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*goes out of business in your path*
>Replies to him when Eric didn't even tag him
What a vanity-searching gotten to bitch
oh dave! you desperate little geek! please suck my cock, i’m so sorry!
Big Dave doesn';t miss
He's telling the truth
Except BIschoff's post that he's quote replying to was quote replying to one of Meltzer's which does the same as tagging someone you dumbass boomer
Why does this dipshit think anyone gives a fuck about aews tv deal. No legends are talking about this shit. They talk about the product and how bad it is
>One of us had a great week
Thank God Dave is impartial....
now type that without crying, fatso
I mean if countless retards are telling you day after day that you're wrong about something you're reporting on only for it to come out that you were right and they were wrong, you're going to feel pretty vindicated
Dave is so gotten to lmao. No wonder he likes Tony so much, they both get worked so hard by xitter posts
Because Dave has to keep Mario jumping through "AEW is an actual success" level. First it was his star ratings. Then it was ratings. Then it was specific ratings. Then it was specific ratings with qualifiers. Then it was specific ratings with more qualifiers. Now it's this TV deal. All along the way the show keeps losing viewers and ticket sales. In every instance of Dave's lobbying you can legit find a tweet where he said the thing he is using to say AEW is doing great didn't matter or wasn't important at another point.
>I mean if countless retards are telling you day after day that you're wrong about something you're reporting on
If you report for 2-3 years that something is going to happen with a contract that isn't reporting. Reporting means reporting facts. Not rumors. Not shit you make up, or hope for. There is a term for that. It's called gossiping. Dave gossips, he doesnt and has never reported.
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Who even listens to Eric's podcasts? The only time I see someone talks about him is when he tweets at Dave seeking his attention.
Is Dave still pretending his boogeymen said AEW would NEVER get a new deal.
>Who even listens to Eric's podcasts?
It's the 7th most listened to. So a lot.
AEW is an actual success, no matter how hard you seethe and shit your pants about it.
>It's the 7th most listened to
>*wrestling podcast
so no one, got it
>so no one
We're not talking about the amount of people who watch AEW. Or go to their shows.
>AEW is an actual success
When something is an actual success you don't need qualifiers to exhibit it is.
Nope. Far more people watch AEW than listen to Bitchoff's podcast, but keep squealin'.
Hi Magoo. Why are you talking about yourself in third person?
Yeah we're clearly talking about the number of women that have any positive feelings about you
AEW just got a new multi-year deal with WBD. No qualifiers there. Completely unqualified, just like you.
Why did you sign your post?
>Yeah we're clearly talking about the number of women that have any positive feelings about you
Maybe you should try harder at not mixing up your projections and bad attempts at comebacks.
>AEW just got a new multi-year deal with WBD. No qualifiers there. Completely unqualified, just like you.
Except for the following day when Dave started the "It actually was more than it was officially announced as" cope posts.
Bitchtits and his many alter-egos >>15983877
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>AEW is an actual success
Still trying to get your meme's and catchphrases over huh? Maybe another 5 years of investment on your part.
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Hi Bitchoff. Stop leeching off of Meltzer's success and relevancy.
>Hi Bitchoff.
Dave's interns think Bischoff trolls 4chan too.
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It's not profitable. That was the point of the new deal, and it failed. It was supposed to be worth $2 billy and then that dropped to $1 billy. And now it's far below even that mark. AEW is not profitable and therefore is not a financial success. That's fine. Tony is bankrolling it. But his goal is to entertain himself and other Dave cultists who worship one autistic jews star ratings. Tony does not care about money.
>It's not profitable
Stopped reading there. You've been trying to push this meme for 2 years now and Tony and Dave kept proving you wrong, hogtits.
>a bunch of bullshit you just pulled out of your faggy ass
lose weight please
Jim will talk at length about it, except itll be old news by then
Dave will not have sex with you rovert
>A 3 year deal with 1 year option
>Dave thought they were getting 5 years guaranteed with tons of more money

