this time. First time didn't count, Rossy's plan will start next year
Turkla is disgusting and I hope Poi gives him a career ending injury
Only person leaving is Ranna and that is to WAVE so she can be with her people.
rope yourselves
What’s the matter hon?
But for that, she'd have to leave her comfort zone and move to the US. Staying in Stardom means the best of both worlds: Significantly more money, than Rossy can over and staying in Japan. The entire "Mayu is guaranteed to leave for Marigold" talking point is based on this supposedly unbreakable father-daughter style bond she has with Rossy, which is coming from people, that have never spoken to Mayu, let alone are close to her. Are they on good terms with each other? Sure, seems like it, looking from the outside. So good, that she's willing to take a big paycut and go back to wrestling Shinkiba mudshows again? Who knows. But if this is all about her wanting to be around Rossy: Nothing stops her from meeting the guy in her free-time, she doesn't need to jump ship for that.
hey lads, i dont watch stardom but i love the joshis in american promotions. thinking of getting into japanese wrestling. how do i watch the show tomorrow?
I really don't care
You can find the PPV purchase link from the link above, it's about 30$
And also from the Tokyo Sports kayfabe article about retiring from the 5star
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I don’t put much stock into that. She doesn’t need to win it again and she’s too lazy to go through these tournaments just going through the motions
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No baseball tonight
Mayu is so beautiful
Momo has been having sex
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>it's about 30$
welp, im fucking out then kek. i could go and watch a football match at the actual stadium for that money. not paying that much for a stream. any ways to watch it for free?
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Momofag have lost his mind
It’s probably one of Clark’s friends that Momo is hooking up with. I don’t follow New Japan enough to know who, especially the shitty gaijins
>any ways to watch it for free?
We don't pirate content here.
yeah, right, never. now are you gonna give me a link? or at least something to search for? my usual sites dont have stardom
sumoo dengzuki
Get your sit ups in or you will end up like Mome or Kid
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Natsu's old face was absolutely perfect. Her getting bogged was like somebody "improving" the Sistine Chapel frescoes by giving them a fresh coat of white paint.
thanks anon, completely forgot about that site somehow
What lame ass fucking gay sites do you use that don't have stardom? Even russian facebook and porn sites have stardom
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i dont know man the one i used for a long time got nuked a few weeks ago and ive been using some random version of watchwrestling recently. the only japanese wrestling thats there is njpw but they dont even have live streams
>Workratefags will follow Mayu to Marigold
Sure. Give up a well paying gig plus merch sales (if they have a big following) for Maricrumbs. And still play undercard fiddle to Utami holding the red belt. Great prospects there chum.
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Mayu hates closing shows
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Personally, I would love to see Momo Watanabe in Marigold as she is wasted in STARDOM and has been for years.
There is no one on the current Marigold roster that, I believe would be better utilised in STARDOM
Percy is that you?
every day i thank god that i am not a pedophile so i dont care about ratzm and and spudlite
I would've thought that nails like that get in the way of her button stitching
Shes a drug addict self harming plank uggo
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That guy is a fucking dork
nah I am
>The good thing about Tamu is that he always creates topics like this and in a way tries to make himself disliked, whereas Hazuki is a little shy and can't shake it off. The reason why this happens is that Tamu trusts her fans and has reached a level where they can sympathize with her, whereas Hazuki is also a player who can reach that level, but she holds herself back. However, fans want to support Hazuki as they relate to their own personality.

>This is serious, isn't it? Nakano Tam and Suzu, Hazuki Kid, Kurara Kamitani. What's going to happen when all of a sudden it's all serious? lol Suzu doll. At least they haven't driven a nail into the doll's heart yet. That's crazy .

>Nakano Tam's Red Defense matches have a unique feature - she always publishes a long poem on social media the day before the match. According to Tam, this is an important part of her pre-match routine, and announcing her determination on social media is said to boost morale. But what happened to that? This time in the Susu match, there were very few words, and only a cursed doll. This is beyond insane.

