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Next shows
October 5th, "STARDOM NAGOYA GOLDEN FIGHT 2024", Aichi Dolphins Arena, 4:00PM JST (preshow 3:30) (PPV)
>World of Stardom Championship Match: Tam Nakano (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Suzu Suzuki (NEO GENESIS)
>IWGP Women's Championship Match: Mayu Iwatani (STARS) vs "Timeless" Toni Storm (AEW)
>Wonder of Stardom Championship Match: Natsupoi (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Thekla (H.A.T.E.)
>Future of Stardom Championship Match: Rina (H.A.T.E.) vs Miyu Amasaki (NEO GENESIS)
>Maika, Mina Shirakawa, Xena, Waka Tsukiyama, HANAKO & Rian (E neXus V) vs Dump Matsumoto & ZAP (The Evil Alliance) & Natsuko Tora, Momo Watanabe, Konami & Ruaka (H.A.T.E.)
>Hazuki (STARS) vs Starlight Kid (NEO GENESIS)
>Sayaka Kurara (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Saya Kamitani (H.A.T.E.)
>Mei Seira & AZM (NEO GENESIS) vs Syuri & Lady C (God's Eye) vs Saori Anou & Aya Sakura (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Hanan & Saya Iida (STARS)
>Match 0: Battle royale for the next challenger of the High Speed Championship:
>Koguma (STARS) vs Yuna Mizumori (COSMIC ANGELS) vs Hina (God's Eye) vs Momo Kohgo (STARS) vs Ranna Yagami (God's Eye)

October 11th, "STARDOM in OSAKA 2024 Oct.", Edion Arena Osaka 2nd Stadium, 6:30PM JST (VOD)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20241011_osaka/?mc_id=1104

October 12th, "STARDOM in KOMATSU 2024", Ishikawa Suehiro Gymnasium, 5:30PM JST (VOD)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20241012_komatsu/?mc_id=1105

October 14th, "STARDOM in TOYAMA 2024 Oct.", Bolfert Toyama, 12:30PM JST (VOD)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20241014_toyama/?mc_id=1095

Previous >>15974850
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Retard on baked btfo
by the time she had both feet placed she was leaned more than halfway over, trapped in a botch
Mouse looks very visual tonight
Which thread do I use?
after sex glow
The one that was made and posted in the thread first unless you're a mentally retarded nigger
Mouse HAS to win this right
>Rina doing her level best. She’s going to be really good when they let her work with the main eventers.
>Is there a place where I can hear English commentary?
>shota umino is a lucky man
>What a sell on that DDT
>Based cameraman/production truck guy
>Please tell me beautiful anon
>If you’re a gooner this is like Mania 17

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