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>we're at the point where ratings threads (and even fake ratings threads) are getting necrobumped for weeks on end
Just kill this shit fucking board.
And suddenly DroniEs have a problem with something they've been doing for years
Now that the WWE's ratings are in freefall there's going to be so many pigs crying foul on this board it'll become nearly unusable.
baconvert has nothing better to do with his time
It doesn't even make sense why T***** would bump WWE ratings which completely mog AEW but he is a retarded c****** i guess
It's really just me doing it, anon. I've got a lot to say
Im sure they will shut it down now because you complained about it
AEW dipshits ruined this board. These are the same fucking retards who spam punk threads nonstop whenever he does anything
There’s jack shit to talk about because wrestling sucks and is probably the worst it’s been for years.
put your dresses on millennials
theres like 10 rating and ticket sale threads all over the catalog there shoot needs to be a general for that every other thread gets bumped out
It's literally one no life NEET loser who is doing it, it's fucking insane. He needs to get rangebanned. This place is unusable.
>t's literally one no life NEET loser who is doing it
sup newfag
unfamiliar with how either of the 4 /pw/ tranny discords coordinates raids i see
How does that refute what he said NEET loser? Do you ever aspire to get a job or touch a woman that isn't your mother one day?
Tranny seethe lmao
Look at all the deleted posts in the RAW ratings thread.
This guy is manic, he's manually deleting posts so he can keep bumping it.
its rovert lmao
aew ratings threads get bumped off the page with 300 posts within a couple hours

the raw one is 10 days old and still there because he never leaves this board and watches for it to reach page 10 then necrobumps it

10 days. the average smarks life right there
good morning saar
your englando no good but also neet loser and also you missed common sense
do not redeem the anger saar if do not speak englando
birthday wishes
RDS kwab
aew dipshits dont exist (well more than one) on this site
notice there is no actual aew discussion on this board, nothing about the matches or the storylines or what people want to see because nobody watches.
their gamethreads get 2 threads nowadays, it used to be 10
its all just hogwheels
>on this site
good morning saar
birthday wishes
I've been here since /asp/ and the boogeyman shit you retards spew is something I've never really followed. You got any proof on your shit or are you talking out of your ass like always/
Ok you don't aspire to move out of your parent's house. Thanks for confirming.
go to the catalogue
go look at the 10 days old raw ratings threads
go look at the posts in it.
hes lucky we dont have a janny
you've been retarded for even longer than /asp/ has existed
jesus christ this guy is an actual psychopath lol
Wow. the smackdown one is also 5 days old kek
why doesnt this happen with the aew ones? theyre usually autosaged by a few hours

holy shit.
no wonder nobody believes rovert when he says he doesnt exist
you newfags are the reason why this board went to shit
faggots love to gossip and feud against each other over nothing
Nope this board went to shit because of a few British schizo incels keep spamming the same retardation every day and rape threads and we know it's British because if you make a Kevin Nash thread on /sp/ you see nothing but English flags spamming the meme
im here since /asp/ newfag
unironic smarks from /wooo/ and reddit are what killed it
back in the good old days unironic meltzer smarks were considered subhuman on here
You really hate when you get called out for your spamming
You’ve actually ruined this board and try and drive out all discussion
brown skinned 'people' tend to be highly delusional. put on a toilet and they pray to it
>It's literally just PED0wheels.
he doesnt exist
NXT will continue to beat dynamite btw, pretty embarassing
They never have proof. It's always just vague accusations and schizo shit. Other boards at least have the ability to cook up evidence but this board is a dumpster fire and has been since it had it's name changed from /asp/
remove hogwheels and this board would become unrecognizably better
Every thread should just autosage after a day or two
>emove hogwheels
he doesnt exist
The last six months of this board has been non stop threads about shows getting cancelled and literally none of them got cancelled. just all for nothing.
folks wheres the lie
Rampage did get cancelled though
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/pw/s ratings have plummetted recently
we had the all time low of 6123 last weekend
added to the collage for next week
Will it, though?
As opposed to the 6 years of quality Nash/Bryan threads
This is the least surprising thing I've ever seen
>no one wants to spend time discussing xitter users who don't even post here
Color me shocked.
Rampage shoot got cancelled though
This place exists for one underaged schizo to interact with people
Genuinely sick of the board just being console wars, just gonna not come back.
Most people are. That's why nothing funny comes out of this board anymore, all the people who actually made funny shit left.
Same, this place is genuinely awful.
Where else is there to go?
Outside. Or unironically Twitter. This entire website now just steals memes from there anyway, this place is just reddit now only instead of getting censored by down votes you get censored by schizophrenic nonsense and spam.
Yes. e-drones have let their obsession with AEW turn this into nothing but a necrobumping shitpost board. We would be lucky if we could get a janny that was not a biased waifunigger but now we are back to being left to our own devices.
You are part of the problem
Or just give us an actual board to chill and talk wrestling? Thats what id enjoy, an actual pro wrestling board. Theres tons to talk about and share, hell even have watch alongs.
Its the times too, check pw around 6 am cst.
See you tomorrow.
you are
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Me? How am I part of the problem?
Those 0laces stink too, im about to try a discord honestly. I dont like discord but i know a few guys there are chill.
Edrones complain about AEWtists yet the only ones talking about AEW constantly and spreading negativity round here are edrones
Projecting much aren’t we Trevor?
Really says a lot about the state of wrestling and it's discussion.
this board would be legit tumbleweeds without the console war schizos
they are a necessary evil you can ignore and scroll past
id say its console war stuff, but i dont even think theres a console war. nobody even watches aew anymore on here. its a everyone vs hogwheels war
People couldn't necrobump if the board was faster
But traffic has plummetted
And all that's left is the same bunch of schizos flinging shit at each other
I'm sick to death of this board it puts me in a bad mood all the time
What the actual fuck?
This proves "rovert" and bitchtits are the same guy
just filter the word "ratings" in your catalog settings
skyrocket and skyplummet too
Everybody with a brain already figured this out years ago. There's a reason when 'one' appears the 'other' is immediately there to call them out. It's just one faggot trying to shit up the board with bullshit.
How can we save /pw/
Make me a mod.

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