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>MARIGOLD Fantastic Adventure

10/5 Osaka 176Box (1:00pm JST) (VOD 10/6 @ 8:00pm JST)
>Miku Aono, Kouki Amarei, & Natsumi Showzuki vs Utami Hayashishita, MIRAI, & Victoria Yuzuki
>Mai Sakurai vs Chika Goto
>Misa Matsui & Rea Seto vs CHIAKI & Nagisa Nozaki
>Kizuna Tanaka vs Flying Penguin
>Bozilla vs Nao Ishikawa, Komomo Minami, Yuuki Minami, & Myla Grace

10/7 Korakuen (Live @ 6:30pm JST)
>Twin Star Championship Match: Mai Sakurai & MIRAI (c) vs Chika Goto & Kouki Amarei
>Super Flyweight Championship Match: Natsumi Shozuki (c) vs Victoria Yuzuki
>Sareee & Miku Aono vs Bozilla & Nagisa Nozaki
>Utami Hayashishita & Kizuna Tanaka vs Nanae Takahashi & Nao Ishikawa
>Misa Matsui vs CHIAKI
>Rea Seto & Komomo Minami vs Yuuki Minami & Myla Grace

10/12 Kyoto KBS Hall
10/13 Shizuoka
10/14 Shibuya
10/20 Nagano
10/24 Korakuen (Live @ 6:30pm JST)
10/27 Shinkiba (Day) (Live @ 12:00pm JST)
10/27 Shinkiba (Night) (Live @ 5:30pm JST)
11/2 Sapporo (Day & Night)
11/4 Nagoya
11/7 Yokohama

Watch on Wrestle Universe (¥1,298 per month)


>Entrance music

Previous >>15967997
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Anyone here an Observer subscriber? If so remember to vote for President Ogawa for the WON HOF this year! It would mean a lot to the old man.
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Size matters.
Can I get a recap on the Rossy Ogawa grooming allegations?
this is not attractive.
i'm done with marigold.
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holy cute
Love Victoria
We call her Showzuki here.
liceman would have loved this bit...
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Sexy legs, MIRAI!
That's not how it works
when did they paint the Eiffel Tower orange. is it for a Muslim holiday?
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Flying Penguin's mentor Super Delfin:
>The Flying Penguin joins Marigold's match!
>And her opponent is Kizuna Tanaka!
>Her father, Minoru Tanaka, is a comrade I've fought against many times.
>Mama Fukazawa often collaborated with Weekly Pro Wrestling on projects during her All Japan Women's Pro-Wrestling days.
>A battle that transcends time!
>I will go and be a second.
>We look forward to seeing you all there.
You and the voices in your head?
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Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming
She's perfect
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I want to FUCK Vicky.
Golden Chipmunk
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cocks in a row victoria yuzuki
Is there a link to the Mega for these yet?
>Yuzuki has a god-tier midriff
>It's not in sharp focus here
Fucking Japanese. They deserved the bomb.
this is legit a humilation ritual
she cant even do an armdrag properly and you have her out in her diaper
impregnating the chipmunk
Love yuzuki
I'm finally caught up on Marigold and there's 2 more shows this weekend.

At least I'll only be 2 shows behind. Still about 6 shows behind on AJPW though.
lmao like clockwork
Im getting old. I cant watch everything anymore. Ever since Mutoh retired, i don't feel like it.
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Good work! Keep it up!!
How was prison?
There's also just so much more to watch these days. We only used to get like one 2 hour show a month.

