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Saki Kashima wishes you a Badd Ass Weekend!
Mmmm thanks sister.
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Sounds like pure SDS to me
why hasn't she gotten her gingivitis treated?
Skelly hate is pure derangement, she's broken you folks just like Trump breaks the libs
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All you have to do is avoid stupid sex thoughts

Or you know write your posts
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If she wants my weekend to be truly badass, she should have sex with me.
she owes me sex
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her thighs are the colour of my spunk
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Smelly derangement syndrome? Nobody likes stank asses anon.
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Fake news, everyone knows Skelly ain't like that
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So when are Poi and Skelly going to face off over this.
This Feud is red hot.
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Pure dimes the likes of which this business hasn't seen in years
Poi thinks wrestling is about having a cause and standing for something, but based Saki knows this business is all about drawing dimes
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No one knows who this is besides the purely deranged
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chillin' like Skelly for the weekend
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I've met her and she fucking stinks. She isn't called Smellator for nothing!
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Pretty sure that was just your ass, try taking a shower sometime
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Very smoochable player
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If you smooch her, better make sure you still have your wallet when you're done
Thank you True Ace
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Nah it was smellator. She is starting to get black rot marks on her inner thighs from her stinking ass pussy
Holy shit, that wall hit harder than the Shockmaster.
i don't see it
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She isnt smelly and wasn't blacked... right?
she wouldn't do such horrible things
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Nah, the True Ace ain't like that
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Nah, that's a slightly older image, Saki's doing fine
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Evilier Saki
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Sitting on a floor is a great gimmick.
Very emo
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How did this feud start?
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I'm afraid she's got that stank cooch
Poi posters are butthurt that someone called Saki Kashima the True Ace.
Literally just that. Even though it's obviously a Toru Yano reference and she's more like he is than Poi.
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Saki Board Poi-Boi
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That's right.
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I'll never understand how they can spread such awful lies about this happy face
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A random thing to keep in your Saki folder.
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just ordered 3 skelly jackets
Damn... is this real?
'fraid so
Nope, even faker than the crap they try to pin on Trump
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good work keepin this Saki Kashima thread up guys
W-why is she icing her ass?
Probably got it kicked by Syuri.
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Thats the moment she regretted her BBC decision
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Anti-Saki posting is obviously a false flag attempt by haters to divide joshichads, who will always love both Saki and Poi
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