>Things are getting exciting
Think about ending it all, please. No one wants you here
nah i am
>[LLPW-X] Shinobu Kamitori faces off at the 11/18 60th birthday festival...demands of Stardom Natsupoi, "Bring me the belt"

>Shinobu Kamitori (59), known as "Mr. Women's Pro-Wrestling" of the women's professional wrestling group "LLPW-X," has issued a stern order to "Defend Her Belt" to the wonder champion of "Stardom," Natsupoi (29).

>The legend, who turns 60 on the 30th of this month, will team up with Umesaki Haruka and Minami Aya to face Natsupoi, Hotta Yumiko, and Nakamori Hanako in the main event of the "Kandori Shinobu 60th Birthday Festival" (November 18th, Tokyo Dome City Hall).

>"It's a 60th birthday festival, but I don't want anyone to be shy. When it's a 60th birthday celebration, there can be a bit of weird shyness, like 'Do your best.' I don't think that's necessary. A festival is a festival, and a battle is a battle," he said, appealing to all the participating athletes.

>The focus is on her reunion with Natsupoi. They first met in a six-person tag match at the Stardom Ota Ward tournament last August. Teaming up with Takako Inoue and Hazuki, she faced Natsupoi, Tam Nakano, and Saori Anou, and her teammate Hazuki was three-counted by Natsupoi.

>Kamitori said, "(Before the fight) I was thinking, 'What is Natsupoi? What is Poipoi?' But after fighting, I think those three had a determination that, however small they may have been, they were going to create this era. Watching that feeling, I thought they were getting results, as they even won the belt. They're a fighter I'm really looking forward to."

>Natsupoi will face Tekla in his second title match at the Aichi Dolphins Arena on the 5th. Kamitori said, "Since we're holding the 60th birthday celebration, I want him to bring his belt and come with a reputation." Will he be able to live up to the expectations of the legend?
mucho texto
True anon
Where is my lore thread Tamu?
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cero miedo
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Damn, I'll miss summer! And I'm sure it will be a long winter to make matters worse.
Need to lick that fluffy pit
>Shes a drug addict self harming plank uggo
That's precisely why Mayu's fans love her. It's just like Momo Watanabe's fans are all fat and ugly. Also like Maika's fans are all fat alcoholic racists. And Poi's fans are all retards that got molested when they were kids. That's just how it works.
And Koguma fans are all literal bears
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Maika looks uncomfortable here. Kek at her only being comfortable when she's the dom in the lesbait.
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>Good morning

>Aichi tournament today!
>We're teaming up with Anou for a 4-way!

>It seems difficult...
>But we can do it! She's a capable girl! And Anou-san is by her side