Thank you
I work 50 hours a week and still find time for: tjpw, stardom, wave, oz and marigold. Sometimes the shows are on I'm focusing on other shit like a work out or cleaning but I'm seated for the major games each tournament
>I work 50 hours a week and still find time for: tjpw, stardom, wave, oz and marigold.
How's your sex life?
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i only watch Marigold
Stardom gets rossys girl in dump right off her netflix show and he answers with the flying penguin? Where did it all go wrong
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The netflix show was a bomb no one cares.
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in Marigold every day is a Fantastic Adventure
3 what?
23 notches in my belt so far, how about you?
Yuzuki YUM
People like me don't go to prisom.
She looks like my cat. I will support this player!
Face and body of a person with downs syndrome
Is the right one a tranny?
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My boyfriend (female) just sent me this selfie. Jealous?
Will Korakuen let Rossy keep running shows there? The front row still isn't sold out. He's hurting the reputation of Korakuen putting on these shows.
your boyfriend looks like a dork
They will because Rossy is pimping the players. It's called the pillow trade in Japan. It is wide spread in the anime, idol, and joshi business.
clearly you haven't seen some of the shit they put on in korakuen
Cool story bro
every summer it baffles me that people are willing to pay money for a book of these lameass bikini pictures
Your poor is showing
Korakuen only cares about getting their rental fee. I've seen under 300 for Ice Ribbon
Gochika and Yuzuki sharing the same bikini bottom without underwear
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You must be new to the Joshi scene
she looks like someone wanted to meld Poi and the other Yamaoka sister and fucked up a little
If Rossy can draw a packed house at Korakuen I will use my prestigious Wrestling Observer HOF vote on him.
kek wtf is that face
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Such succulent thighs
Drunk on BWC
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barefoot press conference
I hate that corny hair pull shit.
Victoria "The trigger" Yuzuki
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happy komomo
Kek who do you think is posting on them on reddit for you to see smart guy. A thank you is more in order
I don't care about this metafeud over who is posting the photobooks
I've had the photobooks since July bro, I've already seen them
That's a weird way to say thank you but I'll take it. Love you anon
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I cant wait for her photobook...
I love her
You are a pedophile. She's 16 years old and you are openly lusting for her body.
Shes 17 and ur gay.
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komomo minami is addicted to the dopamine rushes provided by her smartphone
cook him bat
Always feels weird when she is happy
I'm so use to her looking sad, depressed, and suicidal
You are lusting after an underage girl.
batowl had naked pictures of shinno's mom in his jail cell
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anon who was in Osaka trying to get tickets to tonight's show I hope you make it and have a Fantastic Adventure
Let's see Kouki's photobook shots
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Thanks me, LU2
without giulia there are literally only like 3 actual hot women on this roster, fuck
at least we have mirai's rack
Yeah but we also have her butt ugly face
To be fair there's nobody I'd rate less than a 7
that's all it is though, a roster of 7s with an 8 or two, a 9 or two, and one 10 (Kouki)
im a penguinian and flight does matter
It's all good in my opinion, 7's make the 10's even better
I'm lusting for Shinno's gravure myself.
She's 15!
gravure with Shinno and Michiko
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Real bath towel died last year.
You're a bad copycat
Aslo ban evading
Halloween themed volume when?
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I like that it's universally agreed upon that Kouki is a 10 because it's true
love rea
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What's so ugly about this face?
Im weal.
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That’s Amarei
yuzuki bathing suits doesn't seem to serve the purpose of swimming
what the FUCK is her problem?
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keep it down in here the ACE is sleeping
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>facing the tWin toWers
>do an interview at Tokyo Tower
When is komomo doing gravure
At this point it might be. If you could figure out what the ballot looks like, you could probably send one to Dave and just put a random name on it and with the way Dave and his mind has been recently. He’d probably think you were a journalist and accept it. The only hurdle would be figuring out what it looks like.
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more like he-mi
utami whatashemale
Sorry but thats a man
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Handsome young man
bet he gets a lot of chicks
looking like a decent crowd from twitter (no joking). Why don't we stick at the places we draw well instead of going to middle of nowhere japan and korakuen every week
Because to get grow and brand awareness you need to go to those places.
I really really like this picture
wrestle universe exists
It doesnt work like that.
Wow the flying penguin did the job. Must have been paid a lot

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