Even Meltzer has been back peddling the "Tony won" argument by clarifying tony won for 3 years
Isn't in funny that all the old guys who actually work in the business hate meltz?
Cause he "reports" rumors and backstage gossip as news then plays victim when he's called out on it. He use to be a journalist now he's just pro wrestling's TMZ
Right. Anyway. Still that first thing I said
>n-no u
This might be one of the worst comebacks I've ever seen on this board
yet another hamtits melty with cheese
>Dave the shill had a great week because of GayEW
KWAB! Reminder that AEWtists look up to this autistic rapist!
As opposed to all of Bischoff's claims regarding AEW of the last 5 years which were based on which facts again exactly?
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Kitten = Bischoff
Cat = Dave
Hat = Current Relevancy
Hand = Desperate Edrones who hate anything not WWE.
>Why does this dipshit think anyone gives a fuck about aews tv deal.
Judging by this board alone, a massive number of people gave a metric fuckton of fucks about AEW's TV deal both pro and con.
give me a quote of his and ill tell you if its true or not
>Thinking I save quotes from a senile failed businessman to just have on hand
Here's one. "AEW isn't going to get renewed." Tell me if that ended up being true or not
None whatsoever.
I think Bischoff wanted a job with AEW and TK just gave him a couple of humorous cameos trolling Jericho.

So, much like Bischoff when he ripped off a Japanese invasion angle and caught lighting in a bottle, he now rips off Cornette's schtick of shitting on AEW except he's nowhere near as good at it. I'm a fan of AEW and think Corny is entertaining even when I disagree with him. Bischoff, not so much.
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two 65 year old jabronis arguing on twaater like a couple of middle school bitches. what a time to be alive
This got the troons bubbling
Rovert samefaggin’ again
bitchtits havin' another melty one, 'fraid so
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>two elderly 65+yr old men arguing about a kids tv show
the absolute state of baby boomers in the world today
>immediately rushes to respond
Rovert moment
is that a quote? when did he say that
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>AEW is an actual success
We're just laughing at retards making fool of themselves, doesn't mean we give a fuck. You give a fuck about a child shitting himself in public?
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>one of us had a great week
Dude can't even pretend he isn't just an AEW stooge lmao
What a fucking cuck
Fuck you
How is Dave having a great week? He's talking like he has a real stake in AEW
Because being right feels good, you inhuman mentally stunted retard.
I really like that I haven't been here in years, and the moment I come back I immediately recognize this asshurt schizo
>i-it's gonna be profitable
>i-it's on the verge of major profitability
dave's full of shit. lmao
Ok Chris
>Eric Bischoff believes AEW will get a new TV deal
How long have you been waiting to bust this out of your saved folder Trevor? I bet not as long as you have been wishing you could walk kek
can you please show me where tony khan or aew or Dave ever said that was the expected number?