>Let's do it!
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Reminder Maika was once as slim as Syuri.
Not complaining btw, she looks great at any weight, thats how good her genes are.
Why is she punching herself?
don't do that
I love her but Tam is getting perilously close to essentially saying the same things to promote all her feuds
Okada should ask for NORI in return
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>apply filters
>stardom gen vanishes
op you are fucking mong
Thanks, I disliked it
Always did
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This was when she was irresistible to me
stupidstardom niggers /tjpw/ mogs you and marigold
We don’t think about you at all.
Sometimes I forget that promotion exists
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I only watch Diana with colin
Pat Mahomes pitched for the Baystars
>I would've thought that nails like that get in the way of her button stitching
Based and Hannibal pilled
Imagine the players bleeding out of their deal every month
i guess my sumoo dengzuki post was a bit too highbrow for some of you folks
are joshi fans consolewarring too? damn
It's the Marigold people. They started when their first couple shows did good, then after bad attendance they started making fun of tjpw instead, and now tjpw is lashing out at stardom because their booker is horrible and destroyed their promotion.
maybe on planet retard
It started when Tony gloated over Rossy getting fired and Stardom aligned with AEW and Marigold aligned with WWE. Then suddenly a bunch of people started pretending they ever gave a shit about the joshi scene.
One person comes in here to blatantly troll and you already have all this headcanon.
reverse troll to make fun of tjpws booking destroying their promotion. did you hear - they didn't even have special entrances for wrestle princess
Everybody Today is rubbing day
Marigold and Stardom are there. Was Teej invited?
I don't know if I'm going to be able to stay awake for the show, bros.
we're never getting another decent ass shot of AZM again are we bros
Do coke
New years pool stuff
If that dimeless, fat, tranny shitter beats Mayu I'm going to go off the deep end.
I've seen toni storm naked on the internet
Do Tam farts smell beautifully? I bet a little poof of dust comes out
stinky rian
I’m considering buying the English feed just for Waka
Walka Stewart
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I pulled a Miaka and I'm already shitfaced
so i wont make it
Braless Mike
she never wears anything revealing for those
we don't know if bushiroad will even continue doing those, might've been a rossy relic
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The Wak
Incredibly cute potato
You keep posting pics of her from over a decade ago. Post more recent pictures of her before the surgery and then say her "old face was absolutely perfect" compared to her new one because no one would believe you.
Should have got her ass done instead
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beautifully smelling farts of the cosmos
kusai onara
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wtf is that
The rare double 10. Would wife both
SEX with Yuu
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Like a beautiful spring day
I want to see Tam naked butt
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Tamu the jewfu
one more final from Chanyota, NACR-859
one day yuria tauchi will be arrested for her involvment with the raelian cult and their human traffic practices
dead fred dead bread
>World of Stardom Championship Match: Tam Nakano (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Suzu Suzuki (NEO GENESIS)
>IWGP Women's Championship Match: Mayu Iwatani (STARS) vs "Timeless" Toni Storm (AEW)
>Wonder of Stardom Championship Match: Natsupoi (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Thekla (H.A.T.E.)
watch just to see Thekla win so I can laugh
>Future of Stardom Championship Match: Rina (H.A.T.E.) vs Miyu Amasaki (NEO GENESIS)
>Maika, Mina Shirakawa, Xena, Waka Tsukiyama, HANAKO & Rian (E neXus V) vs Dump Matsumoto & ZAP (The Evil Alliance) & Natsuko Tora, Momo Watanabe, Konami & Ruaka (H.A.T.E.)
>Hazuki (STARS) vs Starlight Kid (NEO GENESIS)
>Sayaka Kurara (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Saya Kamitani (H.A.T.E.)
>Mei Seira & AZM (NEO GENESIS) vs Syuri & Lady C (God's Eye) vs Saori Anou & Aya Sakura (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Hanan & Saya Iida (STARS)
>Match 0: Battle royale for the next challenger of the High Speed Championship:
>Koguma (STARS) vs Yuna Mizumori (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Hina (God's Eye) vs Momo Kohgo (STARS) vs Ranna Yagami (God's Eye)
Absolutely dog shit taste. Fake ass fan
Bros I need an SLK nip slip so bad
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There was one but the fuckin bitch tapes her nips
it's a mostly filler card, fuck off
Her current top is super loose, they fall out in every game if you watch close enough. What a slut whore
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Love RED
It’s no secret that the new administration is not stressing the importance of the “idol” mentality like the previous administration. Perhaps as a result, Momo Watanabe is heavily rumored to be sleeping with a white man.
>these posts
She would be if she didnt tape her nips down
I mean give back already
Rina thighs are insane
I agree with you in principle but they’d get shut down for doing that
None of the champions seem poised for a loss, but champions going 4/4 on a show doesn't seem like Taro's style
Miyu Amasaki is winning the big one
the supernova miyu amasaki is winning
Rina should never lose that belt
Trust Kittos plan. NeoGensis will all have belts
Did you guys watched the Saya video from meerkat?
Hahaha your a retard
As a society we need to move past all puritanical notions of the naked human body.
Saya Kamitani is the funniest wrestler alive and you can’t tell me otherwise
his cringe viddy on mei sugura was last the last one I could tolerate before forgetting he existed
Turkla is winning
I would never bet money against Cosmic Angels right now, especially in a title match.
I’m surprised baked is even streaming the ppv with how much they suck rossys dick and simp for Maricold
Is it on samurai tv
what? They always slurp the Stardom shows
The Saya one is good. I like it.
wake me up when the title matches start, thanks
illustrative image of the future red champion
>>15980340 this is here
They don’t
I confess that he did a great job in this video
The retarded mods do
They got to make their money streaming pirated content
I’d rather pay 30 too support the product then deal with baked and their ilk
agua youtube reviews were sick
Their membership being the same price as world is hillarious. No stream is ever guaranteed either. I still remember begging someone too buy a show before it happened in their words. “No stream is gurranteed”
The mods were begging someone too buy the show lol
those people are not my joshitube
>too buy
if it was Hatman I'd say no
but they have been doing a lot of Hot shotting with the belts so who knows.
Baked is full of fuckin trannies
I refuse to use it
Rina losing to Miyu "I haven't gotten any better since debuting" Amasaki of all people would be stupid, so it might happen.
Thekla winning the white belt is retarded, so it might happen.
Tony might have made the call to give Toni the IWGP title.
0% chance Tam loses, unless we get Full Tardo booking.
seek employment
support the players
watch the product
Even typing the word tranny in the chat will get you banned
i have been told that many taima users transed out during the pandemic
Post the watchwrestling link bro.
I had a watchwrestling kodi channel but it suddenly dissapeared.
crashing out eating peanut m&ms waiting for the show to start
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>Trust Kittos plan
yuuri is too much
She just wants us all to see her nice boobs
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>me trying to stay awake for this fucking show that I paid money for because I'm a retard
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time is money
Bathing Ape
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the two watanabes are teaming up. i hope yuriyan does a run in tonight
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maybe profits would boost if they stopped booking arenas they can only fill 1/5 of
maybe you should stop caring about attendance as a fan. there's no point
Wanting to see the thing I like do good business and grow is exactly what a true fan would express.
should have skipped smackdown and rampage and slept like I did
Promos good
Just want to see some buttholes is all
Batturu royaru
Ranna’s Sonic 3 music
opening act ranna
>Kurara pooped a lot this morning so she's in a good mood and won't lose today
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Glad Clara evacuated herself
Bape Dad stays watching
Looks like a solid two hundy in there right now
Retarded take. I'm not even trying to be mean, honestly, but that's a very dumb statement.
I only care about attendance in terms of making the shows better, not in terms of Bushiroad making more money. Nobody likes to look at empty seats
I’ll never forgive Rossy for telling Ranna not to make eye contact. Fuck Marigold as a staff, record label, and a motherfuckin crew
they pick the most affordable venues or get paid to run a show somewhere
what happened to Kamitani vs Kurara?
Wow I just realized how right Tupac was about Bad Boy there. Apparently his family reopened the case against Diddy
koguma exposed momo kohgo anus
Hina is so much worse than Rina that I feel bad for her
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Based same here brother
Ranna should win out of these shitters but her doing high speed sounds weird
Maybe she should put in more effort.
Is Comomo drunk
komomo sisters not like this
that was sick
Ranna is awesome for her experience level
Very good final two, the rest was dog ass
If Kurara and Aya were as good as Ranna, she would have been pushed to the moon already
after all president okada is a figurehead for yuria tauchi's booking
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Based Yuna Push
Mei not losing that belt anytime soon
Who trained Ranna? Yuna was trained by Emi Sakura obviously
I get it though, Ranna is going to take longer to get over with her look. But when she does it’ll be stronger
Ranna should win the Cinderella
terminal case of "why is she around"
Whoever is running the dojo now, Milano AT has a hand in it. I’m sure Syuri is her finishing school though. Like Bryan and Regal
ratna schizo is hallucinating
If you’re a fan of kuara and aya you should shut the fuck up. Yuna is a great wrestler. I think Yuna Aya and Kuara should challenge for the artist belts
Someone has to lose to Mei
harada's fault
Rian is the only rookie who wrestles like a rookie and I think she’s the most interesting to watch desu
Big Winter in December did 952 with Giulia/AZM, QQ/DK and Suzu/Hazuki.
Golden Fight in October did 1315 with MIRAI/Momo, a KAIRI 6-tag and Tam/Natsuko
Less than 1300 would be disappointing
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Yuriyan will do a run in wearing this sexo outfit
Maybe a new thread would be good now I dunno I don’t care
a retard from Baked said it had been cancelled kek
I hope you learned a lesson here
grapes disease, please understand
Make new now
Well I hope Maffew is empathetic to it
GOD I fuckin hate what YouTube has turned into with the ads
Someone make the new please
>>15981108 new
Next >>15981110
oh ffs lol
let's keep both, >>15981109 first and then >>15981111 if we hit the bump limit
How about no
Not posting under a voodoo doll

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