Because it seems like it was just made up by retards and never heard or seen anyone actually with the company or a real wrestling journalist ever report that was a real number that was expected
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>One of us had a great week
What did he mean by that?
Anyone claiming that Dave is unbiased when he spends days claiming personal victory over AEW's TV deal has brainrot.
Anyone who thought they wouldn't get a renewal also has brainrot.
Based on the numbers reported, AEW will not profit in 2024 or 2025 and would need substantial lay offs and a massive change in management to see any profit within the new deal. But somehow it's actually huge profits etc and Dave is vindicated when in reality he was caught lying about aew profit so many times that he's been on damage control for the past year to convince himself that he was right all along.
And it needs to be said that the fact that aew's TV deal is a bigger talking point than any of their ppv type events of the past 2 months says everything about how fucking shit their shows are right now.
It's genre content that runs at a loss that WBD pays to host for the sake of their portfolio while controlling a stake in the company meaning that what they pay in is feeding back into their accounts. WBD make a loss on aew but not nearing the amount that Shad Khan does. I don't know how you measure success, but you're just copying Meltzer's random statements that he refuses to ever elaborate on because he doesn't understand how any of this works either.
It's good for them that they have done as well as they have but it's embarrassing how badly they've done when you consider the resources available, the roster and the absolute disaster that the company is.
Dave was arguing that aew was profitable a year ago and calling everyone an idiot who said otherwise. He then spent the past year walking it back and saying that it will be profitable with the new deal. This is what spurned the autism around the new TV deal with the aewtists and why Dave would not stop projecting about it. As it turns out the numbers outlined in all the reports are not high enough for aew to actually profit in the near future Nd Dave is still wrong.
These men are both in their 60s and act like this. Fucking embarrassing.
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the fucking irony of the faggot you responded too saying 7th most listened to podcast is nothing while he think being the #2 dogshit wrestling show far behind wwe matters with their dogshit tv "deal" lol
Watch him get defensive when you call him an AEW shill
Hi Disco! Are you seething because Konnan told you to stay off the podcast?
Well, too fucking bad you M A R K !
Wrestletalk and WhatCulture are no. 1 and 2.
Eric isn't going to sign you to the NwO you fucking M A R K !
>my listeners knew it was coming
I mean Dave's been saying Renewal Day was Two Weeks away for like two years, that was the entire meme
Yeah. He really worked me good on that one by destroying what very little credibility he had left. But hey at least he got my money for... uh... huh. Right. He didn't get any of my money. So I didn't get worked. AEW did get money though. 185 million a year. Which Bischoff said wasn't happening. If anyone got worked here it him and every dipshit who listen to that grifter
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>AEW is an actual success
You genuinely think aews existence somehow owns the actual legends of this industry despite it being a lolcow promotion lmao. Sad mark shit.
>legends of this industry
LMFAO you know what the legend of Eric Bischoff is? Being the guy that the WWF beat in the Monday Night Wars who then led WCW to its demise. Was the Raw GM for a handful of years before going off to TNA to lead that promotion into its demise as well. What a fuckin legend right there. Imagine simping for Eric Bischoff. Now that's some sad mark shit
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>Laughing at children shitting their pants
Why are the E-Drones like that?
promo's good
You're sick.
the entire industry is just a few irrelevant guys who made money in the 90s once, three guys who were bad actors some in some lame movies, one guy who was a bad actor in some okay movies, and 10000 pathetic losers who can’t hold normal jobs in society…and then there’s dave, the shoot autistic manbaby who has eked out an existence more pathetic than any wrestlers writing about the horrible fake sports that the pathetic losers do, dave’s entire career (e.g. life) has been defined by the work guys like eric bischoff did thirty fucking years ago drumming interest in a tv show no one watches anymore

imagine being dave and still after all these years getting rage-baited into a shoot over a podcast gimmick from a guy that history regards as a total fucking loser in the industry, that’s the saddest mark shit of all
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Sex with people who shall be left unnamed
>imagine being dave
Gonna be real with you anon. I read this part and I'm just gonna say no thanks kek
>It’s partisan to have been proven right
>It’s partisan to not want a company to die
E drones are so gotten to it’s unreal.
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KEK. Dave's seething because he knows how bad the deal really is and he realizes AEW can't climb out of the hole it's in. I guess he isn't a fan of pyrrhic victories
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>AEW is an actual success
Now type that without crying, hogtits.
>7th is similar to 2nd
Smartest pig in the WWE Pigsty
>Hi X!
Seek medication.
Based WolfCHAD is back
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>AEW is an actual success
Who would pay to read Dave's blog?
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Is this you Jerker?
then you already read most of it
Kek this
You sound like a redditor.
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doesn't bischoff KNOW that aew is on the verge of major profitability?
it's literally on the verge!
Dave's getting worked by a grifter, AEW was always gonna get a deal because it's cheap and consistent to produce live TV which is very appealing for a channel, that's a no-brainer.
Eric was just appealing to his fanbase.
'fraid not. I just saw your reddit spacing and skipped down to the first part under your schizo paragraph
Bischoff BTFO again kek
Based big money Dave big dogging Bischoffetty
It was all anyone talked about for nearly a year
Kek based
kek what a BITCHoff
>Completely unqualified, just like you.

fucking ANNIHILATED kek
That's 3 more years than FOX was willing to give Smackdown. FOX wasn't even willing to give them 3 weeks they were signed for KEK
Dave getting absolutely worked by the E meister
He looks frisky
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lmao at all the seething etards replying to this, holy shit they are desperate
I think Dave is right to gloat on this one. If you have enough ear time to listen to Dave, and Eric, and Cornette because you have a boring job, you come to understand just how pathetic Eric Bischoff is.

Eric Bischoff is one of the most financially retarded people in the history of the wrestling business. It's not just that all his businesses have failed, it's his personal life too. He didn't save or invest any of the money he made discussing the history of WCW on 83 Weeks. Now that he's out of content, he has to talk about modern wrestling which he does worse than just about every other major wrestling podcast. Corny and Dave may be on opposite sides of this argument, but both of them have actual content on their shows. Eric doesn't. His current business show and the previous one are total jokes. He started the last episode by announcing that he had been, "going through some tough times." and was going to be selling debt consolidation packages for fucking Conrad. So he has to argue with Dave. It's all he's got left to get people to tune into his podcasts. Dave's great week line here is a direct reference to Eric saying the deal would fall through and it'd be a "bad week for Dave Meltzer." A bunch of dead end sub-100 views podcasts on Youtube parroted the same headline around the same time, so this is Dave's revenge.

The quality of human being Eric Bischoff was in the attitude era is up for debate, but the quality of human being he is now is pretty pathetic. He has made millions upon millions of dollars in his lifetime and is selling mortgages for Conrad Thompson. Conrad is 43. Eric Bischoff is 69, fully qualified for Social Security, which he paid into at a millionaire rate for decades, and he STILL had to beg Conrad for a job. Dave Meltzer and Bryan Alvarez talk and write for a living and their readers pay all their bills. Bischoff can't even pay his bills with mainstream advertisers.
Ya sound asshurt, lil bro.

How is this even possible? Even Vince Russo has a thousand followers on patreon giving him 5 bucks a month. 83weeks can't be much worse than Russo's subscription metrics and thats 60k a year in subscriptions without all the super chat bullshit you see on all his streams where people pay 5 or 10 bucks to ask him to shit on the AEW ppv.
Every single idea Eric Bischoff has had to make money in the past 25 years has been terrible. He's too dumb and arrogant to just ask his marks for money slowly over the course of 25 years. Instead he's spent the whole time acting like a big shot entertainment industry guy. There's a lot that Dave and Russo actually don't get, but one thing they do get is that the kinds of wrestling fans who listen/read about wrestling are nerds and the best way to get money out of nerds is to go direct to consumer. Bischoff has been chasing the normalfag audience ever since he lost the monday night war, but he always fails at it because his "I hate people, I can only live in Wyoming." ass isn't a normalfag either. I hope he finally gets a clue one day. As a former WCW fan, seeing him work for Conrad's loan business is painful.
Sorry but you already exposed yourself
Making a living off wrestling for decades without taking a single bump is based.
>need substantial lay offs and a massive change in management

e-drones attempting to manifest financial problems for a multi-billionaire will never stop being funny.
AEW isn't for children.
>As a former WCW fan, seeing him work for Conrad's loan business is painful.
lol as a former WCW fan seeing him reduced to shilling for Conrad is wonderful, because his dumbass is the reason WCW sucked for so much longer than it was good. Never had an end-game to his major story, never had a spine to put his foot down when talent was running the company down on tv and behind the scenes and kept relying on those same people wherever he went. No humility, no grace, never learning from his mistakes. Fuck him
Nah it’s for trannys
It does. They've spent the better part of the last decade insisting "AEW will never-" and getting proven wrong every single time.
And the other one
'fraid so
Must be a day ending in y
As per usual, *splat*
How does Dave continually fail so hard?
Jej Dave Seethed
Your father's name is Dave?
Least spergy GayEW tranny.
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FOX were outbid. WBD threw chump change at the dog wanker and he had to accept it whether he liked it or not.
>H-He was merely pretending to be retarded
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>AEW is an actual success
Did Eric rape your dad?
Not as funny as your chopped off penis.
take your meds

AEW got a 2.5 increase on their deal. Smackdown is going to be LOSING money after it goes 3 hours.
We don't sign our posts here
damn yo, this is fact
>Dave meltzer
The face of aew trannies. All the five stars midget matches didn't save aew when is he going to admit he's wrong?
Aew started strong sure but now is a shell of what it was due to Tony not having balls to tell the omega and the bucks no.
the thread took a direction that it wasn't on the 'cord plans they want this thread GONE
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>as a former WCW fan
You mean as an obese Smelly Smark seething his darling vanilla midgets were rightfully buried.
I wish discord faggots would somehow morph in to one human being, then I would deliver a shoot "border-toss" over the ropes to the concrete outside, but I would fuck it up and dump them on their head and give them a career ending possibly life threatening highspot for botchamania
'fraid so
A free thing you can listen it whenever gets more views than a cable show that airs once a week? No fucking way
literally exactly what happened
Fuck you
Why ya cryan, tranny bro?
We don't sign our posts here.
Love seeing the tranny pigs getting buried
Is it a matter

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